Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is CM Gaon, Saviors' reassuring supporter.
A flower event with full of flower scent, [Spring Blooming In Your Heart] will be available for 2 weeks.
From this event, you can obtain Haru and Clara's event costume and special objects.
During the event period, you can challenge the event mini game - Dangerous White Robin Forest
and from the event you can achieve [Fortune Petals], which can be traded to various rewards including the event costumes.
Please check below for further details for the event.
And please give a lot of participation to the event!
《Flower Event - Spring Blooming In Your Heart (Re-run)》
◈ Event Period
- Mar 28, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Apr 11 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
◈ Event Details
① Outing Burning Time
- Detail: During the event period, bond points from Outing will be doubled.
② Flower Daily Login Bonus
- We have prepared an attendance check event for 7 days during 14 days of the event period.
※ The rewards of the attendance event will be given each 09:00 UTC+9.
※ If 7 days have passed since the event started, you can purchase additional days of attendance by consuming Everstones.
[Rewards of the Flower Daily Login Bonus]
※ The special attendance reward will be given immediately after receiving it.
※ Please note that rewards will be given for each day of login during the event.
Ex) login on Mar 28 - Day 1 Reward (200 Everstones) / no login on Mar 29 - no Reward / login on Mar 30 - Day 2 Reward (200 Everstones)
※ Even if you have not claimed your rewards by Day 7, the event will end as scheduled.
③ Story of Spring Blooming In Your Heart
- Let's find out Clara's episode of finding 'Lucky Flower' in the event story.
※ The event mini game - Dangerous White Robin Forest will be available after viewing all of the Spring Blooming In Your Heart event stories.
- You can claim rewards by viewing the event stories. (Total: Normal Summon Ticket x 6 + Lobby background x 3)
※ Saviors who already had viewed the event stories in 2023 can also receive the rewards by watching new event stories.
④ Event Mini Game - Dangerous White Robin Forest
- The event mini game is available at [Event Banner] - [Spring Blooming In Your Heart] on the top right of the main screen.
- You can enter with [Dangerous White Robin Forest] on the bottom right of the event screen.
[How to Play Event Mini Game - Dangerous White Robin Forest]
ㅇ Dangerous White Robin Forest is a mini game where you can eliminate waving monsters within a limited time with assistant Souls.
ㅇ You can challenge 3 times per a day, and you can use Sweep feature after the first challenge.
- You can purchase additional entrance up to 5 times, and each additional entrance costs 250 / 400 / 600 / 800 / 1,000 Everstones.
- The rewards will be given according to the previous highest record when the new record is lesser than the previous record, or using Sweep feature.
- According to the point achieved from the mini-game, you can obtain the event item [Lucky Petal] and Gold / Mana Dust / Mana Crystal.
→ How to play of the mini game is the same as Waving Forest of Monsters, and please check [2023.11.16 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for further information about it.
[Rewards of the Event Mini Game]
ㅇ Basic Reward
ㅇ Point Reward
- According to the point achieved from the mini-game, you can obtain the event item [Lucky Petal] and Gold / Mana Dust / Mana Crystal.
※ The rewards above will be given once.
ㅇ Accumulated Point Reward
- The rewards which can be claimed according to the points accumulated.
⑤ Event Shop - Clara's Farm
- You can purchase various items in the [Clara's Farm] by using the event item - Lucky Petal.
- The costumes and furnitures in the shop are the same as the event from 2023.
※ If you already have the limited items from 2023's Flower Event, you can't purchase the same items.
- Please check the table below for the lists of the limited items.
[Items In Clara's Farm]
[Haru's Costume: Lush Luck]
[Clara's Costume: Feel the Grassy Scent]
Please give a lot of participation to the grassy warm Flower Event - Spring Blooming In Your Heart.
Thank you!