Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is CM Gaon, Saviors' reassuring supporter.
A lovely Valentine's Day event - Pure! Love Valentine's will be re-run for 2 weeks.
If you didn't claim the limited costumes for Rebecca and Jacqueline, don't miss this opportunity to claim 'em!
During the event period the event raid - Bonbon Chocolat Paradise will be available,
and from the raid, you can obtain Love Potions to purchase Valentine's Day limited costumes and rewards.
Please check below for further details for the event,
and please give a lot of participation to the event!
《Valentine's Day Event - Pure! Love Valentine's (Re-run)》
◈ Event Duration
- Feb 15, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Feb 29 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
◈ Event Details
① Heart Reward 2x Event
- During the event period, Heart received from friends will be doubled.
② Valentine's Day Special Attendance Check
- We have prepared a special attendance check for 7 days during 14 days.
※ The rewards of the attendance event will be given each 09:00 UTC+9.
※ If 7 days have passed since the event started, you can purchase additional days of attendance by consuming Everstones.
[Valentine's Day Attendance Check Rewards]
※ The attendance reward will be given immediately after receiving it.
※ Please note that rewards will be given for each day of login during the event.
Ex) login on Feb 15 - Day 1 Reward (200 Everstones) / no login on Feb 16 - no Reward / login on Feb 17 - Day 2 Reward (200 Everstones)
※ Even if you have not claimed your rewards by Day 7, the event will end as scheduled.
③ Revealing Pure! Love Valentine's Event Story
- Let's check the event story - where Souls struggle to save Savior from the sweet savage Love Potion.
※ To challenge the event raid - Bonbon Chocolat Paradise, you have to watch all of the event stories.
- Rewards will be given for each event story watched. (Total: Normal Summon Ticket x6)
※ Saviors who already had viewed the event stories in 2023 can also receive the rewards by watching new event stories.
④ Event Raid - Bonbon Chocolat Paradise
- The event stage is available at [Event Banner] - [Pure! Love Valentine's] on the top right of the main screen.
- You can enter with [Bonbon Chocolat Paradise] on the bottom right of the event screen.
[How to Play Event Raid - Bonbon Chocolat Paradise]
- During the event, you can participate in the Event Raid [Bonbon Chocolat Paradise] and confront the Raid Boss.
- On the raid Kakao Master and Chocobon will make appearances as enemies. (Total 5 enemies)
※ The rewards will be given according to the previous highest record when the new record is lesser than the previous record, or using Sweep feature.
- You can purchase additional entrances by 250/400/600/800/1000 Everstone - total 5 additional entrances per day.
- According to the damage dealt to the event raid boss, you can obtain various rewards such as Love Potion (event item), Gold / Mana Dust / Mana Crystal.
- You can defeat the event boss (total 5 enemies) by dealing a total 150m damage.
[Rewards of Event Raid]
ㅇ Max Damage Reward
- During the event period, the rewards below will be given according to the dealt maximum damage.
- Reward from max damage can be obtained only one time.
ㅇ Victory Reward
- During the event period, rewards such as Love Potion (event item), Gold / Mana Dust / Mana Crystal will be given according to the accumulated damage dealt.
※ The rewards above can be received multiple times.
eg. Achieving 200M damage: Participating the battle + Acc. Damage (50M/100M/150M) + Every 100M x2
→ Love Potion x222 (100 + 20 + 40 + 60 + 2) + Other resource rewards (Gold x30,000 + Mana Dust x45,000 + Mana Crystal x45)
⑤ Event Shop - Jacqueline's Chocolat Shop
- You can purchase various items in the [Jacqueline's Chocolat Shop] by using the event item - Love Potion.
- The costumes and furnitures in the shop are the same as the event from 2023.
※ If you already have the limited items from 2023's Valentine's Day event, you can't purchase the same items.
- Please check the table below for the lists of the limited items.
[Items in Jacqueline's Chocolat Shop]
[Rebecca's Costume: Pure Heart Chocolatier]
[Jacqueline's Costume: Sweet Savage Maid]
Please give a lot of participation to the sweet Valentine's Day event - Pure! Love Valentine's.
Thank you!