What are Uthstin's Blessing and Uthstin's Awakening? | ArcheAge WAR
ArcheAge WAR FAQ Game/Setting
What are Uthstin's Blessing and Uthstin's Awakening?

Uthstin's Blessing and Uthstin's Awakening are items that can grant your character Bonus and Awakening Stat Points, respectively.

Uthstin's Blessing gives you up to 30 Bonus Stat Points, while Uthstin's Awakening increases Awakening Stat Points.

You can invest 10 Awakening Stat Points in 6 different stats,

totaling up to 60 points. (60 maximum)

<How to Obtain>

 - Uthstin's Blessing : Obtained probabilistically when crafted with Uthstin's Fragment items.

 - Uthstin's Awakening: Obtained through achievements.

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