2023.09.14 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL) | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We would like to inform you about the preview of the update on 14th September (Thu).

Please check below for further details.

※ Update will be applied after the maintenance.

※ Schedule of update will be noticed when confirmed.

※ Update and maintenance schedule is subject to change.

※ The details of the preview can be changed after the update,

and we will inform you further when there will be changes.

※ Details of update will be informed with further notice.

◈ Sep 14 (Thu) Update Notice (Preview)

1. Moonlight Rabbit Sprint! Pick-Up

ㅇ Soonie, Jiho, and Aki's Pick-up summon will be held, who are the heroines of the Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 5 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

→ [✨Pick-Up Summon - Soonie: Water Roar] : https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2152/articles/50639

→ [✨Pick-Up Summon - Jiho: Echo of Happiness] : https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2152/articles/50640

→ [✨Pick-Up Summon - Aki: Blooming Sword] : https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2152/articles/50638

2. Main Event

ㅇ Thanksgiving Day Event - Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!

※ You can check further details on the additional notice about Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!

→ [Thanksgiving Day Event - Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!] : https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2152/customer-news/3054

ㅇ A story of Eden's 'Day of Fullmoon'! During the event period [Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!] will be held.

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 5 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- You can use event shop until the maintenance of Oct 12 (Thu).

[Components of Thanksgiving Day Event - Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!]

ㅇ Fullmoon Attendance Check with Soonie

- Details: An attendance check will be available during the event period.

- Rewards of full attendance of 14 days: Everstones x2,400, Normal Summon Ticket x20

ㅇ Event Stage - Fullmoon Pansori Concert

- Details: During the event period you can challenge one of 2 event stages, 《The Story of Chunhyang》 and 《The Story of Water Palace》.

- Whenever you clear the event stage, rewards will be given according to the stage you have cleared.

- When clearing 《The Story of Chunhyang》 you can obtain [Flower Cake], and when clearing 《The Story of Water Palace》 you can obtain [Songpyeon].

- You can purchase various items in [Fullmoon Exchange Shop] with the given event items.

ㅇ Event Raid - A Dangerous Marriage

- Details: During the event period you can join the event raid [A Dangerous Marriage] and challenge the raid boss [Giant Lute].

- Whenever you victory the battle, you can obtain the event item [Fullmoon Ephemera] and Gold/Mana Dust/Mana Crystal.

- You can join the prize exchange event with  in [Fullmoon Prize Exchange].

- Whenever you use prize medal in [Fullmoon Prize Exchange],  will be given.

- You can achieve various rewards such as ,  with the Fullmoon Season Pass Points.

- You can receive more rewards such as ,  and  when purchasing Golden Ticket.

- It will give 1,000 town exp when deployed in the town. (No more special effects)

- It will give 2,500 town exp when deployed in the town, and Aki's ATK +10% effect when Aki is deployed. (Can be deploy Aki only)

- You can play a new part-time job  when it is deployed.

3.  Guild Raid

ㅇ New Guild Raid  will be available.

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Sep 21 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

[Skill Information about Black Knight]

Skill Information
ActiveDeceptionBlack Knight hides into the darkness, recovering the mana, and attacks enemies by summoning Apostles of Darkness.
The damage dealt to Apostles of Darkness will be accumulated to Black Knight.
When Black Knight fully recovered his mana, he slams down his sword which deals damage and stuns to every enemy. 
Sub 1DespairDeals damage to every enemy and erases every buff of every enemy with a despair-covered blade aura, and deals additional damage to the enemies farther than 5m from Black Knight.
Adds 《Seal of Despair》 debuff to the target, and if the debuff stacks 3 times, the target is killed instantly.
Sub 2DenialBlack Knight swipes his unholy-imbued sword and damages the enemies surrounding in 3m area.
If the surrounding enemy is only one, the damage is tripled, and if the surrounding enemy is 2, the damage is doubled.
It also decreases the target's DEF for a short time.
Sub 3ObliterationStabs a sword and jumps through the space to the farthest enemy, which deals damage and stuns the target.
It deals additional damage if the target has no allies within 3m around.
PassiveDarknessBlack Knight scorns the cowards. If there is no enemy who confronts him, he uses 《Despair》 repetitively, and when he uses common attack he deals triple damage when the surrounding enemy is only one, and deals double damage when the surrounding enemy is 2.
Black Knight gains additional ATK when losing his HP for specific amount, and periodically uses 《Deception》 regardless of his remained mana.

ㅇ Additional Guild Raid Mission! will be processed.

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Sep 21 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- Reward Available Schedule: Sep 21, 2023 (Thu) 09:00 ~ Sep 28 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- The rewards are the same as the previous rewards, and the details can be found in [2023.06.22 Update Notice (Detail)].

4. Additional Content

ㅇ Battlefront 9th Stage will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 14 (Thu) after the maintenance

5. Fixes & Improvements


ㅇ In the Battlefront Area 19 and 20, the battle will be changed to 3 teams battle from 2 teams battle.

"ㅇ In Battlefront Are 10~12, enemy formations of some elite stages will be changed from including 'Adiranne', 'Ayame' 

to Humanlike / Beast / Undead / Fairy epic Souls only."

ㅇ Multiple team battles in Battlefront, you can change the Soul formation of teams who have not completed the battle with [Reshuffle] button.

ㅇ If you use [Battle Start] button during the battle's Soul formation screen, the battle will be restarted with changed formations.

If you use [Go Back] button, the battle will be continued and every formations will not be changed.

※ Soul formation screen during the battle, below features are unavailable.

- Soul's level up, changing keepsakes, changing Artifacts


ㅇ Part-time job will be revamped.

- Morning and night restriction of part-time jobs will be integrated.

- Normal part-time jobs will be refreshed on 9 / 17 / 1. Thus, you can process 3 times of part-times job per a day.

ㄴTime consumption, energy consumption, and rewards will be doubled.

-  Part-time jobs from Season Pass Object will be refreshed 9:00. Thus, you can process 1 time per a day.

ㄴTime consumption is 12 hours, energy consumption is 100, and the rewards are tripled from day/night integrated rewards.

ㄴRewards AS-IS: Day-Town Coin x60, Mana Crystal x100 / Night - Town Coin x120, Mana Crystal x50

ㄴRevamped Reward: Integrated - Town Coin x540, Mana Crystal x450

- Urgent and Special part-time jobs will be the same as before.

ㅇ Lord's Castle will be revamped.

- When deploying the tile in the Lord's Castle, it will be displayed symmetrically.

- Interior Lights will be added in Lord's Castle.


ㅇ If some Souls' Bond level reached max, [Special Touch] will be changed to [Special Touch 2].

[Special Touch 2] will be added sequentially, and after the update of Sep 14, reactions of Souls below will be added.

- [Aki], [Naomi], [Miriam], [Naiah], [Violette], [Garnet]

ㅇ Skip button during the battle will be expanded to 3 levels.

- AS-IS: Show every cutscene / Skip every cutscene

- TO-BE: Show every cutscene / Show ultimate cutscene only / Skip every cutscene

ㅇ You can obtain Dimensional Coin when you don't buy treasures in Dimensional Coin Shop.

ㅇ When enhancing Ark Enhance System, it will automatically increase the level to the available maximum level with the ingredients.


ㅇ An issue of obtaining rewards from [Eden Boot Camp!], [Bustling Life in Eden] will be fixed.

ㅇ Fixed an issue when skipping the Evil Soul Subjugation battle, only the last party dealt damage.

ㅇWith the update of Sep 7 (Thu) an action for Eternal Prize Exchange had been processed, and an action for Eternal Flea Market will be processed with this update.

- If excessively purchased objects from Eternal Flea Market are deployed in the town, it will be automatically returned to the inventory. You can sell the items with touching [Take out] button.

- Excessively purchased items from Eden Flea Market will be withdrawn. The withdrawn items will be returned to gold according to the amount of Rubber Duck / Beachball spent.

- Eden Prize Exchange will be closed. Unused Adrianne's Prize Medals will be retunred to gold.

6. New Package Items

ㅇ《Moonlight Rabbit Sprint! Pick-Up Package》 will be purchasable.

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 5 (Thu) 09:00 UTC+9

TypePurchase LimitItem AmountPrice
Moon Rabbit 
Package 1
4Everstones x1,250 + 
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x15
KRW 25,000
Moon Rabbit 
Package 2
4Everstones x3,250 +
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x20 +
Rare Type Soul Selection Chest x15
KRW 65,000
Moon Rabbit 
Package (Soonie)
1Everstones x5,950 +
Soul's Memory: Soonie x60 +
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x30 +
Beast Type Soul Summon TIcket (Rare) x20
KRW 119,000
Moon Rabbit 
Package (Jiho)
1Everstones x5,950 +
Soul's Memory: Jiho x60 +
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x30 +
Humanlike Soul Summon TIcket (Rare) x20
KRW 119,000
Moon Rabbit 
Package (Aki)
1Everstones x5,950 +
Soul's Memory: Aki x60 +
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x30 +
Humanlike Soul Summon TIcket (Rare) x20
KRW 119,000

ㅇ 《Moonlight Rabbit Sprint! Package》 will be purchasable.

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 12 (Thu) 08:00 UTC+9

TypePurchase LimitItem AmountPrice
Moon Rabbit
Event Pack 1
3Everstones x1,250
+ Fullmoon Ephemera x1,250
+ Normal Summon Ticket x10
+ Resource Bundle (12 Hours) x2
KRW 25,000
Moon Rabbit
Event Pack 2
3Everstones x3,250
+ Fullmoon Ephemera x3,750
+ Normal Summon Ticket x20
+ Idle Mana Crystal (12 Hours) x2
KRW 65,000
Moon Rabbit
Event Pack 3
2Everstones x5,950
+ Fullmoon Ephemera x8,750
+ Normal Summon Ticket x30
+ Resource Bundle (12 Hours) x4
+ Idle Mana Crystal (12 Hours) x2
KRW 119,000

ㅇ Daily package of Thanksgiving Day Event will be purchasable.

- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 5 (Thu) 09:00 UTC+9

TypePurchase LimitItem AmountPrice
Daily Moon
Special Price Pack
1 per a dayEverstones x75 +
Soul's Memory (Epic) x5 +
Soul's Memory (Rare) x30 +
Fullmoon Ephemera x125
KRW 1,500
Daily Moon
Soul Summon Pack
1 per a dayEverstones x75 +
Normal Summon Ticket x1 +
Fullmoon Ephemera x125
KRW 1,500
Daily Moon
Growth Pack
1 per a dayEverstones x150 +
Resource Bundle Chest (12 Hours) x2 +
Fullmoon Ephemera x250
KRW 3,000
Daily Moon
Crystal Pack
1 per a dayEverstones x150 + 
Idle Mana Crystal (12 Hours) x1 +
Fullmoon Ephemera x250
KRW 3,000
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