Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.
We would like to inform you about the preview of the update on 14th September (Thu).
Please check below for further details.
※ Update will be applied after the maintenance.
※ Schedule of update will be noticed when confirmed.
※ Update and maintenance schedule is subject to change.
※ The details of the preview can be changed after the update,
and we will inform you further when there will be changes.
※ Details of update will be informed with further notice.
◈ Sep 14 (Thu) Update Notice (Preview)
1. Moonlight Rabbit Sprint! Pick-Up
ㅇ Soonie, Jiho, and Aki's Pick-up summon will be held, who are the heroines of the Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!
- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 5 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
2. Main Event
ㅇ Thanksgiving Day Event - Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!
※ You can check further details on the additional notice about Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!
ㅇ A story of Eden's 'Day of Fullmoon'! During the event period [Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!] will be held.
- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Oct 5 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
- You can use event shop until the maintenance of Oct 12 (Thu).
[Components of Thanksgiving Day Event - Run! Moonlight Rabbit Sprint!]
ㅇ Fullmoon Attendance Check with Soonie
- Details: An attendance check will be available during the event period.
- Rewards of full attendance of 14 days: Everstones x2,400, Normal Summon Ticket x20
ㅇ Event Stage - Fullmoon Pansori Concert
- Details: During the event period you can challenge one of 2 event stages, <The Story of Chunhyang> and <The Story of Water Palace>.
- Whenever you clear the event stage, rewards will be given according to the stage you have cleared.
- When clearing <The Story of Chunhyang> you can obtain [Flower Cake], and when clearing <The Story of Water Palace> you can obtain [Songpyeon].
- You can purchase various items in [Fullmoon Exchange Shop] with the given event items.
ㅇ Event Raid - A Dangerous Marriage
- Details: During the event period you can join the event raid <A Dangerous Marriage> and challenge the raid boss <Giant Lute>.
- Whenever you victory the battle, you can obtain the event item <Fullmoon Star Cake> and Gold/Mana Dust/Mana Crystal.
- You can join the prize exchange event with <Fullmoon Star Cake> in [Fullmoon Prize Exchange].
- Whenever you use prize medal in [Fullmoon Prize Exchange], <Fullmoon Season Pass Point> will be given.
- You can achieve various rewards such as <Soul's Memory: Aki>, <Spring and Autumn Cherry Blossom (Aki's Thanksgiving Day Costume)> with the Fullmoon Season Pass Points.
- You can receive more rewards such as <Aki's Meditation Garden>, <Epic Soul Type Selection Chest> and <Traditional Autumn Pond> when purchasing Golden Ticket.
<Traditional Autumn Pond><Traditional Autumn Pond>
- It will give 1,000 town exp when deployed in the town. (No more special effects)
- You can play a new part-time job
ㅇ New Guild Raid <Black Knight> will be available.
- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Sep 21 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
[Skill Information about Black Knight]
ㅇ Additional Guild Raid Mission! will be processed.
- Schedule: Sep 14, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Sep 21 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
- Reward Available Schedule: Sep 21, 2023 (Thu) 09:00 ~ Sep 28 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
ㅇ Battlefront 9th Stage will be added.
- Schedule: Sep 14 (Thu) after the maintenance
to Humanlike / Beast / Undead / Fairy epic Souls only."
If you use [Go Back] button, the battle will be continued and every formations will not be changed.
※ Soul formation screen during the battle, below features are unavailable.
- Soul's level up, changing keepsakes, changing Artifacts
ㅇ Part-time job will be revamped.
- Morning and night restriction of part-time jobs will be integrated.
ㄴTime consumption, energy consumption, and rewards will be doubled.
ㄴRewards AS-IS: Day-Town Coin x60, Mana Crystal x100 / Night - Town Coin x120, Mana Crystal x50
ㄴRevamped Reward: Integrated - Town Coin x540, Mana Crystal x450
- Urgent and Special part-time jobs will be the same as before.
ㅇ Lord's Castle will be revamped.
- When deploying the tile in the Lord's Castle, it will be displayed symmetrically.
- Interior Lights will be added in Lord's Castle.
ㅇ If some Souls' Bond level reached max, [Special Touch] will be changed to [Special Touch 2].
- [Aki], [Naomi], [Miriam], [Naiah], [Violette], [Garnet]
ㅇ Skip button during the battle will be expanded to 3 levels.
- AS-IS: Show every cutscene / Skip every cutscene
- TO-BE: Show every cutscene / Show ultimate cutscene only / Skip every cutscene
ㅇ You can obtain Dimensional Coin when you don't buy treasures in Dimensional Coin Shop.
ㅇ An issue of obtaining rewards from [Eden Boot Camp!], [Bustling Life in Eden] will be fixed.
ㅇ Fixed an issue when skipping the Evil Soul Subjugation battle, only the last party dealt damage.
- Eden Prize Exchange will be closed. Unused Adrianne's Prize Medals will be retunred to gold.