2024.12.10 Patch Notes | guardiantales asia (EN)
guardiantales asia (EN) Notice
2024.12.10 Patch Notes

※ 12/10 15:56 (UTC+8) - Schedule of the Guild Raid and Dungeon Kingdom Arena has been changed.

(Guild Raid) 2024-12-10 After MA ~ 2024-12-24 12:59 (UTC+8)

→  2024-12-12 00:00 ~ 2024-12-24 23:59 (UTC+8)

(Dungeon Kingdom Arena) 2024-12-10 After MA ~ 2024-12-24 12:59 (UTC+8)

→ 2024-12-19 00:00 ~ 2024-12-25 23:59 (UTC+8)

■ Heroes and Equipment

- New Hero 'Jade Exorcist Tasha' will be added.

 ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Melee Damage +50%

- Tasha's Exclusive Weapon Jade Spear of Exorcism ★★★★★ will be added.

※ New Hero Tasha and Exclusive Weapon - Jade Spear of Exorcism will be available in the Mileage Shop and Selectable Summon after the update on 2025/1/21 (Tue).

- New Voices

ㄴ Japanese voice for Hero 'Dragon of the Vast Sea Yun' will be added.

ㄴ Japanese voice for Hero 'Elite Ninja Natsume' will be added.

※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in each language.

■ Co-op Expedition Official Launch - Dark Immortal Arc Season 2: The Masks of Jade Mountain

- Dark Immortal Arc Season 2: The Masks of Jade Mountain, where Guardians can enjoy the new co-op stages and stories, will be implemented, and the Challenge Reward Season will be changed to Dark Immortal Arc Season: The Masks of Jade Mountain.

 ㄴ Schedule: 2024-12-10 after MA ~ Before the update of Co-op Expedition Season 3

※ After the update, [Daily Random Reward] and [Weekly Random Reward] will be reset.

※ With the start of Season 2, Likes will be reset. Likes will be reset whenever a season ends.

※ With the start of Season 2, the Hall of Fame records of Ruined God's Paradise will be excluded.

※ Coins from the previous season will be converted to Co-op Expedition Previous Season Coins, and after a week Guardians obtain 2,000 Gold per the reset Previous Season Coins.

1) New Season Stage Info

Stage NameMinimum Hero GradeMinimum LevelLimit BreakMinimum Weapon GradeMinimum Weapon LevelMinimum Accessory GradeMinimum Accessory LevelMinimum Guardian LevelMinimum Mystic ResistanceRequired Quest (Cleared)
The Masks of Jade Mountain 1Rare / 3450Unique45Unique45300The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 2Rare / 4550Unique55Unique55350The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 3Rare / 5650Unique65Unique65400The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 4Rare / 5750Unique75Unique75500The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 1 (Challenge)Rare / 51005Legendary100Legendary1003003250The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 2 (Challenge)Rare / 51005Legendary100Legendary1003003400The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 3 (Challenge)Rare / 51005Legendary100Legendary1003003400The Desert of Madness
The Masks of Jade Mountain 4 (Challenge)Rare / 51005Legendary100Legendary1003003550The Desert of Madness

2) Jewels

- 11~15 Grade Jewels will be implemented.

- Knowledge related to 11~15 Grade Jewels will be added.

- 1~5 Grade Jewels will be added to the Co-op Expedition Shop.

- Now Guardians can adjust the slider of the Jewel Upgrade screen in increments of at least 0.1%.

3) Improvements in the Communication in Private Room

- Now Guardians can use animations from Guild Castle in the Private Room.

- Now the message sent in the Co-op Expedition tab in the Private Room will be also displayed on the Private Room screen.

- Now the red dot in the chatting icon is also displayed when the recruitment is promoted when the Recruitment Red Dot option is turned on in the General Settings.

4) Improvements in the Result Screen

- Now Guardians can acknowledge which user is Attempting First Clear after the stage is finished.

- Now the obtained Likes of each user during the season will be displayed.

- Now there will be a notification VFX when if Guardian doesn't give Likes to anyone.

- Now Guardians can change who to give Likes to when already gave the Likes.

5) Fixes & Improvements in Co-op Expedition

- Fixed an issue where the Wind Totem was displayed in the Co-op Expedition 'Ruined God's Paradise' [Normal] Stage 4.

- Fixed an issue where the damage of some patterns of the boss of Co-op Expedition 'Ruined God's Paradise' Stage 1 Phase 1 was not dealt to the minions.

- Fixed an issue where the battle was started inappropriately in some locations of Co-op Expedition 'Stirring Darkness' Stage 1 and Stage 3.

- Buff stages of Co-op Expedition will be readjusted.

Buffs of Mystic Resistance (Before)Buffs of Mystic Resistance (After)
Mystic Resistance BuffAtkHPHealMystic Resistance BuffAtkHPHeal
Stage 0000Stage 0000
Stage 10.450.450.27
Stage 31.351.350.81
Stage 51.51.590%


■ Boss Rush

- The Auto Battle feature will be implemented in the Boss Rush.

 ㄴ The feature also can be used in the Practice Mode.

■ Collection

- A new Collection Never one without the other. will be added.

■ Fixes & Improvements

- Fixed an issue in World 6-2 'Finding the Fairy' where battle BGM was inappropriately continued or the AI of the party members was not operated while riding the Big Jack.

- Fixed an issue in the sub-event 'Suspicious Youth' of World 13-1 where Beth was holding the weapon in the cutscene.

- Fixed an issue in World 20-4 where the dialogue of invisible Seohwa was displayed multiply.

- Fixed an issue in Side Story Folktale 'Awakened Fox' where the camera view was not properly functioning when discovered by the watcher NPC during the assassination cutscene.

- Fixed an issue where the title was displayed as Death Match (Team Battle) when the Death Match was not in the Season or outside of available entry times.

- Fixed an issue where the Chatting - Multiplay tab was occasionally functioning inappropriately while playing the World.

- Fixed an issue where an SP icon that was not intended to be displayed was temporarily displayed when changing the configuration of Heavenhold Resident in the Heavenhold of Season 1 and 2.

- The sorting order of 'Rearrange Sweep Results' will be modified.

- Fixed an issue where the scroll bar was not reset when turning the Heroes Filter again.

- 5 seconds of cooldown will be added in the Pause and Continue of Guild Raid / Dungeon Kingdom Arena.

- Rewards from clearing World Missions of Kanterbury Guardian Basic Training will be changed.

World 5Exorcist Evolution Stone x 400Shangri La (Exorcist Maya's Exclusive Weapon)
World 7Legend Limit Breaking HammerLegend Exclusive Equipment Selection Box
World 8Epic Exclusive Equipment BoxEpic Exclusive Equipment Selection Box

- Now Colosseum Party Preset can be loaded to the Colosseum Defense Party.

- Rewards from clearing Missions after World 2 will be increased significantly.

- Loading time for entering the blacksmith scene will be shortened.

- Loading time for entering the Hero scene will be shortened.

■ Limited Time Package

- Purchase Period: 2024-12-10 After MA ~ 2024-12-24 12:59 (UTC+8)

1) Premium Option Package (Once per account)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1, Summon Controller x 100, Option Change Stone x 60, Option Lock Stone x 100

2) Limited Stamina Package (6 times per account)

- Stamina x 500

3) Special Summon Package (Once per account)

- Summon Controller x 50, Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1, Book of Blessing x 25

4) Limited Summon Package (5 times per account)

- Selectable Summon Controller x 10

■ Returning Guardian's Package

- Purchase Period: After MA ~ 2025-04-01 12:59 (UTC+8)

1) S3 Returning Guardian's Package #1 (Once per account)

- Summon Controller x 40, Stamina x 500, Awakening Dungeon Box (Lv. 70) x 30, Gold x 1.2m, Exp x 2.4m, Hero Crystal x 60

2) S3 Returning Guardian's Package #2 (Once per account)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1, Summon Controller x 30, Gold x 1m, Exp x 1m

3) Returning Guardian's Jumping Package (Once per account)

 - Choose 1 from an Unique Hero or an Exclusive Weapon, Awakening Dungeon Box x 10, Summon Controller x 60

■ Jade Exorcist Tasha Growth Package

※ The package is available when holding the Hero after the summon.

※ The pop-up for package is available up to 7 days after the first pop-up, and after 7 days without making a purchase, it will no longer be displayed.

Relay #1

 - Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Legendary Awakening Stone x 30, Awakening Dungeon Box x 30 

Relay #2

- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Exp x 5,000,000, Awakening Dungeon Box x 90

Relay #3 (Free)

- Evolution Stone x 160, Hero Crystal x 140

Relay #4

- Hero Crystal x 300, Legendary Awakening Stone x 60, Gold x 5,000,000, Book of Blessing x 15

Relay #5

- Hero Crystal x 260, Book of Blessing x 35

Relay #6 (Free)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1

■ Hero Costume Shop

- Spirit Queen Tasha

- Office Lady Yuna

- Fruit Picking Hana

- Farmer Future Knight

- Time Fisher Kamael

- Scarecrow Clara

- Fire Chief Rosetta

- SWAT Yuna

- Headmaster Kamael

- Bunny Girl Dabin

- Academy Student Estel

- Bathing Elvira

- Bathing Rosetta

- Raptor Doll Parvati

- Triceratops Plushie Rosetta

- Honeybee Mayreel

■ Equipment Costume Shop

- Spirit Master's Crescent Glaive

- Office Essentials

- Corn Gun

- Harvest Staff

- Fishing Rod

- Carrot Cannon

- Meat Sword

- Finger Gun Gloves

■ Hero Pick Up Event

- Event Period :  2024-12-10 after MA ~ 2024-12-24 12:59 (UTC+8)

- Pick Up Hero : Jade Exorcist Tasha

■ Equipment Pick Up Event

- Event Period :  2024-12-10 after MA ~ 2024-12-24 12:59 (UTC+8)

- Pick Up Equipment : Jade Spear of Exorcism

■ Guild Raid

- Guild Raid West Witch's Vengeance will be available.

  ㄴ Global Schedule:  2024-12-12 00:00 ~ 2024-12-24 23:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Nine-tailed Fox Garam (Light), Shadow Beast (Basic), Furious Minotaur (Fire), Invader Terrorist (Water)

■ Dungeon Kingdom Arena    

  ㄴ Event Period: 2024-12-19 00:00 ~ 2024-12-25 23:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: Before the next opening of the Dungeon Kingdom Arena

■ Bingo Event

  ㄴ Event Period: 2024-12-10 After MA ~ 2024-12-24 12:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: 2024-12-31 12:59 (UTC+8)

■ Eva's Special Training for the Return of the Guardian

- A new Season for Returning Hero Event 'Eva's Special Training for the Return of the Guardian' will be available.

  ㄴ Guardians can obtain various rewards via attendance checks, missions, or in the shop in the Returning Hero Event.

  ㄴ Event Period: 2024-12-10 After MA ~ 2025-04-01 12:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Participating Condition: Guardians who didn't login to the game for more than 14 days with an account that cleared more than World 1.

※ Event Cautions

- Guardians can participate in the event by logging into the game during the event period, and can proceed with the event for up to 14 days starting from the connection date.

- Event Reward Claimable Period: Guardians can obtain rewards for up to 16 days based on the date the event ends.

- Event period and event reward claimable period will be applied to each Guardian individually.

  ㄴ [Example] Guardian who returned at 2025-01-01 12:00 can proceed with the event until 2025-01-15 12:00,

         and can obtain rewards until 2025-01-31 12:00.

- Guardians can participate in Return of the Guardian event only once per season.

 ※ The records of the previous season's Return of the Guardian event of Guardians who were already proceeding with the previous season without accessing the game for 14 days

      will be reset; including the progression period, event points, and mission progression.

  ㄴ [Example] If the new season starts after the previous season's event was progressed for 5 days - 

        the event progression resets and can proceed for 14 days.

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