2024.11.12 Patch Notes | guardiantales asia (EN)
guardiantales asia (EN) Notice
2024.11.12 Patch Notes

■ Heroes and Equipment

- New Hero 'Soul Mage Dohwa' will be added.

 ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Basic Type Damage +50%

- Dohwa's Exclusive Weapon Serendipity ★★★★★ will be added.

※ New Hero Dohwa and Exclusive Weapon - Serendipity will be available in the Mileage Shop and Selectable Summon after the update on Dec 24 (Tue).

- Japanese voice for Hero 'Osprey Anna' will be added.

※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in each language.

- Fixed an issue where a data processing error occurs occasionally when Garam with Ocean Gale performs an automatic battle.

- Guardian of Light (Special Ability) of Limit Broken Knight (Libera) will be improved.

 ㄴ [Before] : When hit by enemies, Def increases by 30% for 10 second(s).

                 During story quests, damage taken from enemies is reduced by 30% and damage dealt to enemies increases by 30%.

 ㄴ [After] : When hit by enemies, Def increases by 30% for 10 second(s).

                 During story quests, damage taken from enemies is reduced by 50% and damage dealt to enemies increases by 50%.

- Resonance (Special Ability) of Scrivener Lahn will be improved.

 ㄴ [Before] : The fewer enemies within 3 tile(s), the more damage she deals. Damage dealt can increase by 10% to a maximum of 40%.

                  The more enemies within 3 tile(s), the less damage she takes. Damage taken can decrease by 10% to a maximum of 40%.

 ㄴ [After] : The fewer enemies within 3 tile(s), the more damage she deals. Damage dealt can increase by 15% to a maximum of 45%.

                  The more enemies within 3 tile(s), the less damage she takes. Damage taken can decrease by 15% to a maximum of 45%.

The fewer enemies within 3 tile(s), the more damage she deals. Damage dealt can increase by 15% to a maximum of 45%.

The more enemies within 3 tile(s), the less damage she takes. Damage taken can decrease by 15% to a maximum of 45%.

■ New World

- New World 20 'Motori Mountain' will be added.

■ Beginner Mission

- New Beginner Mission will be added.

  ㄴ Clearing World 20 Beginner Mission will be added.

■ Dungeon Kingdom Arena / Orbital Rift

- Retry during the Pause will be added in the Dungeon Kingdom Arena and Orbital Rift.

■ Guild Raid

- Now Guardians can retry the Guild Raid up to 5 times.

■ The Tale of the Tetis Hero

- Now the 3-second countdown will be started immediately after starting the challenge.

■ Dungeon Kingdom Arena

- Retry during the Pause will be added in the Dungeon Kingdom Arena.

■ Orbital Rift

- Retry during the Pause will be added in the Orbital Rift.

■ Purple Coin

- Items that can be purchased by Purple Coins from World 20 will be added.

■ UX Improvement

- Now the 3-second countdown will be started immediately after starting the challenge.

■ Improvements in Graphics Settings

- Heavenhold Resident setting, which can adjust the number of residents placed in Heavenhold will be implemented.

- Screen Effect setting, which can turn on or off the screen effect will be implemented.

- Damage & Healing Text Setting, which can display or hide the texts about damage and healing will be implemented.

- Fixed some inappropriate setting orders or inconsistent descriptions in the Graphics Settings screen.

※ Some high options in the Heavenhold Resident setting can't be chosen if the device does not meet the system requirement.

■ Improvements in Change Style

- Now unobtained costumes will be displayed on the Change Style screen.

■ Training Room

- Training Room will be visually redesigned.

- Max Blessing and Max Engraving effects will be added in the Hero slot and Exclusive Weapon slot.

 ㄴ 'Max Blessing' slot effect will be unlocked after holding more than 2 Heroes with maximum Blessing.

 ㄴ 'Max Engraving' slot effect will be unlocked after holding more than 2 Engraved Epic Exclusive Weapons.

- Training Effects, where Guardians can check the effects of training Equipment, Hero, and Merch will be added.

■ Civil Affairs Center

- Complete All button, which can complete all complaints that meet the complete condition at once will be implemented.

- Guardians can acquire all rewards of the completed complaints when using the Complete All feature.

■ App Icon

- App Icon will be changed into a new image.

■ Collection

- A new collection A life without problems… That only exists in dreams. will be added.

- A new collection Hey, It's Me. The Chef. will be added.

■ Other Fixes & Improvements

- Display Equipment with Max Engraving will be added.

- Fixed the reward titles of the Challenge Rewards in the Co-op Expedition which was previously displayed as Weekly Reward in some UI.

- Fixed the display of the remaining purchasable period of the items in the Co-op Expedition Shop.

- Fixed an issue in The Tale of the Tetis Hero where the notice pop-up for acquiring event points was not displayed when sweeping the content.

- Fixed an issue in the Hell World 1-3 where Guardians could inappropriately acquire the key in the door with some Chain Skills.

- Fixed an issue where a data processing error occurs occasionally when Garam with Ocean Gale performs an automatic battle.

- Fixed an issue where Gabriel did not attack for a certain time when using a Chain Skill during the final attack.

■ Limited Time Package

- Purchase Period: 2024-11-12 after MA ~ 2024-11-26 12:59 (UTC+8)

1. World 20 Jumping Package #1 (Once per account)

- Choose 1 Unique Hero, Summon Controller x 60, Book of Blessing x 10

2. World 20 Jumping Package #2 (Once per account)

- Choose 1 Exclusive Weapon, Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1

3. World 20 Special Package #1 (3 times per account)

- Paid Gem x 3,000, Summon Controller x 20, Book of Blessing x 20

4. World 20 Special Package #2 (Once per account)

- Summon Controller x 100, Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1

- 1,000 Paid Gems every day for 10 days

5. World 20 Special Package #3 (6 times per account)

- Stamina x 500, Awakening Dungeon Box x 5

6. World 20 Relay Package

* World 20 Relay Package can be purchased from #1 to #6 during the purchasable period, and then can be purchased again from #1 to #6.

 1) Relay #1

 - Paid Gem x 1,500, Summon Controller x 10, Option Change Stone x 10, Option Lock Stone x 20

 2) Relay #2

- Paid Gem x 2,700, Summon Controller x 35, Book of Blessing x 20

 3) Relay #3 (Free)

- Summon Controller x 25

 4) Relay #4

- Paid Gem x 3,000, Option Change Stone x 30, Option Lock Stone x 50

 5) Relay #5

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1, Book of Blessing x 30, Summon Controller x 50

 6) Relay #6 (Free)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1

■ Dohwa Growth Package

※ The package is available when holding the Hero after the summon.

※ The pop-up for package is available up to 7 days after the first pop-up, and after 7 days without making a purchase, it will no longer be displayed.

 Relay #1

 - Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Legendary Awakening Stone x 30, Awakening Dungeon Box x 30 

 Relay #2

- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Exp x 5,000,000, Awakening Dungeon Box x 90

 Relay #3 (Free)

- Evolution Stone x 160, Hero Crystal x 140

 Relay #4

- Hero Crystal x 300, Legendary Awakening Stone x 60, Gold x 5,000,000, Book of Blessing x 15

 Relay #5

- Hero Crystal x 260, Book of Blessing x 35

 Relay #6 (Free)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1

■ Shop - Costume

1. Hero Costume

- Shy High Schooler Dohwa

- Black Chef Future Knight

- Patissier Win Ling

- Blood-Cuisine Chef Claude

- Chef Garam

- Sandmonster Costume Ara

- Noble Vampire Pymon

- Office Worker Priscilla

- Yellow Jacket Erina

- Winter Girl Hana

- Postman

- Young Girgas

- Frog Raincoat Mayreel

- Grey Raincoat Hana

- Pink Raincoat Kanna

- Orange Raincoat Eunha

- Mouse Eunha

- SWAT Miss Chrom

2. Equipment Costume

- Model Car Basket

- Whipping Machine Gun

- Pumpkin Head Glove

- Pumpkin Two-handed Sword

- Burger Plate

- Water Droplet Shield

- Blue Umbrella

- Gaming Dice

- Mecha Lightning Rapier

■ Hero Pick Up Event

ㄴ Event Period : 2024-11-12 after MA ~ 2024-12-10 12:59 (UTC+8)

ㄴ Pick Up Hero : Soul Mage Dohwa

■ Equipment Pick Up Event

ㄴ Event Period : 2024-11-12 after MA ~ 2024-12-10 12:59 (UTC+8)

ㄴ Pick Up Equipment : Serendipity

■ Guild Raid

- Guild Raid Corrupted Ritual will be available.

  ㄴ Global Schedule: 2024-11-14 00:00 ~ 2024-11-20 23:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Appearing Boss: Cyborg Erina (Light), Ancient Demon (Basic), Fairy (Water), Altered Mad Panda MK-3 (Earth)

■ Dungeon Kingdom Arena    

- Dungeon Kingdom Arena will be available.

  ㄴ Event Period: 2024-11-21 00:00 ~ 2024-11-27 23:59 (UTC+8) 

  ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: Before the next opening of the Dungeon Kingdom Arena

■ World Opening Event

- An event celebrating the addition of Main World: Motori Mountain

  ㄴ Event Period: 2024-11-21 after MA ~ 2024-11-27 12:59 (UTC+8) 

  ㄴ Reward Checkout Period: 2024-12-03 12:59 (UTC+8) 

  ㄴ Daily Event Mission Finishes at: 2024-12-03 12:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Event Mission Finishes at: 2024-12-03 12:59 (UTC+8) 

  ㄴ Heroes for Bonus Points : [+50%] Dohwa, [+20%] Eunha, Akayuki, Fei, Mei, Loraine, M/F Knight

  ㄴ Total 6 Event Rift Stages

  ㄴ Rewards from event mission, accumulated points will be available

※ Guardians have to clear World 19 - Pixie Forest to play the event.

■ Celebrating World 20 Release - 50 Times Free Summon Event

- You can freely summon 10 times per day in [Main] - [Summon]. (Can be summoned for free up to 50 times within 5 days from the first connection date during the event period.)

- Event Period: 2024-11-12 after MA ~ 2024-11-25 23:59 (UTC+8) 

- Event Cautions

   ㄴ Guardians can select any of these summons and use them: Pick Up Hero Summon, Normal Hero Summon, Pick Up Equipment Summon, Normal Equipment Summon, Selectable Hero Summon, Selectable Equipment Summon

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