What's Alignment? How does it increase or decrease? | ArcheAge WAR
ArcheAge WAR FAQ Game/Setting
What's Alignment? How does it increase or decrease?

Alignment indicates your character's alignment. 

It increases with each monster you defeat, and can decrease if you defeat other characters.

If your Alignment drops, you may become Infamous, and depending on your Honor or Infamy status, you get different buffs.

Be especially careful while Infamous, as your chances of losing equipment upon death increase.

■ Honor Tier Reward Buffs

 - Tier 1: Defense +1, Health Regeneration +1, and Critical Hit Bonus +1

 - Tier 2: Defense +2, Health Regeneration +2, Potion Recovery +1, and Critical Hit Bonus +2

 - Tier 3: Defense +3, Health Regeneration +3, Potion Recovery +2, and Critical Hit Bonus +3

■ Infamy Tier Penalty Buffs

 - Tier 1: Defense -1 and Health Regeneration -1

 - Tier 2: Defense -2, Health Regeneration -2, and Potion Recovery -1

 - Tier 3: Defense -3, Health Regeneration -3, and Potion Recovery -2 

※ Honor doesn't drop when you PK Infamous characters.

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