2023.09.07 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL) | eversoul
eversoul Notice

This week it’s your chance to have both deadly executioner twins added to your roster, with the new Undead Soul Bryce, finally joining her sister Melfice! Are you ready to see what this lethal couple can do?

We all know that Catherine is a Saint, compassionate, and benevolent who takes care of everyone around her, but what happens when the holy embraces darkness?
Prepare to face the most unexpected, charming, and evil version of Catherine, Saint of Sorrow!

[Information About Changing of Event Schedule]

[Operation Eden Alliance], which would be held for 7 days according to the Q3 update roadmap, has been changed to be held for two weeks.

In addition, [Monster's Forest Event], which was intended to be updated on Sep 7 (Thu), has been delayed to be updated in October.

Please check the changing of event schedule described above, and we sincerely apologize for the late informing. Thank you.

[Double Reward Boosts]

[Arena Victory Double Rewards] 

  • Arena Victory Double Reward Event 

    • Event Period: : September 6 00:00 UTC—September 19, 23:59 UTC

    • During the event period, you will obtain double the rewards for winning your matches in Arena. 

    • Please note this does not apply to Arena Daily Rewards and Arena Weekly Rewards.

[Upcoming Soul Pick-up]

  • Bryce's Pick-Up Summon event will start. There's a higher chance of getting Bryce through the event.

    • Pick-up Period: September 7 after maintenance—September 27, 23:59 UTC

[New Soul]

  • The new Undead Soul is coming!

    • Bryce will be available from September 7 after maintenance

Skill Type

Skill Name



Near the Gear

Bryce calls Melfice out and deals a combo attack that pulverizes the enemies using rotational power, dealing ATK damage. 

 The skill effect changes depending on Bryce's mode. 

 "Solo Fortress" - Taunts all enemies for a certain period of time and grants her a shield. 

 "Twin Executioners" - Grants Melfice the "Combo Execution" buff. If she has the "Combo Execution" buff granted by Melfice, her hits become critical hits, and she deals additional damage.


Vertical Execution

Bryce calls Melfice out and deals a combo attack that pulverizes the enemies vertically. Deals additional  ATK damage to the nearest target and stuns them for a certain period of time.

 The skill effect changes depending on Bryce's mode.

 "Solo Fortress" - Decreases incoming damage for a certain period of time.

 "Twin Executioners" - Deals additional damage, and hits them with critical hits.



Bryce approaches the nearest enemy, deals additional ATK damage to enemies within 3m, and pulls them to her.

 The skill effect changes depending on Bryce's mode.

"Solo Fortress" - Taunts the pulled enemies for a certain period of time and creates a shield.

 "Twin Executioners" - Increases damage by x1.5.


Hit and Hit

Bryce deals additional ATK damage to the nearest target with a powerful uppercut attack.

 The skill effect changes depending on Bryce's mode.

 "Solo Fortress" - Launches the enemy 3m away.

 "Twin Executioners" - Deals additional ATK damage, lands critical hits, and stuns targets for a certain period of time.


Prepare to Execution

.When Bryce does not have Melfice as her ally, Bryce starts combat in "Solo Fortress" mode, and if she has Melfice as her ally, Bryce starts combat in "Twin Executioners" mode. 

 Gains the following effects depending on Bryce's mode:

 "Solo Fortress" - Damage received decreases for all allies. 

 "Twin Executioners" - Her Speed increases, but her DEF decreases, and the damage of her normal attacks increases. She switches to the "Solo Fortress" mode if Melfice becomes incapacitated.

  • Details of the skill specs (such as percentage and/or duration) can be found in-game. Skill specs may change through a future skill balance patch.

[New Content]

[Evil Soul Subjugation]

  • New Evil Soul Subjugation 

    • Period: September 7  after maintenance—September 27, 23:59 UTC

    • You can challenge Evil Soul Subjugation once a day during the event period.

    • You can set the boss's level to fight before the challenge begins, and when you defeat the boss, the challenge count is deducted and you will receive rewards.

    • If you fail to defeat a boss or quit the battle, your challenge count will not be deducted.

  • Catherine, Saint of Sorrow, is a Humanlike type.

  • Please check battle tips in the game. 

Skill Type

Skill Name




Veritas Lux Mea


The Saint of Sorrow performs the dance of offering to her god and sacrifices her enemies, dealing 350% ATK damage to all enemies. Because this skill requires a huge amount of magic, the Saint of Sorrow consumes 20,000 Mana to use the skill.

Lv. 201

Damage changes to 500%.

Lv. 301

Damage changes to 650%, inverts the "God's Mind" state of all Souls.

Lv. 400

Damage changes to 800%, completely fills up Mana for enemies who were attacked, applies the Divine Guidance: Eternal Life or "Divine Guidance: Death" debuff and then activates them after 15 seconds.

 "Divine Guidance: Eternal Life" - Restores the target's HP by 90%. 

 "Divine Guidance: Death" - Deals damage equal to 90% of the target's HP.


Monstro divinitas


The Saint of Sorrow baptizes her enemies at random. The target fully recovers their Mana and receives one of the two "Divine Task" debuffs for 10 seconds.

 "Divine Task: Execution" - Use a main skill to successfully complete the task.

 "Divine Task: Standby" - Wait without using a main skill to successfully complete the task.

 Failing to complete the task deals 500% ATK damage to all enemies.

Lv. 120

Unsuccessful Divine Task reduces Mana by 5000 for all enemies.

Lv. 220

Enemies who received Divine Task fully recover their Mana every 30 seconds and receive the same type of Divine Task they received.

Lv. 320

The type of Divine Task received is not displayed when Divine Task is casted again.

Lv. 410

Unsuccessful Divine Task reduces the damage dealt by all enemies by 50% for 15 seconds.


Scelus expendo


The Saint of Sorrow prays to her god and strikes consecutive Punishing Lightning, dealing 400% ATK damage to the enemy with the most HP and in a 3m range around them.

Lv. 140

Damage changes to 600%.

Lv. 240

Deals additional 600% ATK damage to the main target.

Lv. 340

The main target receives the "Weight of Sin" debuff for 2 seconds every time lightning strikes and this debuff stacks up to 5 times. The additional damage of Punishing Lightning increases by 50% per "Weight of Sin" stack.

Lv. 420

If the main target is hit by Punishing Lightning when the "Weight of Sin" debuff is at 5 stacks, the damage dealt by all enemies decreases by 50% for 15 seconds.




The Saint of Sorrow launches a powerful dark wave forward to the furthest enemy, dealing 350% damage to all enemies in a 4m wide 11m long area.

Lv. 160

Damage changes to 500%, casts a curse debuff which deals 60% damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.

Lv. 260

Deals 400% ATK damage if the curse debuff is still active when the duration has run out.

Lv. 360

The curse debuff becomes uncancellable.


Dii te ament

(Unlock at Lv. 201)


Casts "God's Mind: Truth" to all enemies when combat begins, but it changes to "God's Mind: Lie" if the enemies use their main skill. If they use their main skill again, it reverts back to God's Mind: Truth".

 "God's Mind" has the following effects:

 "God's Mind: Truth" - Applies "Divine Guidance" and "Divine Task" effects.

 "God's Mind: Lie" - Applies inverted "Divine Guidance" and "Divine Task" effects.

Lv. 201

Inverts the "God's Mind" state of all enemies if the enemy uses ultimate skills.

Lv. 280

Restores her own Mana by every time the enemy uses a main skill and their "God's Mind" state changes.

Lv. 380

Mana Recovery changes to 500.

Tips for defeating Saint of Sorrow: Catherine.

  • The boss falls into a groggy state when a stun/sleep/silence/charm hits.

    • The evil soul under a groggy state will receive more damage and also various effects.


  • The Boss Kill Rewards and Rank Rewards remain the same as before.




    Rank 1

    Frame: One Who Saved Saint of Sorrow


    Rank 2

    Frame: One Who Purified Saint of Sorrow


    Rank 3

    Frame: One Who Stopped Saint of Sorrow


    Rank 100 or higher

    Frame: Guide of a World Full of Chaos


    Rank 300 or higher

    Frame: Guardian of a World Full of Chaos


    Rank 1,000 or higher

    Frame: Warrior of a World Full of Chaos

     Saint of Sorrow

    Kills reach Accumulated Lv. 1000

    Catherine's costume: Saint of Sorrow

    Saint of Sorrow

    Defeat higher than Lv. 301 

    Catherine's costume: Saint of Chaos

Please check out the costumes claimable as the Achievement Rewards below.

Catherine’s Costume "Saint of Sorrow" for Kills reach Accumulated Lv. 1000:

Catherine’s Costume "Saint of Chaos" for defeating Lv.301:


[Soul Link]

  • A new Soul Link will be added

    • Update Schedule: after maintenance on September 7


  • There will be some changes in the configuration of Erica's Alchemy summons.

    • Please check the details here.


ㅇ An action for Eternal Prize Exchange resetting issue on Aug 30 (Wed) has been processed.

[Informations About Actions for Eternal Prize Exchange]

- The Endless Summer event's Eternal Prize Shop will reopen for 7 days to allow Saviors to redeem any unused Event Coins due to the event ending early.

① For Saviors who haven't confronted the resetting issue

- You can use the round which was available before Aug 30 (Wed).

e. g. If you were in the 8th round previously, you can continuously use the 8th round.

② For Saviors who have confronted the resetting issue

- You can use the round according to the final round before the maintenance of Aug 30 (Wed) + the rounds of rewards received after the resetting issue.

- We will withdraw the inappropriately-given reward and redistribute the appropriate reward according to the round to Saviors who has confronted the resetting issue.

e. g. If you were in the 8th round, and the 4th round was rolled after the resetting issue

The previous round (8th round) + the rewards given after the resetting (the rewards were given for 3 rounds, since 4th round is rolling) = available to roll in 11th round


  •  NPCs on the Ark and in the shop will change to show the costume your Soul is currently wearing.

  • Love Stories and voices for some Souls will be added.

    • Catherine’s voice added in Daphne’s Love Story

    • Erika’s voice added in the Alchemy’s Intro

    • Extra voices added for Tower of Origin (Jacqueline, Talia, and Honglan)

[Cash Shop]

  • New Soul Bryce pick-up packages are added.

    • Sale Period: September 7 after maintenance—September 27, 23:59 UTC

Pack Name

Purchase Limit


Bryce Release Pack 1


Everstone x1,250 + Pick-up Summon Ticket x15

Bryce Release Pack 2


Everstone x3,250 + Pick-up Summon Ticket x20 + Undead Soul Summon Ticket (Rare) +15

Bryce Release Pack 3


Everstone x5,950 + Pick-up Summon Ticket x30 + Undead Soul Summon Ticket (Rare) + 20 + Soul's Memory: Bryce x60

  • New Ark Enhance packages will be added.

    • Update Period: Sale Period: September 7 after maintenance

Pack Name

Purchase Limit


Weekly Ark Main Enhance Pack


Everstone x1,250 + Main Enhance Circuit x30 + Currency Selection Chest (12 Hours) x5

Weekly Ark Class Enhance Pack


Everstone x1,250 + Class Enhance Circuit Selection Chest x40 +  Currency Selection Chest (12 Hours) x5

  • Please check the price and details of the new packages from the in-game Cash Shop.

Any revisions and updates to the patch notes will be marked as well.

Thank you Saviors, and we hope you are as excited about the upcoming update as we are!

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