2024.10.15 Patch Notes | guardiantales asia (EN)
guardiantales asia (EN) Notice
2024.10.15 Patch Notes

※ 10/16 16:35 (UTC+8) / Found Issue

We have found an issue in The Tale of the Tetis Hero where an unexpected pop-up is displayed and the challenge becomes invalidated when clearing higher than the 800th floor. 

Floors after the 800th floor will be added in the next update, and we apologize Guardians for any inconvenience with the issue caused by the development team's inability to predict the stage-clearing speed of Guardians.

■ Heroes and Equipment

- New Hero 'Streamer Ruri' will be added.

  ㄴ 5 stars maximum awakening party effect: [Party] Ranged Damage +50%

- Ruri's Exclusive Weapon Inter-V ★★★★★ will be added.

※ New Hero Ruri and Exclusive Weapon - Inter-V will be available in the Mileage Shop and Selectable Summon after the update on Nov 26 (Tue).

- Japanese voice for Special Costume 'Maestra Future Princess' will be added.

- Japanese voice for Special Costume 'Housebreaker Andras' will be added.

※ Only reflected when voice settings are selected in each language.

■ Story Replay

- The Story Replay feature of World 15 (Normal) will be added.

※ The Worlds after World 15 will be released later.

- The Story Replay feature is available after achieving 100% World Clear.

- Stamina will not be consumed when replaying the Story.

- All resources (Purple Coins, Star Pieces, Gold, etc) obtained during the replay will not really be obtained.

- When replaying the story, you can enter the stage with the chosen party.

- You can replay the story by the [Replay Story] button on the right side of the [Enter] button on the stage selection screen.

 ㄴ You can select the progression per quest in the replay UI.

■ Renewal of The Tale of the Tetis Hero

- The Tale of the Tetis Hero will be revamped.

 ㄴ The system and how to play of The Tale of the Tetis Hero will be changed.

 ㄴ According to the change, stages of Season 1: Elf of the Abandoned Factory will be reorganized.

[Developer's Comment]

Despite of the revamp of The Tale of the Tetis Hero, the aim of the content will not be changed.

Guardians can regularly obtain rewards through the Sweep feature after clearing the basic story.

We aimed the content as an auto-battle-based with synergies and characteristics of various Heroes that would reduce fatigue.

However, we implemented a unique growth system into the content, which will encourage the challenge to the higher floor with consistent growth,

which will make the experience of the daily sweeping in The Tale of the Tetis Hero as a continuous growth.

Furthermore, newly implemented features will vary the combat experience and increase the fun of watching the battle.

- Guardians can enhance various growth features that will be applied in The Tale of the Tetis Hero from the Exp and Artifacts from Sweeping.

- With the Season Specialties, Guardians can enhance or change the way Heroes fight.

- With Guardian Spells, Guardians can actively affect the battle.

- Some VFXs that covered the entire screen will not displayed in The Tale of the Tetis Hero.

The revamped Tale of the Tetis Hero will be content as seasonal floor-climbing content,

which Guardians can challenge and clear the higher floor whenever Guardians want to try.

1) Changes on the Way to Play of The Tale of the Tetis Hero

- The Tale of the Tetis Hero operates on a seasonal basis. Guardian Tactic Level and Season Specialty for the season will be implemented.

 ㄴ Furthermore, Season Artifact, Guardian Spell, and Season Specialty will enrich the experience of the battle.

※ The growth features in the content do not affect other content, and it will be reset when the new season is updated.

- The season 1, 2 stages of The Tale of the Tetis Hero: Adela Kingdom Arc contain 20 floors including the stories.

- Season 2: The Train's Uninvited Passenger which will be updated becomes the current season, and the Infinite Floor will be implemented, where Guardians can play infinitely after the 21st floor.

 ㄴ By clearing each new floor Guardians can obtain the first clear reward, and it will increase the rewards from Sweep.

 ㄴ Each 20 floors change the type of the monsters.

- By clearing or Sweeping (with Stamina) the stages of The Tale of the Tetis Hero, Guardians can obtain Guardian Tactic Exp, which increases the Guardian Tactic Level.

 ㄴ Each Guardian Tactic Level provides 1 point of Season Specialty, which grants buffs applied in The Tale of the Tetis Hero.

- Guardians can obtain Season Specialty points up to 50 by increasing Guardian Tactic Level, and the Season Specialty will change the way Heroes fight.

 ㄴ The Specialty of Warrior and Ranged Dealer will be available after consuming 20 Season Points in the Common Specialty.

- Guardians can obtain Season Artifacts according to probability when Sweeping The Tale of the Tetis Hero.

 ㄴ The chance of obtaining Artifacts will gradually increase depending on the Guardian Tactic Level.

- Guardian Spells include the Basic Spells (unlocked by default) and Special Spells (unlocked by Season Specialties).

 ㄴ Each Guardian Spell has a unique cooldown and can be used in-game battles.

 ㄴ Guardians can select 1 Guardian Spell in the stage selection screen before entering the stage.

 ㄴ Guardians can set it in-game to trigger automatically.

2) Changes on the Way of Battle of The Tale of the Tetis Hero

- During battles, Guardians can use energy, which is replenished regularly, to deploy Heroes or use Guardian Spells to defeat the waving enemies in time.

 ㄴ Energy Stone at the bottom left corner refers to the energy Guardians have.

 ㄴ The cost of deployed Heroes starts from 3, and it will be increased up to 9 whenever they are defeated and resummoned.

 ㄴ The defeated Heroes have a certain amount of respawn cooldown.

- In the left corner, there is a Summoning Stone, and the battle is defeated if the enemies destroy the Summoning Stone or the time limit passes.

 ㄴ When the battle is set to automatic, allied Heroes will be summoned in front of the Summoning Stone.

- Each Guardian Spell has a unique cooldown, and depending on the type, it can be activated by instant cast on touch, targeting an area, or targeting a specific Hero.

 ㄴ Guardians can check the cooldown from the Guardian Spell icon and cooldown display at the bottom right corner.

- QoL will be improved for repetitive climbing play.

 ㄴ Auto Summon: Summons Heroes automatically if the Auto Summon button is active.

 ㄴ Auto Play: Automatically challenges the next one when the Auto Play button is active. The Auto Play will end when Guardians fail to clear the stage.

 ㄴ Auto Guardian Spell: Automatically casts Guardian Spell whenever the spell is available when the Auto Guardian Spell button is active.

3) Misc

- Adela Kingdom Arc Part 2 will be added, and the previous play records of Part 1 will be reset.

- The Tale of the Tetis Hero Coins Guardians hold will be converted to 10 Gold each.

- Shop of The Tale of the Tetis Hero will be refreshed.

- Preset amount of The Tale of the Tetis Hero will be increased to 15.

■ Minimizing the Matching Screen

- Matching Screen can be minimized in the Arena, Death Match, Co-op Expedition, and Random Entry.

 ㄴ The previous matching screen will no longer be available in the Arena, Death Match, Co-op Expedition, and Random Entry.

- Now Guardians can access some features including Heavenhold, Sweep, Mission, and Guardian Pass while matching.

■ Heavenhold

- To celebrate The Tale of the Tetis Hero Season 2, a Monument 'Destroyed Battle Arsenal' will be added.

※ The Blueprint of the 'Destroyed Battle Arsenal' can be purchased in the Shop by The Tale of the Tetis Hero Coins.

■ Collection

- A new collection Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell! will be added.

- A new collection Pajama Party! 2 will be added.

■ Fixes & Improvements

- The name of some SD stickers will be changed.

 ㄴ SD 4th Anniversary Little Princess → Little Princess Celebrates the 4th Anniversary

 ㄴ SD Traditional Holiday Kanna → Kanna Celebrates Traditional Holidays

 ㄴ SD Traditional Holiday Nari → Nari Celebrates Traditional Holidays

 ㄴ SD Traditional Holiday Garam → Garam Celebrates Traditional Holidays

- Fixed an issue in the World 15-5 replay where some monsters appeared out of the battle range when respawning in the Main Computer location.

- Fixed an issue in the World 16-2 where occasionally the head of Android Dummy couldn't be interacted.

■ Shop – Package

[Limited Time Package]

  ㄴ Purchase Period: 2024-10-15 After MA ~ 2024-10-29 12:59 (UTC+8)

1. Limited Time Package (5 times per account)

- Gem (Paid) x 1,500

- Slot 1

 ㄴ Option Change Stone x 10

 ㄴ Option Lock Stone x 20

 ㄴ Gem (Paid) x 1,500

2. Limited Time Stamina Package (6 times per account)

- Stamina x 500

[Hero Growth Package]

※ The package is available when holding the Hero after the summon.

※ The pop-up for package is available up to 7 days after the first pop-up, and after 7 days without making a purchase, it will no longer be displayed.

Streamer Ruri Growth Package

 Relay #1

 - Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Legendary Awakening Stone x 30, Awakening Dungeon Box x 30 

 Relay #2

- Evolution Stone x 500, Summon Controller x 10, Exp x 5,000,000, Awakening Dungeon Box x 90

 Relay #3 (Free)

- Evolution Stone x 160, Hero Crystal x 140

 Relay #4

- Hero Crystal x 300, Legendary Awakening Stone x 60, Gold x 5,000,000, Book of Blessing x 15

 Relay #5

- Hero Crystal x 260, Book of Blessing x 35

 Relay #6 (Free)

- Epic Limit Breaking Hammer x 1

■ Shop – Costume

1. Hero Costume

- Cat Pajama Ruri

- Ladybug Pajama Cornet

- Chinchilla Pajamas Scintilla

- Fox Pajamas Saya

- Dragon Queen Lilith

- Fierce Commander Erina

- Thousand Hand Aisha

- Challenger Morrian

- Express Delivery Mk.2

- Courier Mk.99

- Manager Gabriel

- Speedy Delivery Sohee

- Ready One KAI

- Mk.99-Strider

- Student Leader Valencia

- Space Sheriff Eugene

2. Equipment Costume

- Cat Toy

- Popcorn Basket

- Stygian Crescent Blade

- Stubby Snake Spear

- White Tiger Shield

- Cardboard Assault Rifle

- Road Sign

- Cardboard Crossbow

■ Hero Pick-up Event

ㄴ Event Period : 2024-10-15 After MA ~ 2024-10-29 12:59 (UTC+8)

ㄴ Pick Up Hero : Streamer Ruri

■ Equipment Pick-up Event

ㄴ Event Period : 2024-10-15 After MA ~ 2024-10-29 12:59 (UTC+8)

ㄴ Pick Up Equipment : Inter-V

■ Guild Raid  

- Guild Raid Huge Desk will be available.

  ㄴ Global Schedule: 2024-10-17 00:00 ~ 2024-10-23 23:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Appearing Boss: Invader Director (Light), Shadow Beast (Dark), Invader Terrorist (Water), Empire Knight (Earth)

■ Dungeon Kingdom Arena

- Dungeon Kingdom Arena will be available.

  ㄴ Event Period : 2024-10-24 00:00 ~ 2024-10-30 23:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: Before the next opening of the Dungeon Kingdom Arena

■ Giant Capsule Machine Event

Event Giant Capsule Machine

  ㄴ Event Period: 2024-10-15 After MA ~ 2024-10-29 12:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Event Mission Finishes at: 2024-10-29 12:59 (UTC+8)

  ㄴ Reward Claimable Period: 2024-11-05 12:59 (UTC+8)

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