2024.07.04 Temporal Maintenance Complete | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2024.07.04 Temporal Maintenance Complete

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

Today's temporal maintenance has been finished.

We apologize for any inconvenience during the maintenance period, and thank you for your patience during the maintenance.

Please check below for more details.

◈ Maintenance Finished Schedule

- July 4, 2024 (Thu) 19:30 UTC+9

◈ Details

ㅇ Fixed freezing boss when using some combination in the event raid

[Taken Actions]

- Changed some patterns of boss and decreased stats and skill damage of boss to match the pattern modifications.

- Previous cleared level of the event raid will be reset.

-To prevent inconvenience to challenge the raid again for Saviors who already cleared the raid, we have provided 1,410 event raid item to all Saviors.

ㅇ Fixed wrong item name (Event raid entrance ticket)

ㅇ Fixed an issue in Erika's Alchemy Summon where the game occasionally cannot be played properly

- The issue above is fixed only in AOS(Google). We will notify Saviors further when the fix for iOS(Apple) is live.

◈ Temporal Maintenance Compensation

- Compensation: Everstones x 300

- Compensation Distribution Period: July 4, 2024 (Thu) after the temporal maintenance ~ July 5 (Fri) 09:00 (UTC+9)

- How to Receive: Please check the [Mailbox] in the game.

※ Compensations will be unavailable after the distribution period, kindly please claim it within the period.

※ Rewards are sent via mailbox upon login within the compensation distribution period, and are stored in the mailbox for 7 days upon login.

※ If the reward is not confirmed, please return to the title screen and check again.

We will continue to give our best to provide better and more stable game services.


Eversoul Operation Team

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