Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.
We would like to inform you that the temporary maintenance patch has been completed on Sep 15 (Fri) 12:50 (UTC+9).
We appreciate your patience with the maintenance.
Please check below for further details.
◈ Maintenance Completion Schedule
- Sep 15 (Fri) 12:50 (UTC+9)
◈ Maintenance Details
- Fixed an issue that rewards of Evil Soul Subjugation is unable to claim
◈ Maintenance Compensation
- Compensation: 300ea of Everstones
- Compensation Distribution Period: Sep 15, 2023 (Fri), after the maintenance ~ Sep 16 (Sat) 09:00 UTC+9
- How to Receive: Please check the [Mailbox] in the game.
※ Compensations will be unavailable after the distribution period, kindly please claim it within the period.
※ Rewards are sent via mailbox upon login within the compensation distribution period, and are stored in the mailbox for 7 days upon login.
※ If the reward is not confirmed, please return to the title screen and check again.
ㅇ With the Sep 15 (Fri) maintenance the issue of ESS has been fixed, and there is also a forced update
to fix some issues after the maintenance of Sep 14. Please check below for further details.
◈ Details
- Fixed an issue that replay of Arena/Champs Arena can't be viewed
- Fixed an issue about hiring Soul again after clearing another stage in the same Battlefront with the hired Soul
- Fixed an issue of defeat rewards on Arena displayed inappropriately
- Fixed an issue of Soonie's costume during the event story displayed inappropriately
- Fixed an issue of damage result in Event/Guild Raid was over-accumulated
※ An issue from when dealing damage to the Princess Lute and Raid Boss Black Knight,
and the damage accumulated to the boss - in this process, the damage dealt to the minions
also accumulated to the damage dealt record, thus the damage dealt was over-accumulated.
※ The scores of Event/Guild Raid is recorded according to the damage boss is taken.
※ The update will be processed without maintenance, and please update the game
with Google Store or App Store to prevent any inconvenience.
- Forced Update Date: Sep 15, 2023 (Fri) after the maintenance
ㄴTo play and connect Eversoul, you have to force-update Eversoul.
◈ Link to Store
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience with the issue.
Thank you.