2024.09.12 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL) | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We would like to inform you about the details of the update on 12th September (Thu).

Please check below for further details.

※ Please note that the in-game terminologies (e.g. names, tooltips) could be different from the information displayed in the table below.

◈ 2024.09.12 (Thu) Update Details

※ There will be no maintenance on Sep 19 (Thu).

- Content updated on Sep 19 will be carried out during the maintenance on Sep 12 (Thu).

1. World Boss - Lighthouse Keeper

ㅇ World Boss - Lighthouse Keeper will be available for 1 week.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after MA ~ Sep 19 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

→ Please check [2024.08.01 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for further detail of the World Raid.

ㅇ Onyx's Partner Skill will be implemented.

SupportPP. .P. . .P P  PPP .P.. P..  PPP P. . ...If ally party is combined with only Hunamlike, Beast, Fairy, and Undead Souls, increases type compatibility damage and damage dealt to Angel, Demon, and Chaos types.

[Changes on the World Boss - Lighthouse Keeper]

① Condition (Soft ban/pick) feature will be implemented.

ㅇ The feature adjusts the condition of each Soul according to the ratio of the 'leader Souls' who joined the battle that achieved the max damage to the World Boss.

- Conditions are continuously accumulated for each World Boss, and are accumulated according to the organization information of all Saviors who participated in the world boss.

- According to the Condition, leader Souls' stats are changed and additional effects will be provided.

- You can check the condition of each Soul in the formation screen.

ㅇ There are a total of 6 types of Condition.

ex) According to the ratio of 'Larimar' set as a leader Soul in the previous World Boss, and she joined the current battle with 'Bad' Condition (Image below)

- Soul's Condition is displayed as an arrow shaped icon. (Please check below)

State According to the ConditionEffect
Very Good
(Upward Pointing Arrow 3)
Base ATK, DEF, HP +100%,
Damage Output +25%, Received Damage -25%
(Upward Pointing Arrow 2)
Base ATK, DEF, HP +75%,
Damage Output +15%, Received Damage -15%
Fairly Good
(Upward Pointing Arrow 1)
Base ATK, DEF, HP +35%,
Damage Output +10%, Received Damage -10%
Fairly Bad
(Downward Pointing Arrow 1)
Base ATK, DEF, HP -25%,
Damage Output -10%, Received Damage +10%
(Downward Pointing Arrow 2)
Base ATK, DEF, HP -50%,
Damage Output -30%, Received Damage +30%
Very Bad
(Downward Pointing Arrow 3)
Base ATK, DEF, HP -75%,
Damage Output -50%, Received Damage +50%

② World Boss - Lighthouse Keeper will be rebalanced.

ㅇ The amount of ATK increase while the boss is enraged is changed from 25% to 10%.

ㅇ The increasing total damage received amount, when stopped the Closure, is fixed to 100%.

ㅇ Idle Threat changes as below.

Skill NameBeforeAfter
Idle ThreatCrowd controls the Soul with the highest ATK. The chain can be destroyed when dealt more than damage equal to 1000% of Lighthouse Keeper's ATK, and all enemies become halted for 10 sec if the chains are not destroyed.Inflicts "Idle Threat" debuff to all enemies for 10 sec. Any Soul uses main skill during the debuff gains "Confinement" debuff for 20 sec, which can't be dispelled. However, any Soul uses the ultimate skill can be freed from the "Idle Threat" effect faster.

2. Love Story

ㅇ Vivienne's Love Story will be implemented.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

3. Waving Forest of Monsters

ㅇ During the event period, Waving Forest of Monsters will be available.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Sep 19 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

→ Please check [2023.11.16 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for further details.

4. Iridescent Scenic Instance

ㅇ Rotation of the Unicat boss is changed as below.

- Cookie to Tofu: 9/12 after MA ~ 9/19 08:59 UTC+9

- Tofu to Cheese: 9/19 10:00 ~ 9/26 before MA

[Unicat Tofu: Skill Info]

ㅇ Sub 1 - Roar of the Winter Forest

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (LV.1)Deals damage based on 100% of ATK to all enemies, and if Tofu's Mana is full, silences all enemies for 4 seconds.
Lv2 (Lv.200)Damage changes to 150%.
Lv3 (Lv.300)Damage changes to 200%, and decreasing damage output of silenced target by 70%.

ㅇ Sub 2 - Snow Punch!

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (Lv.1)Throws a frost shard to the farthest enemy which deals damage based on 120% of ATK, and chills the target which deals 80% ATK damage every 2 sec for 6 seconds.
Lv2 (Lv.120)Damage changes to 140%, frost damage changes to 85%.
Lv3 (Lv.220)Damage changes to 160%, frost damage changes to 90%.

ㅇ Sub 3 - Shooting Snow!

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (Lv.1)Throws 6 frost shards to the farthest enemy which deals damage based on 130% of ATK, and inflicts "Emblem of a Winter Forest" debuff which deals 60% ATK damage in 3m radius every 2 sec for 6 seconds.
If the debuff is not removed within 6 seconds, Tofu recovers 250 Mana.
Lv2 (Lv.140)Damage changes to 140%, AoE damage changes to 65%, and Mana recovery effect changes to 500.
Lv3 (Lv.240)Damage changes to 150%, AoE damage changes to 70%, and Mana recovery effect changes to 1,000.

ㅇ Sub 4 - Snow Crash

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (Lv.1)Powerfully stomps the ground which deals damage based on 120% of ATK to all enemies, and inflicts "Energy of a Winter Forest" effect which recovers Tofu's Mana by 250 if not removed within 6 seconds. If Tofu's Mana is already full, deals an additional 100% ATK damage.
Lv2 (Lv.140)Damage changes to 140%, additional damage changes to 120%, Mana recovery effect changes to 500.
Lv3 (Lv.240)Damage changes to 160%, additional damage changes to 140%, Mana recovery effect changes to 1,000.

ㅇ Passive - Guardian of Five Elements - Tofu

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (Lv.1)Tofu doesn't move since it occupies the most advantageous location. If any enemy is farther than 5m from Tofu, receives the "Irresistible Cold" effect.

[Irresistible Cold]
Takes damage based on 5% of Max HP every 10 seconds, and increases the final damage received by 30%.
Lv2 (Lv.200)The damage of "Irresistible Cold" changes to 7.5 of Max HP, and received damage changes to 40%.
Lv3 (Lv.300)The damage of "Irresistible Cold" changes to 10% of Max HP, and received damage changes to 50%.

[Unicat Tofu: Buff/Debuff Info]

ㅇ Buff (Power of the Light)

Skill LevelEffect
Expedition Team's ResolveRecovers 5000 Mana of the Soul who first uses her main skill
Vampiric ImpulseIncreases Life Leech by 50% of any Soul who uses the main skill
Sanctuary DeclarationPermanently grants stealth effect to the Supporter Soul 1 second after the combat starts.
If there are only Supporter Souls on the battlefield, the stealth effect is removed after 3 seconds.
Steel-cutting DeterminationIncreases damage output by 200% of Warrior / Defender / Striker Soul
Blooming HopeIncreases all allies' damage output by 5% whenever Supporter Soul uses main skill (can be stacked)

ㅇ Debuff (Restriction of the Darkness)

Skill LevelEffect
Fully SturdiedAll enemies' HP increases by 150%
Fairy-Like Mythic CreatureThe enemy recovers 2% of max HP every 10 sec and is considered Fairy type.
Wild RampageThe enemy's damage dealt and total damage received increase by 50% when their HP is 50% or below.
Ice ShieldEnemy receives a shield 5% of its Max HP when the battle starts, and the final received damage decreases by 30% when the shield is active
Absolute ZeroAfter the battle starts, all ally Souls receive "Absolute Zero" effect every 15 seconds, which deals 10% of Max HP damage.

[Unicat Cheese: Skill Info]

ㅇ Sub 1 - Conflagration

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (LV.1)Permanently burns the ground which deals damage based on 60% of ATK every 2 sec to all enemies, and if Cheese's HP is lesser than 30%, grants "Conflagration" effect which deals damage based on 120% of ATK damage every 2 sec to all enemies, and deals 100% ATK damage to itself.
Lv2 (Lv.120)DoT damage changes to 130%.
Lv3 (LV.220)Burn damage changes to 70%, DoT damage changes to 140%.

ㅇ Sub 2 - Explosive Fist

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (LV.1)Strikes the nearest enemy with Cheese's paw which deals damage based on 120% of ATK, and deals damage based on 60% of ATK to all enemies within 3.5m radius.
Lv2 (Lv.140)Damage changes to 140%, additional damage changes to 80%.
Lv3 (LV.240)Damage changes to 160%, additional damage changes to 100%.

ㅇ Sub 3 - Firebrand

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (LV.1)Multiply throws the fist to the nearest enemy which deals damage based on 120% of ATK, and increases the target's receiving damage by 10%.
Additionally, inflicts a removable "Firebrand" debuff to the target, which deals 120% ATK damage to the target after 6 seconds.
Lv2 (Lv.200)Damage changes to 130%, received damage increasing amount changes to 20%, additional damage changes to 130%.
Lv3 (LV.300)Damage changes to 140%, received damage increasing amount changes to 30%, additional damage changes to 140%.

ㅇ Sub 4 - Burning Hell

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (LV.1)Deals damage based on 100% of ATK to all enemies with flowing flame, and inflicts a burning effect which deals 60% ATK damage every 2 sec for 12 seconds.
Lv2 (Lv.200)Damage changes to 120%, burning damage changes to 80%.
Lv3 (LV.300)An effect that increases the target's receiving DoT damage by 10% for 12 seconds is added.

ㅇ Passive - Judge of Five Elements

Skill LevelEffect
Lv1 (LV.1)Cheese controls its power delicately, and continues the battle with changing wearing-flames to match the remaining HP.

[Effects depending on remaining HP]
More than 75% HP: Grants "Cleansing Flame" effect which cleanses all removable debuffs on itself every 6 seconds, and increases its damage output by 0.25% permanently.
More than 50% HP: Grants "Recovering Flame" effect which recovers its HP by 3% every 10 seconds.
Less than 50% HP: Grants "Reversing Flame" effect which deals 80% ATK damage to all enemies every 10 seconds.
Lv2 (Lv.200)Increasing damage output changes to 0.5%, healing amount changes to 3%, damage changes to 100%.
Lv3 (LV.300)Increasing damage output changes to 1%, healing amount changes to 4%, damage changes to 120%.

[Unicat Cheese: Buff/Debuff Info]

ㅇ Buff (Power of the Light)

Skill LevelEffect
Steel-cutting DeterminationIncreases damage output by 200% of Warrior / Defender / Striker Soul
Vampiric ImpulseIncreases Life Leech by 50% of any Soul who uses the main skill
Shield ActivationDecreases all allies' final received damage by 20%, and after using the main skill, grants a barrier effect equal to 10% of Max HP for 12 seconds, and additionally decreases final received damage by 20% when the barrier is active.
Racial PowerIncreases damage output by 200% of Souls who are not Angel, Demon, or Chaos type.
Reversing SpiritIncreases all allies' type compatibility damage by 200%

ㅇ Debuff (Restriction of the Darkness)

Skill LevelEffect
Fully SturdiedAll enemies' HP increases by 150%
Demonic BeastThe enemy's receiving damage decreases by 30% and is considered Fairy type.
Final StruggleIncreases damage output by 30% when less than 30% of Max HP.
Shadow of FlameIncreases all allies' receiving DoT damage by 30%.
Flame of NoonIncreases damage output by 50% for 12 seconds every 24 seconds.

5. Fixes & Improvements


ㅇ [Continuous Challenge] feature will be implemented in the Tower of Origin.

- You can challenge the next battle automatically while keeping the formation when winning the battle if the [Continuous Challenge] is activated.

- [Continuous Challenging] UI will be displayed in the left upper corner of the battle screen.

- Package pop-up will not displayed during the Continuous Challenge is activated. (Please note that the pop-up will be displayed after reconnecting the game.)

- Even if the story is unlocked, the battle automatically proceeds. (You can check the story in the 'Main Screen' - 'Story' - 'Tower of Origin')

- You can finish the continuous challenge by retreating from the battle, and it can end if you lose the battle or a network error occurs.

ㅇ [Multiple Purchase Pop-up] will be displayed for items that can be purchased more than 2 items in the Shop.

ㅇ Now Saviors can check the remained Expedition count in the Town entering screen.

6. New Package Items

ㅇ Waving Forest of Monsters Pack will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after MA ~ Sep 19 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 13Everstone (Paid) x 300
+ Mini Game Entrance Ticket x 1
6,000 KRW
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 23Everstone (Paid) x 600
+ Mini Game Entrance Ticket x 3
12,000 KRW
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 33Everstone (Paid) x 1,250
+ Mini Game Entrance Ticket x 5
+ Normal Summon Ticket x 5
25,000 KRW
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 42Everstone (Paid) x 2,150
+ Mini Game Entrance Ticket x 10
+ Normal Summon Ticket x 10
43,000 KRW

ㅇ Chuseok Special Pack will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after MA ~ Sep 26 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- Epic Soul Selection Chest (Celebrating Chuseok): A chest that can choose one of Soul's Memory from the launch ~ Larimar excluding Chaos Type Soul(s).

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Chuseok Special Pack 12Everstone (Paid) x 75
+ Iridescent Crystal x 1,000
1,500 KRW
Chuseok Special Pack 22Everstone (Paid) x 600
+ Iridescent Crystal x 2,000
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 25
12,000 KRW
Chuseok Special Pack 32Everstone (Paid) x 1,600
+ Iridescent Crystal x 6,000
+ Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 20
32,000 KRW
Chuseok Special Pack 41Everstone (Paid) x 5,950
+ Iridescent Crystal x 20,000
+ Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 25
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 35
+ Epic Soul Selection Chest 
(Celebrating Chuseok) x 1
119,000 KRW

◈ Update Details of 19 (Thu)

1. New Soul

ㅇ New Chaos Soul 'Linzy (Thanatos)' will make an appearance.

- Type: Chaos / Class: Striker / Attribute: DEX / Role: AoE / Artifact: Fragarach=Thanatos

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 UTC+9

[Linzy (Thanatos) Skill Info]

UlitmateThanatosStrikes a target in the center of the range where she can hit the most enemies, and explodes the power of death which deals damage based on ATK in a large area. The power decreases as the farther the target is from the center.
If Linzy (T) has the "Whisper of Thanatos", deals massive damage to the main target, however, consumes all of her "Ekstasis" stacks.
MainTelosDeals AoE damage to the nearest target and the surrounding area, and draws the targets to her.
If she has the "Whisper of Thanatos" effect, she inflicts "Siphon Life" debuff on the target, and leeches the target's life by a certain time.
SubPsycheStrikes the nearest target with her sword and stuns and knocks back the target.
After a certain time, the target explodes and deals additional damage to all enemies within a 3m area of the target.
If she has the "Whisper of Thanatos" effect, the power of explosion increases, and forcefully activates allies' passive effect which originally can be activated when the enemy is incapacitated.
SubSytxRapidly strikes all enemies near her, deals damage and pulls them, and creates an area that grants a stack of "Ekstasis" and heals herself while dealing damage to the enemy by every 2 sec.
If she has the "Whisper of Thanatos" effect, she grants "Immortal" effect for a certain time. 
PassiveEkstasisHer normal attack swipes 270 degrees near her, and each attack grants her a stack of "Ekstasis" effect which increases her Crit Rate and decreases received damage.
If she has max stack of "Ekstasis" effect, she grants the "Whisper of Thanatos" effect which empowers all of her skills.
ArtifactDynamisWhen she attacks or being attacked, grants a stack of "Dynamis" which increases her ATK and damage output.
Additionally, grants herself a certain stack of "Ekstasis" when the battle starts.
SupportMiracle of ConnectionsIf the leader is Linzy, increases the power of all skills of Linzy every 2 sec.

ㅇ Soul's Memory: Linzy (Thanatos) will be added in the Awakening Shop.

- Schedule: Sep 19 (Thu) after the release of Linzy (Thanatos)

2. New Soul (Pick-Up)

ㅇ During the event period have a higher chance to obtain a new Chaos Soul 'Linzy (Thanatos)', and also hiring in the Practice Room will be available.

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Oct 10 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

3. (NEW) Evil Soul Subjugation - A Spear that Penetrates the Doom

ㅇ During the event period, a new Evil Soul Subjugation - A Spear that Penetrates the Doom will be available.

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Sep 26 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

ㅇ Boss Introduction

- The 8th released Evil Soul Subjugation is "A Spear that Penetrates the Doom - Lizelotte".

- A Spear that Penetrates the Doom: Lizelotte is a Demon Type Soul.

※ The further information about the skill of the boss and tip can be found in [Detail].

[A Spear that Penetrates the Doom: Lizelotte Skill Info]

Skill Info
UltimateIndignation: CatastropheLv.1Recovering a small amount of Mana with each skill use, once the Doom Piercer reaches full Mana, she gathers all spears in the area to form a colossal spear and hurls it down to obliterate everything.
Sub 1
Avenging Spear: Nemesis
Lv.1Launches a spear at the farthest enemy, dealing damage equal to 100% of ATK to the target and enemies within 3m of the target.
 The damage is multiplied by 10 if she has 8 or more debuffs.
Lv.225Damage changes to 125%.
Lv.325Damage changes to 150%, the number of debuffs that increase damage changes to 5 or above, and recovers additional 1,000 Mana if there are 5 or more debuffs.
Lv.425Damage changes to 200%, then removes all cancellable debuffs on her.
Sub 2
Spear of Desire: Agnos Mageia
Lv.1Strikes the enemy with the most Mana with the Spear of Desire, dealing damage equal to 150% of ATK and inflicting them with Pure Desire, which disables their normal Mana Recovery but restores 4,000 Mana for them every 2 sec for 6 sec.
 After 9 sec, steals 30% of the target's Mana and removes all Mana.
Lv.250Damage increases to 200% and the amount of stolen Mana changes to 50%.
Lv.350Damage increases to 250% and if the target has Mana, inflicts "Excessive Greed" and prevents Mana Recovery for 12 seconds.
Lv.450Damage increases to 300%, and "Excessive Greed" duration changes to 30 seconds.
Sub 3
Spear of Illusion: Ainig Phantasma
Lv.1Deals damage equal to 200% of ATK to all enemies and forcibly stuns them for 3 sec, then inflicts them with 1 or 2 stacks of "Ainig Phantasma".
When a Soul under "Ainig Phantasma" uses her main skill, the stack count of "Ainig Phantasma" decreases by 1 for all Souls with the debuff. When a Soul with 2 or more stacks of "Ainig Phantasma" uses her main skill, all stacks of "Ainig Phantasma" are removed, and the Doom Piercer rains down judgment, dealing damage equal to 250% of ATK, permanently decreasing damage dealt by 200%, and removing all Mana and Ultimate Gauge.
Lv.275Damage changes to 250%. "Ainig Phantasma" can stack up to 3 times.
Lv.375Damage changes to 300%. "Ainig Phantasma" can stack up to 4 times. Damage of judgment changes to 450%, and damage dealt is permanently decreased by 40%.
Lv.475Damage changes to 350%. "Ainig Phantasma" can stack up to 5 times. Damage of judgment changes to 700%, damage dealt is permanently decreased by 60%, and immediately recovers Doom Piercer’s Mana by 3,000.
Realm of Paradox: Aporia
Lv.1Doom Piercer basically has high DEF, and reduces total damage received by 50%. Also receives the "Aporia" buff, which increases damage dealt by 1% every 2 sec, but increases total damage received by 4%.
Lv.300"Aporia"’s damage dealt increase changes to 2%.
Lv.400Base total damage received decrease changes to 80%. The "Aporia" buff's damage dealt increase changes to 3%, and total damage received increase changes to 3%.
Lv.500When the Doom Piercer has 30 stacks or more of "Aporia", she becomes immune to the Mana decrease effect.

※ Evil Soul Lizelotte never fall in the groggy state.

ㅇ Anomaly Season 2 - Rule Anomaly is applied.

Anomaly NameEffectApplied Lv
Rule DestructionLimit for ultimate skill use is removed.All Lv
Arranged ManaIncreases Mana recovery by 25% of all Souls on the Battlefield.Higher than 401 Lv
Ultimate BattleDecreases all allies' basic damage output by 25%,
however, increases the power of ultimate skill by 150%.
Higher than 501 Lv

ㅇ How to Play / Reward

- How to play and reward are the same as the previous Evil Soul Subjugation.

[Lizelotte's Costume: Obsidian Destroyer]

[Lizelotte's Costume: Obsidian Antagonist]

4. Content

ㅇ Unlimited Gate Depths will be expanded up to 250th stage.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

5. 2023 Chuseok Event - Run, Rabbit! Go on a Midnight Run! Pick-Up

ㅇ Pick-Up Summon for the main heroines of 「Run, Rabbit! Go on a Midnight Run!」 - Soonie / Aki / Jiho will be available.

- Soonie Pick-Up Period: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Sep 26 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- Aki Pick-Up Period: Sep 23, 2024 (Mon) 10:00 ~ Sep 30 (Mon) 08:59 UTC+9

- Jiho Pick-Up Period: Sep 26, 2024 (Thu) after MA ~ Oct 3 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

6. 2023 Chuseok Event - Run, Rabbit! Go on a Midnight Run! (Re-run)

→ Previous event notice: https://cafe.daum.net/Eversoul/Zl8y/185

※ Details and changes of the event will be announced with further notice.

ㅇ During the event period 「2023 Chuseok Event - Run, Rabbit! Go on a Midnight Run!」 will be available.

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Oct 3 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- Event shop will be available until the maintenance at Oct 10, 2024 (Thu).

[Content of Run, Rabbit! Go on a Midnight Run!]

① Fullmoon Attendance Check

- Detail: A special attendance check event will be available during the event period.

- Rewards of total 7 days: Everstone x 1,200, Normal Summon Ticket x 10

② Event Stage - Fullmoon Pansori Concert

- Detail: During the event period, Saviors can challenge one of two event stages.

- Each stage has 15 stages, and Stage 1 will be opened at first challenge.

- By clearing the event stages, Saviors can acquire the event items (Flower Cake / Songpyeon) according to the stage.

- By the event items, Saviors can purchase various items in [Fullmoon Exchange Shop].

- The costumes and furnitures in the shop are the same as the event from 2023.

※ If you already have the limited items from 2023's Chuseok event, you can't purchase the same items due to the holding limit.

③ Event Raid - Dangerous Wedding

- Detail: During the event period, Saviors can challenge the event raid - Dangerous Wedding.

- You can participate in the event raid 3 times per day and use Sweep feature after the first participation.

- According to the damage dealt to the event raid boss, you can obtain various rewards such as event items (Fullmoon Cake), Gold  /  Mana Dust  / Mana Crystal.

- You can join the [Fullmoon Prize Shop] by consuming the event item (Fullmoon Cake).

- Winning Items: Moonlight Court Tea Party (Loot Mana Dust +20/min) (1 time) or Everstone x 250, Soul's Memory: Jiho x60 (1 time), Soul's Memory: Soonie x60 (1 time), Soul's Memory: Epic x60 (1 time), Artifact Stone of Primordium x8 (1 time), Epic Soul Type Selection Chest x1 (repeatable), Artifact Summon Ticket x40 (repeatable)

- You can skip the round and go to the next round when obtaining the winning items, and if you claim every reward without skipping additional 'Artifact Summon Ticket x5' will be given.

- If you already have 1st round winning item (key item), the winning items will be changed to Everstones.

※ Moonlight Court Tea Party → Everstone x250

④ Event Pass - Fullmoon Season Pass

- Detail: During the event period, Fullmoon Season Pass will be available.

- Pass Contents: Silver Pass(Free) / Gold Pass (32,000 KRW, available after the purchase)

- If you draw in [Fullmoon Prize Exchange Shop], you can earn Fullmoon Season Pass Points.

- You can obtain various rewards such as [Soul's Memory: Aki], [Blooming Cherry Blossom (Aki's Costume)] by the season pass points.

※ If you already have Blooming Cherry Blossom, you can obtain 500 Everstones instead.

- You can obtain additional rewards such as [Epic Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest], [Traditional Autumn Pond], [Aki's Meditation Garden] by purchasing Gold Pass.

※ Traditional Autumn Pond, Aki's Meditation Garden will be changed to Everstone x 500, Everstone x 2500 if you already have them.

[Traditional Autumn Pond]

- Increases 1,000 Town EXP. (No other features included)

[Aki's Meditation Garden]

- Increases 2,500 Town EXP, and Aki's ATK +10% effect when Aki is deployed.

- When Aki is placed, she can't be deployed in other residential objects.

- You can play a new part-time job [Gardening] when it is deployed.

※ Aki's Meditation Garden will be added in the Antique Shop when the next event's re-run is live.

7. New Package Items

ㅇ Linzy (T) Pick-Up Pack will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Oct 10 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Linzy (T) Pick-Up Pack 11Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 109,900 KRW
Linzy (T) Pick-Up Pack 21Everstone (Paid) x 5,950
+ Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 60
+ Soul's Memory: Linzy (Thanatos) x 60
119,000 KRW

ㅇ Linzy (T) Achievement Pack will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Oct 24 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

※ Ascension Pass will give you various opportunities to purchase various packages and rewards according to the ascension tier.

- Condition: Available on reaching Epic / Legendary+ / Eternal+ / Origin / Origin+1 / Origin+3 / Origin+5

Pack Name (Available on Each Tier)Purchase LimitContainsPrice
Linzy (T) Epic Achievement Pack1Everstone(Paid) x 300
+ Soul's Memory (Epic) x 60
6,000 KRW
Linzy (T) Legendary+ Achievement Pack3Everstone(Paid) x 1,600
+ Artifact Memory: Fragarach=Thanatos x 100
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 30
+ Currency Selection Chest (12 Hours) x 6
32,000 KRW
Linzy (T) Eternal+ Achievement Pack3Everstone(Paid) x 2,150
+ Artifact Memory: Fragarach=Thanatos x 150
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 45
+ Currency Selection Chest (12 Hours) x 10
43,000 KRW
Linzy (T) Origin Achievement Pack1Everstone(Paid) x 5,950
+ Soul's Memory: Linzy (Thanatos) x 60
+ Artifact Memory: Fragarach=Thanatos x 300
+ Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 40
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 40
119,000 KRW
Linzy (T) Origin+1 Achievement Pack3Everstone(Paid) x 2,150
+ Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 20
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 20
43,000 KRW
Linzy (T) Origin+3 Achievement Pack2Everstone(Paid) x 5,950
+ Soul's Memory: Linzy (Thanatos) x 60
+ Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 30
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 30
+ Resource Bundle (12 Hours) x 10
119,000 KRW
Linzy (T) Origin+5 Achievement Pack1Everstone(Paid) x 5,950
+ Artifact Memory: Fragarach=Thanatos x 300
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x 70
+ Set Keepsake Selection Chest (Eternal+) x 1
+ Mold Selection Chest (Origin +1) x 1
119,000 KRW

※ You can claim free rewards on the Ascension Pass also.

Achieving Linzy (T) EpicResource Bundle (24 Hours) x 1
Achieving Linzy (T) Legendary+Artifact Summon Ticket x 10
Achieving Linzy (T) Eternal+Resource Bundle (24 Hours) x 1
Achieving Linzy (T) OriginPick-Up Summon Ticket x 10
Achieving Linzy (T) Origin+1Enhance Circuit: Striker x 30
Achieving Linzy (T) Origin+3Artifact Memory: Fragarach=Thanatos x 150
Achieving Linzy (T) Origin+5Enhance Circuit: Striker x 70

ㅇ Unlimited Gate Depths Boost Pack will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 12, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance (Permanent)

※ Unlimited Gate Depths Boost Pack is available after clearing Unlimited Gate Depths 250th Stage.

※ You can purchase only one of 3 packages below.

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Unlimited Gate Depths
Boost Pack 1
1Everstone (Paid) x 950
+ Main Enhance Circuit x 50
+ Idle Mana Crystal(6 Hours) x 5
+ Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 4
19,000 KRW
Unlimited Gate Depths
Boost Pack 2
1Everstone (Paid) x 2,150
+ Main Enhance Circuit x 120
+ Idle Mana Crystal(12 Hours) x 12
+ Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 8
43,000 KRW
Unlimited Gate Depths
Boost Pack 3
1Everstone (Paid) x 5,950
+ Main Enhance Circuit x 350
+ Idle Mana Crystal(12 Hours) x 35
+ Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 20
119,000 KRW

ㅇ Monthly Sub Trial Pack will be added.

- Schedule: Sep 19, 2024 (Thu) 10:00 ~ Oct 3 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Sharinne Pack Trial Special Pack1Everstone (Paid) x 75
+ Sharinne Pack Trial (10d) x 1
1,500 KRW
Manon Pack Trial Special Pack1Everstone (Paid) x 150
+ Manon Pack Trial (10d) x 1
3,000 KRW
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