■ Heroes and Equipment
- New Hero: Sweet Troublemaker Girgas
└ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Crit Hit Chance +40%
└ Exclusive Weapon: Sweet Hatchling
※ Appearing Period in Mileage Shop and Selectable Summon: 2025-04-29 after MA
- Some Heroes' base stat will be increased by a small amount. (Based on Knowledge 5-Star-Grade Lv. 1)
ㄴ Mecha Warrior Oghma - Default Atk 117(+5)
ㄴ 1st Corps Commander - Default Atk 143(+7)
- Eckesachs Mode.R's Mecha Marksmanship (Normal Attack) will be improved.
ㄴ [Before]
Tactical Shooting: Fires beam rifles and missiles to inflict damage. Lower Def of the last enemy hit by the attack by 20% for 5 seconds.
ESP Drone: Launches enemy chasing drones that fire lasers to inflict damage.
ㄴ [After]
Tactical Shooting: Fires beam rifles and missiles to inflict damage. Lower Def of the last enemy hit by the attack by 20% for 6 seconds.
ESP Drone: Launches enemy chasing drones that fire lasers to inflict ranged damage.
- Eckesachs Mode.R's Aiden Rider Break (Chain Skill) will be improved.
ㄴ [Before]
Charges towards the enemy in Rider Mode to inflict 500% of DPS melee damage. Attacks in Rider Mode for 10 second(s).
Crit Hit chance increases by 15%, and energy is not consumed for Tactical Shooting. The Lower Def effect applies immediately.
ㄴ [After]
Charges towards the enemy in Rider Mode to inflict 500% of DPS melee damage. Attacks in Rider Mode for 12 second(s).
Crit Hit chance increases by 15%, and energy is not consumed for Tactical Shooting. The Lower Def effect applies immediately.
- Exclusive Equipment option of Fail-not will be improved.
ㄴ [Before]
Shadow Vine’s Def decrease effect increases by 20%.
If enemies under the effect of the Corps Commander’s emblem are damaged by Shadow Vine, deals 100% of DPS damage as additional ranged damage, and Injury Ailment will be slightly applied.
If Shadow Vine’s Def decrease effect is negated, deals 125% of DPS damage as additional ranged damage.
ㄴ [After]
Shadow Vine’s Def decrease effect increases by 20%.
If enemies under the effect of the Corps Commander’s emblem are damaged by Shadow Vine, deals 125% of DPS damage as additional ranged damage, and Injury Ailment will be slightly applied.
If Shadow Vine’s Def decrease effect is negated, deals 150% of DPS damage as additional ranged damage.
- English voice for 'Android Twin Nifty' will be added.
- Japanese voice for 'Novice Heavenly Maiden Dabin' will be added.
- Japanese voice of Visual Novel for 'Novice Heavenly Maiden Dabin' will be added.
※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected to the respective language.
■ UI Improvements
1) Improvements of Lobby Screen
- The Lobby screen will be renewed.
- The buttons of Lobby will be reorganized.
ㄴ Inventory, and Party button will be integrated into the Menu button.
ㄴ The location of My Room button will be moved to the right side.
- A navigation bar will be added to the Lobby, and the Mission button will be removed.
ㄴ You can check the incomplete Beginner Mission, Challenge Mission, or Daily Mission on the Heavenhold screen.
ㄴ You can obtain the rewards of completed missions in the navigation bar after the update.
- You can move to the Mission Book by the mission navigation bar.
2) Growth Rift
- Growth Rift button and Party button will be added to the Adventure screen.
- In the Growth Rift, you can enter Resource Dungeon, Awakening Dungeon, and Evolution Dungeon for each element as the same as the Book of Contents.
- The Growth Rift is available after clearing World 1-4 Forest Border, and you can obtain the reward when unlocking the content.
※ The content will be unlocked in advance to Guardians who already played Rift before Season 3, and will not be able to obtain the opening rewards.
■ Book of Contents
- The unlocking period of the Book of Contents will be reorganized.
ㄴ [Before] Clearing World 1-4 Forest Border
ㄴ [After] Clearing World 1-14 Inn Take-off
※ Developer's Comment There was an inconvenience in moving to Lobby and going to Book of Contents when trying to obtain various growth resources since the UI change in Season 3. To eliminate the inconvenience, we have rolled back some of the UI in the Adventure screen to the previous version. We aimed to make it easier to create a desired party when the new Guardians play the Adventure content. Furthermore, we have received some feedbacks; the difficulty of adapting Guardian Tales for the unlocking period of Book of Contents was too fast, or inconvenience to use UI related to missions. Thus, we have rearranged the unlocking period of Book of Contents, and tried to resolve the problem by adding the mission navigator again. Now Guardians who have been playing Guardian Tales before can use the content more easily, and the Guardians who usually use the Book of Contents can play Guardian Tales with the same experience as before. |
■ Improving Chain Skill Guide in Party Screen
- Now a VFX will be displayed based on the Hero's direction (back or front) and the availability of Chain Skill.
- A guide tooltip related to the Chain Skill will be added to the Party screen.
■ Guild Raid 2 Beta
- Guild Raid 2 Beta will be available.
1) Changes on how to battle in the Guild Raid
- The how-to-battle with the boss monsters will be changed.
ㄴ Boss monster's HP and defeat will be removed.
ㄴ Boss monster's Lv will be fixed as 100.
ㄴ Regardless of the Raid progression, Boss Monster will have a fixed amount of Def.
ㄴ Boss Monster's Atk will be increased continuously based on the duration of the battle.
ㄴ The amount of 'Damage taken reduced' of Boss Monster will be readjusted.
- The battle changes to deal as much damage as possible in 60 seconds.
ㄴ The damage Guild Members dealt to the Boss Monster will be recorded to the Total Damage of the Guild.
- Round feature will be added.
ㄴ The Round progresses based on the Total Damage of the Guild.
2) Reward Revision in the Guild Raid
- The defeat reward of the Guild Raid will be changed to Round reward.
ㄴ As the Round progresses, Round rewards will be provided to all Guild members.
- Play Rewards and Guild Ranking Rewards will remain the same as before.
3) Adding Fever Boss
- From the 4th day of the Guild Raid, Fever Boss will be changed every day up to the 7th day.
- The Fever boss will appear one by one.
- You will deal 150% damage to Fever Bosses when using a favorable element.
4) Changing Practice Mode
- You can now apply the Fever Mode in the Practice Mode.
5) Changing Battle Record
- Now you can check the Battle Record of Normal Boss and Fever Boss in the Ranking in Guild.
6) Additional Improvements
- Now you can check the element of the Boss Monster on the main screen of the Guild Raid.
- Now you can check the Boss Monster's Ailment Weakness.
- Now you can check the Chain Skill of the party in the stage entering screen.
- Fixed the issue where the Hero in the party was fleeing during the Lava Slime's burning-ground-creating pattern.
- Improvements will be applied for the Lava Slime's fireball rolling pattern as below.
ㄴ The waiting time after finishing the jump will be reduced.
ㄴ Preparation time for rolling the fireball will be increased.
ㄴ Now the radius display will be synchronized with the attacking moment.
※ Developer's Comment 1. Changing 'How-To-Battle' With this update, the how-to-battle of the Guild Raid will be changed from defeating the boss to accumulated damage-based. In the previous Guild Raid, the battle was aimed at depleting the boss's HP, however, there were some issues with the previous method. It was hard to feel a sense of accomplishment when attacking the boss which was almost defeated, or abandoning the boss with low HP and waiting for the other boss. There were some inconveniences of not being able to freely attack the Boss when desired. Furthermore, the changing of 'Sample Statue of Bravery' and 'Invader Mothership Replica' that had different effectiveness based on the boss's HP was forced, which resulted in being burdened by making Presets and changing parties. - Sample Statue of Bravery: Increasing damage dealt to the enemy with more than 40% HP - Invader Mothership Replica: Increasing damage dealt to the enemy with less than 60% HP We have removed the Boss Monster's HP and changed the battle method to accumulated damage-based to improve these inconveniences. With the change, now you can attack the Boss whenever you desire, and the limitation of selecting the Equipment is also relaxed. As the previous defeating method is removed, now the Round will progress based on the total damage of all Guild members, and the previous Defeat Reward will be changed to Round Reward. 2. Adding Fever Boss A new feature - Fever Boss is added to improve the gameplay experience which can be monotonous due to the change in the how-to-battle of the Guild Raid. From the 4th day of the Guild Raid, Fever Boss will be changed every day up to the 7th day. They have a 'rewardable' favorable-element effect, and you will deal 150% damage to Fever Bosses when using a favorable element. Through the Fever Boss, we hope our Guardians will be able to enjoy a new battle experience by challenging strategic strategies for each day of the week. |
■ Heavenhold
- A pop-up will be displayed when Guardians who use the previous Heavenhold try to purchase a Monument Blueprint that can only be located in the new Season 3 Heavenhold.
The price of some items in the Heavenhold Shop will be changed.
ㄴ Strengthening Hammer Lv.20 : 20 Gem → 5 Gem
ㄴ Strengthening Hammer Lv.30 : 60 Gem → 12 Gem
ㄴ Strengthening Hammer Lv.40 : 135 Gem → 35 Gem
ㄴ Strengthening Hammer Lv.50 : 250 Gem → 70 Gem
■ Report Count Change
- The available daily report count for Death Match and Co-op Expedition will be increased to 5 times.
■ New Collection
- A new collection will be added to Book - Item - Collection.
■ Fixes & Improvements
- A pop-up message from clearing The Tale of the Tetis Hero 1501st Floor will be changed.
- Fixed the issue where the interaction bubble of 'Temple Element Switch' was displayed after clearing World 16-2.
- Fixed the issue where the sub quest couldn't be progressed properly in a certain situation in Nightmare World 16-2.
- Fixed the issue where the event dialogue of Nightmare World 16-4 could be affected by the screen touch.
- Fixed the issue where the tooltip of Nightmare World 16 was not displayed properly in Traditional Chinese.
- Changed some tooltips for Chocolate Collector Ameris's Special Ability.
└ Before: When Choco Stick Bang! is a hit, Ameris's Atk increases by 25% for 3 seconds, and party members' Crit Hit chance increases by 20%.
└ After: When Choco Stick Bang! is a hit, for 3 seconds, Ameris's Atk increases by 25%, and party members' Crit Hit chance increases by 20%.
■ Limited Time Package
- Purchasable Period:: 2025-03-18 after MA ~ 2025-04-01 12:59 (UTC+8)
1. Limited Time Stamina Package (6 time(s) per account)
- Stamina x 500
2. Premium Option Package (1 time(s) per account)
- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1, Option Change Stone x 60, Option Lock Stone x 100, Summon Controller x 100, Selectable Summon Controller x 20
3. White Day Package #1 (3 time(s) per account)
- Selectable Summon Controller x 5, Stamina x 50
4. White Day Package #2 (1 time(s) per account)
- Summon Controller x 50, Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1
- [Subscription] Up to 10 days - daily Book of Blessing x 5
5. White Day Attendance Package (5,000 Gem, 1 time(s) per account)
[7-day Subscription]
1st day : Option Change Stone x 10
2nd day : Awakening Dungeon Box x 10
3rd day : Gold x 1,000,000
4th day : Legendary Awakening Stone x 10
5th day : Exp x 1,200,000
6th day : Summon Controller x 10
7th day : Option Lock Stone x 10
■ Hero Growth Package
※ This package will only be available if you summon and own the hero.
※ Available for purchase for 7 days from the first popup exposure. If not purchased within 7 days, the offer will no longer be displayed.
Sweet Troublemaker Girgas Growth Package
Relay #1
- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Legendary Awakening Stone x 30, Awakening Dungeon Box x 30
Relay #2
- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Exp x 5,000,000, Awakening Dungeon Box x 90
Relay #3 (Free)
- Evolution Stone x 160, Hero Crystal x 140
Relay #4
- Hero Crystal x 300, Legendary Awakening Stone x 60, Gold x 5,000,000, Book of Blessing x 15
Relay #5
- Hero Crystal x 260, Book of Blessing x 35
Relay #6 (Free)
- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1
■ Shop – Costume
1. Hero Costume
- Winter Boy Girgas
- Winter Cloak Kanna
- Kindergartener White Snow
- Dragon High Schooler Ameris
- Kindergartener Rey
- Student Andras
- Fruit Picking Hana
- Farmer Future Knight
- Time Fisher Kamael
- Scarecrow Clara
- Ping-Pong Rey
- Kendo Club Member Mikke
- Snowboarder Sia
- Runner Win Ling
- Oriental Swordsman Erina
- Battleball Player Natsume
2. Equipment Costume
- White Chocolate Sword
- Marshmallow Stick
- Classic Magnifying Glass
- Marker Staff
- Carrot Sword
- Straw Bow
- Cheerleader Thundersticks
- Space Telescope Gun
■ Hero Pick Up Event
- Pick Up Hero : Sweet Troublemaker Girgas
- Event Period: 2025-03-18 after MA ~ 2025-04-01 12:59 (UTC+8)
■ Equipment Pick Up Event
- Pick Up Equipment : Sweet Hatchling
- Event Period: 2025-03-18 after MA ~ 2025-04-01 12:59 (UTC+8)
■ Guild Raid
- Guild Raid 'After School Survivor' will be available.
- Appearing Boss: Ancient Demon (Light), Returned Harvester (Basic), Carmen (Water), Goblin Chief (Earth)
- Global Event Period: 2025-03-20 00:00 ~ 2025-03-26 23:59 (UTC+8)
■ Guild Meteor Excavation
- A new season of Guild Meteor Excavation will be available.
- Event Period: 2025-03-27 00:00 ~ 2025-04-02 23:59 (UTC+8)
■ Festival Pass
- Season Period: 2025-03-18 after MA ~ 2025-04-08 12:59 (UTC+8)
- Reward Claimable Period: 2025-04-08 13:00 ~ 2025-04-15 12:59 (UTC+8)
- By completing the missions you can increase the Pass Level and obtain Festival Coins, and you can purchase various items via Festival Coins.
- By the reward of the Festival Pass, you can obtain additional 100 Festival Coins.
■ Visitor of My Room
- Event Period: 2025-03-18 after MA ~ 2025-04-01 12:59 (UTC+8)