2023.11.30 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL) | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We would like to inform you about the details of the update on 30th November (Thu).

Please check below for further details.

※ Please note that the in-game terminologies (e.g. names, tooltips) could be different from the information displayed in the table below.

◈ 2023.11.30 (Thu) Update Details

1. New Soul

ㅇ A vice leader of the Blackhawk Order in the Solrey Kingdom, 'Edith' will make an appearance.

- Type: Fairy / Class: Striker / Attribute: DEX / Role: Single / Artifact: Balisada

- Schedule: Nov 30, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance

[Artifact Introduction: Balisada]

[Edith: Skill Information]

UltimateAttaque Au FerEdith stabs the nearest enemy multiple times, and delivers a coup de grace, deals ATK damage.
MainMoulinetEdith launches a blade aura to the nearest enemy, deals ATK damage.
SubRemiseEdith stabs an enemy multiple times with sweep fencing skill, deals ATK damage.
SubFenteEdith lunges and stabs the pinpoint of an enemy, deals ATK damage.
PassiveRiposteWhen combat starts, Edith grants "Riposte" buff, and if she is attacked during the buff is activated
deals ATK damage to the surrounding enemy, and grants 10 stacks of "En Garte" buff.
"En Garde" buff loses each stack per 2 seconds, and if the stack is fully depleted, Edith gains "Riposte" buff again.

2. New Soul (Pick-Up)

ㅇ During the event period, have a higher chance of obtain new fairy Soul 'Edith'.

- Schedule: Nov 30, 2023 (Thu) ~ Dec 21 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

[✨Pick-Up Summon - Edith: Lily Knight]

3. Evil Soul Subjugation - Doomsday Doll

ㅇ During the event period, Evil Soul Subjugation - Doomsday Doll will be available.

- Schedule: Nov 30, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Dec 7 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

→ Please check [2023.08.17 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for further details of the event.

[Changes of Evil Soul Jacqueline]

① Maximum level of ES Jacqueline is increased from 425 to 450.

② Skills of ES Jacqueline will be added as below.

ㅇ Main - rm -rf

- Lv.5(Unlocked at lv. 450) will be added.

Skill LevelEffect
Lv.450Any enemy hit by the skill is suffered by "Delete Command" debuff. If the skill hits the enemy with the debuff, the enemy becomes incapacitated immediately.

ㅇ Sub - 404 Not Found

- Lv.5(Unlocked at lv. 440) will be added.

Skill LevelEffect
Lv.440Normal attack damage changes to 250% of ATK. If there is no ally within 2m of the target, deals the damage 4 times and steals the target's Mana.

ㅇ Sub - 6rWs7JuQ7J6QLi4=

- Lv.5(Unlocked at lv. 430) will be added.

Skill LevelEffect
Lv.430Whenever Doomsday Doll uses the skill, she grants 1 stack of "Limiter Removal" buff.
(ex : On first cast - 1 stack / On second cast - 2 stack)

③ Sticker rewards will be added to the Evil Soul Subjugation ranking reward.

④ Evil Soul Subjugation clear reward will be added.

426 ~  450Evil Soul Coin x810 + Transcendence Stone x50

4. Fixes & Improvements


ㅇ Soul requirement in Tower of Origin will be applied appropriately.

[Evil Soul Subjugation]

ㅇ Voicelines for some sub-stories in Evil Soul Subjugation: Herald of War will be added.

5. New Package Items

ㅇ Edith Pick-Up Package will be added.

- Schedule: Nov 30, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Dec 21 (Thu) 09:00 UTC+9

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Edith Pick-Up
Pack 1
2Everstone x1,250 +
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x15
KRW 25,000
Edith Pick-Up
Pack 2
2Everstone x3,250 +
Pick-Up Summon Ticket x20 +
Fairy Summon Ticket(Rare) x15
KRW 65,000
Edith Pick-Up
Pack 3
1Everstone x5,950 +
Pick-Up Summon TIcket x30 +
Fairy Summon Ticket(Rare) x20 +
Soul's Memory: Edith x60
KRW 119,000
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