Greetings, Guardians!
Welcome to Guardian Tales' Fanart Friday Guide!
To join the event, please make sure to read and follow the following details, rules and conditions below for fair use.
🎁 Content Creator Perks:
- Winning Prize (Up to 5 participants) : 1,000 Gems + 300 Stamina
- Lottery Prize (Up to 5 participants) : 600 Gems
- We will be featuring up to 6 artworks across all regions every other Friday and an honorable mention.
📌 Note:
- We will only feature contents submitted to Asia server.
- Only one entry per user in each round. Submitted entries in other regions' pages is not eligible to be featured
- With the high volume of content submitted daily, not all will be featured and is up to the Community Management Team’s (CM Team’s) discretion!
※ Please make sure that the content is appropriate for our audience.
- Accounts that won in the previous round of the Fanart Friday may not win the upcoming round consecutively.
Ex) Winning 128 round → Can't win in 129 round → Can win in 130 round
- Fanart Friday event will be held every 4 weeks.
🎭 How to share your fan art/cosplay/crafts:
1. Please attach your fan art image in the comment section of the event post.
2. Also attach a link to your artwork if you have posted them on any social media
(e.i. Twitter, DeviantArt, Pixiv, etc.) for evidence.
3. Include your Nickname and User number with #FanartFriday in Asia server and Artist Name if you prefer that instead.
🎥 How to share your videos:
1. Please attach your video link in the comment section of the event post.
2. Include your Nickname and User number with #FanartFriday in Asia server and Artist Name if you prefer that instead .
📜 Rules:
- The Guardian Tales Team have the right to make the final judgement on winners. (There can be a round with no winners.)
- The fanart which is not suitable for the game will be removed from comments and excluded from the lottery.
- The fanart has to be your own creation and inappropriate contents are NOT allowed.
- Any kind of cheating or plagiarism will result in disqualification and disallowing to join on the Fanart competition.
- Rules and event specs are subject to change.