I want to enhance my equipment. | ArcheAge WAR
ArcheAge WAR FAQ Game/Setting
I want to enhance my equipment.

In your bag, hold down the equipment you want to enhance and select the bottom Enhance tab.

You can also right-click or hold down an Enhance Scroll you have and select the Enhance tab at the bottom to open the Enhance window.

If you have an appropriate scroll for each type of equipment, you can enhance the equipment. 

Each equipment has a Safe Enhancement level, and after that level, there's a chance

that the equipment can be destroyed if the enhancement fails. So, please choose carefully when enhancing equipment. 

■ Enhance Scroll Types

 - Enhance Scroll: Enhancement level +1

 - Blessed Enhance Scroll: Enhancement level +1 - 3

 - Cursed Enhancement Scroll: Enhancement level -1

 - Relic Accessory Enhance Scroll: Enhancement level +1 (Relic Earrings/Bracelets only)

Equipment can be enhanced up to +12.

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