Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.
We would like to inform you about the Soul's level decreasing / disappearing level-up resources.
Please check below for further details.
◈ Information about Soul's level decreasing / Disappearing level-up resources
※ Many Saviors inquired about the Soul's level decreasing and disappearing level-up resources.
※ First of all, we sincerely apologize for the late information: which is important to Saviors and we have investigated carefully.
- When Soul's level increases, sometimes the level is double-raised at one time.
ㄴ We have confirmed that Soul's level sometimes double-raised at one time of level-up.
ㄴ The resource is consumed properly according to raising 1 level.
[Detailed Informations]
- Due to an error the level shown as raised double,
but the resource is consumed properly according to raising 1 level, and the saved level to the server is recorded as raised 1 level.
ㄴ The resource consumed according to raise 1 level, while actulally raised 2 level, the server records it as raised 1 level
for the resource is not consumed as raising 2 level, thus the result is recorded as raised 1 level.
- If you re-connect the game while the level is raised double times,
the server loads proper data again, so the proper level (+1, not +2) is shown.
ㄴ By those reasons, it might be miscomprehended as the level has been decrased.
※ Example of leveling error in level 300
- 300 → 302 (An error has occurred as the level raised double times.)
ㄴ On the server it is recorded as level 301, and the resource consumed is fit for raising level 300 > 301.
e.g. Decrasing Soul's level
- If the level is inappropriately raised to 302, and if you re-connect the game, the level returns to 301,
the miscomprehension can occur as 'the level is decreased'.
e. g. Disappearing level-up resources
- Reset the Soul's level when the level is inappropriately raised to 302
The server will make Soul's level from 301 to 1, and returns the resource to raise the level to 301.
But if you miscomprehend the resetting started from level 302 to 1, and try to raise another Soul's level to 302,
the resource is not enough. For this reason, you might miscomprehend that 'the resource has been disappeared'.
[Exceptional Situations]
When we investigated the issues described above, we found an issue that the inappropriate level is reflected in some contents.
A mechanism that examines the level and applies the appropriate level,
nevertheless, in some contents the mechanism was missing.
"With those issues, you might miscomprehend deeply that the inappropriate level is the real level,
we will do our best to fix the issue as soon as possible."
"As described above, the server processes the level-up according to the resources that actually need to be consumed,
and the resource is consumed precisely to the target level which is recorded to the server."
"As a result, when the operation team investigates the in-game log, the team might judge that the resource consumed and the result of leveling are the same,
notwithstanding the situation you might miscomprehend has been occurred, we couldn't inform you with satisfying answers."
We will keep in mind that these situation can be occurred, and we will do our best to provide the better services.
We will do our best to fix the issues described above.
Thank you.