2023.11.23 Known Issue | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2023.11.23 Known Issue

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We'd like to inform you the following known issues currently found in-game.

We will examine the details of the identified issues and resolve them as soon as possible,

We will notify you of any additional issues that are identified through this notice.

◈ Known Issue Details:

ㅇ An issue that cannot log-in from Google

ㅇ An issue that daily paid summon is not processed appropriately when the sum of paid+free Everstones are below 120

ㅇ An issue that formation restriction in Tower of Origin is not applied properly

ㅇ An issue that the schedule of Black Friday Step-Up Pack is not displayed appropriately

    ㄴ The schedule was displayed as until Dec 8 (Fri), but it is purchasable until Dec 1 (Fri).

◈ Fixed Issue:

ㅇ An issue from Aki's main and ultimate skill in which can't appropriately replenish mana when killing enemy (Fixed)

We apologize for your inconvenience while playing the game.

We will do our best to provide a stable and pleasant game experience for our Saviors.


Eversoul Operation Team

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