2023.08.31 PATCH UPDATE | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2023.08.31 PATCH UPDATE

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We would like to inform you about the preview of the update on 31 Aug (Thu).

Please check below for further details.

※ The update will be applied after the maintenance.

※ We will notify you with further notice about the schedule when confirmed.

※ Please note that the schedule of update and maintenance is subject to be changed.

※ The previewed contents can be changed when the update is applied,

if we have changes, we will notify you further with additional notices.

※ We will notify you with further notice about the details of the update.

◈ 31st August Patch Update Preview

1. New Soul (Added)

ㅇ 'Twin Executioner' of Nightblood, a new Soul 'Melfice', who punishes beings who disturb the order of the dark world with her twin sister Bryce, will be added.

- Type: Undead / Class: Warrior / Stat: DEX / Role: Single / Artifact: Ayamur

- Schedule: After the maintenance of 31 Aug 2023 (Thu)

[Melfice: Skill Informations]

UltimateHannibal the Cannibal

Melfice summons Bryce, and knock enemy away with their combination attack.

Dealing damage to a single enemy based on her ATK, and it is guaranteed as a critical hit and highly increases her ATK when she is in <Solo Guillotine> mode and the target has <Execution Warning> debuff.

When in <Twin Executioner> mode, granting Bryce <Combo Execution> buff, stuns the enemy and increases the enemy's received damage for a short time when Melfice has <Combo Execution> buff.

MainHorizontal Execution

Melfice grinds the nearest enemy with her axe and deals damage, and if she is in <Solo Guillotine> mode she grants <Execution Preparation> buff, and the attack is guaranteed as a critical hit if the target has <Execution Warning> debuff.

If she is in <Twin Executioner> mode, she deals additional damage and throws the target to the sky.


Melfice warns an enemy of the upcoming execution.

When she is in <Solo Guillotine> mode, decreases her damage taken for a short time and gains <Execution Warning> debuff to the enemy with highest ATK, and her attack priority is fixed to the enemy who has <Execution Warning> debuff.

If she is in <Twin Executioner> mode, decreases physical resistance of every enemy.

SubDance of Death

Melfice grinds the nearest enemy with her axe and deals damage, and if she is in <Solo Guillotine> mode she grants <Execution Preparation> buff, and the attack is guaranteed as a critical hit if the target has <Execution Warning> debuff.

If she is in <Twin Executioner> mode, she deals additional damage and throws the target to the sky.

PassiveReady to Execution

Melfice conducts battle with <Solo Guillotine> mode when she is not with Bryce, and with <Twin Executioner> mode when she is with Bryce.

If she is in <Solo Guillotine> mode, she can grant <Execution Preparation> buff with the common attack, which increases her speed.

When she is in <Twin Executioner> mode, her DEF increases and speed decreases, and deals additional damage with her common attack.

When Bryce becomes incapacitated, her mode is changed to <Solo Guillotine> mode.

2. New Soul (Pick-up)

ㅇ During the event, high chance to obtain a new Soul 'Melfice' in <Pick-up Summon>

- Schedule: 31 Aug 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 21 Sep (Thu) 08:59 (UTC+9)

3. New Content: Operation Eden Alliance - Gaon

ㅇ New content: Operation Eden Alliance - Gaon will be added.

- Schedule: 31 Aug 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 14 Sep (Thu) 08:59 (UTC+9)

[Detailed Informations about the Operation Eden Alliance]

ㅇ Operation Eden Alliance will be available after clearing Battlefront 8-16.

ㅇ You can enter Operation Eden Alliance with clicking event banner on the right upper side of the main screen > [Operation Eden Alliance].

ㅇ In the Operation Eden Alliance menu, you can check your tier, the rest missions, and the highest score, and you can also obtain the rewards according to your tier.

- You can claim the rewards according to your tier for every 7 days.

ㅇ You can challenge [Daily Operation] or [Unlimited Operation] in the Operation Eden Alliance.

① Daily Operation

- Daily Operation is a mode that changes enemies' formations and restrictions every day.

- You can choose the restrictions yourself.

※ According to the restrictions you have chosen, stats of enemies will be fixed and your formation can be restricted.

- In the Daily Operation, rewards will be given according to the restrictions which you cleared.

※ Daily Operation missions will be reset every day.

② Unlimited Operation

- Unlimited Operation is a mode in which you can obtain 'Operation Points' as the restrictions you have chosen, and with the score you can compete with other saviors.

- The tier will be changed according to the score. (There is no detailed leaderboard.)

- You can obtain more scores when you choose and challenge the more difficult restrictions.

※ You can unlock the locked restrictions with [Operation Permissions], which can be obtained from the Daily Operation.

- Operation Permissions are not unlocked by spending them, but by simply holding a certain number of them.

- After entering the Unlimited Operation screen, Saviors can see all of the restrictions  selected by clicking [Selected Restriction] at the bottom left.

③ Overall Informations

- In both Daily Operations and Unlimited Operations, enemies have a base level of 100 and increase in level each time you select a restriction.

- There is no challenge count limit for Daily Operations and Ultimate Operations.

[Ultimate Operation Mission Info]

ㅇ For Operation Eden Alliance: Gaon, the Souls from Gaon (Soonoe, Seeha, Honglan, Jiho, and Aki) will appear as enemies during the event. (They use basic formation)

ㅇ Please check the table below for Ultimate Operation mission information.

- Please bear in mind that the rewards for Ultimate Operation will be obtainable once during the event.

Mission NameConditionsRewards
Ultimate OperationClearing with restriction on Ultimate SkillOperation Coin x500
Perfect OriginClearing with Ultimate Skill, Regained Power restrictionOperation Coin x1,000
SteelheartClearing with Steelroot, Protecting Formation restrictionOperation Coin x1,000
ContradictionClearing with Winning Hunger, Defensive Formation restrictionOperation Coin x1,000
Processor of Daily Operation MissionHaving more than 5 Operation Permissions during the seasonOperation Coin x1,000
Better Processor of Daily Operation MissionHaving more than 10 Operation Permissions during the seasonOperation Coin x1,500
Best Processor of Daily Operation MissionHaving more than 20 Operation Permissions during the seasonOperation Coin x2,000
Gaon SwordplayClearing with True Moonlight Slash, Solo Concert restrictionOperation Coin x1,000
Hero of GaonClearing with Secret Sword: Cut the Gordian Knot, Chill of Blue Dragon, Immortal Heart restrictionOperation Coin x2,000
Seeha Only!Clearing with Unstoppable Live, Chalice of High Lord restrictionOperation Coin x1,000
13 vs 133Clearing with Defensive Formation, Charisma of the Ocean, Regained History restrictionOperation Coin x2,000
Protector of GaonReaching more than 600,000 unlimited operation score during the seasonErika's Alchemy Ticket x5

[Tier Info based on Operation Scores in Ultimate Operation]

TierTOP N%Reward
Bronze 3100%Everstones x350
Bronze 290%Everstones x385
Bronze 180%Everstones x420
Silver 370%Everstones x490
Silver 260%Everstones x560
Silver 150%Everstones x630
Gold 340%Everstones x735
Gold 230%Everstones x840
Gold 120%Everstones x945
Platinum 315%Everstones x1,085
Platinum 210%Everstones x1,225
Platinum 15%Everstones x1,365
Master3%Everstones x1,540
Challenger1%Everstones x1,750

[Union Shop Item]

- Operation Coins earned for clearing Daily Operations and Ultimate Operations missions can be redeemed in the Union Shop.

- The Union Shop opens when you clear Battlefront 8-16.

- In the Union Shop, you can purchase various items needed to enhance the Ark.

- The Union Shop  has a 1-month renewal cycle and cannot be renewed with Everstone.

Main Enhance Circuit50Operation Coin x1,000
Enhance Circuit: Warrior100Operation Coin x1,000
Enhance Circuit: Ranger100Operation Coin x1,000
Enhance Circuit: Striker100Operation Coin x1,000
Enhance Circuit: Caster100Operation Coin x1,000
Enhance Circuit: Supporter100Operation Coin x1,000
Enhance Circuit: Defender100Operation Coin x1,000
Idle Gold (6 Hours)1Operation Coin x50
Idle Mana Dust (6 Hours)1Operation Coin x50
Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1Operation Coin x100
Artifact Stone Set Chest1Operation Coin x200

4. New System - Ark Enhance

ㅇ Ark Enhance is a new content where Saviors can obtain various buff effects.

- Update Schedule: August 31 after maintenance

[Detailed Informations about Ark Enhance]

ㅇ Ark Enhance will be available after clearing Battlefront 8-16.

ㅇ Ark Enhance will be accessible through [Home Screen] > [Ark] > [Ark Enhance]

ㅇ Ark Enhance comprises as below

- Main Ark System: For the Main Ark System, you can see the conditions required to upgrade the core on the Ark Enhance screen.

- Secondary Ark System (Warrior / Ranger / Striker / Caster / Supporter / Defender)

ㅇ By enhancing the Main Ark system or Secondary Ark Systems, permanent buffs will be given.

- Special buffs per class are obtainable by enhancing the Secondary Ark System.

- Buffs you have earned through the Ark Enhance System will be displayed and accessible by clicking the [System Buffs Total] button in the bottom right corner of the Ark Enhance screen.

- Other System Buff Totals will be accessible by tapping the left/right arrows.

ㅇ Items needed to enhance the Ark will be available in General Shop, Release Shop, and Union Shop after clearing a certain stage of Battlefront. 

- General Shop: after clearing Battlefront 8-16

Class Ark Core Random Chest3360,000 Gold

- Release Shop: after clearing Battlefront 8-16

Enhance Circuit: Warrior10Memory Shard x3,000
Enhance Circuit: Ranger10Memory Shard x3,000
Enhance Circuit: Striker10Memory Shard x3,000
Enhance Circuit: Caster10Memory Shard x3,000
Enhance Circuit: Supporter10Memory Shard x3,000
Enhance Circuit: Defender10Memory Shard x3,000

- Union Shop: please check the information addressed above.

5. Battlefront Area 23 will be added

ㅇ Battlefront Area 23 Aureole Mountains will be added.

- Update Schedule: August 31 after maintenance

6. Revamping Hall of Memories

ㅇ Hall of Memories difficulty will be revamped and a new dungeon, Artifact Temple, will be added.

[Details of Revamped Hall of Memories]

① AS-IS Level 1~10 > TO BE Level 1~9

- The difficulty level of the Hall of Memories will be combined so that monsters have similar levels to the difficulty level of the Labyrinth.

- According to the revamping, requirement of sweep feature will be also changed.

Existing Stage 1 and 2→New Stage 1

Existing Stage 3 and 4→New Stage 2

Existing Stage 5 and 6→New Stage 3

Existing Stage 7 and 8→New Stage 4

Existing Stage 9 and 10→New Stage 5

② Specialized debuffs will be added to each dungeon. 

※ The debuff is always applied as Saviors progress through the dungeon and cannot be removed.

- Arkenine Castle: Every ally suffers damage for 2.5% of their base health per 2 seconds

- Crystal Cave: Every enemy's chance to be hit as critical decrases 40%

- Ruin of Forgotten Hero: Every enemy's mana recovery increases 12.5%

- Deathcave: Every ally's HP recovery decreases 35%

- Artifact Temple: Every ally's accuracy decreases 20

③ Misc. Changes

- In the Hall of Memory, the bonus damage from type affinity will be increased from 25% to 50%. 

- Depending on the stage, monsters in the Hall of Memories will wear Keepsakes / Artifacts or use Ultimate Skills.

7. Love Story

ㅇ "Why... What, what!" Love story of Nini, a mercenary belongs to Team Undertaker, will be added.

- Update Schedule: August 31 after maintenance

8. Town: Edit Mode and Lord's Castle will be added

- Update Schedule: August 31 after maintenance

① Town Edit Mode will be added.

- Object Reset / Tile Reset features will be moved into Town Edit Mode.

② Lord's Castle will be available

- You can enter the castle with the entrance in northeast side of commercial district, or you can move with the Go button.

- When entering the Lord's castle, indoor space will be opened. You can decorate the interior of the castle with placing objects.

- Objects placed in the castle also grant town buffs and town exp. But residental objects, part-time job objects, and landmarks can't be placed in the castle.

- 1st floor will be opened for free, and 1~3rd underground floor and 2~5th floor will be opened with Everstones or town coin.

FloorPrice (Town Coin)Price (Everstones)
Ground 1stFreeFree
Underground 1st25,0005,000
Ground 2nd30,0006,000
Ground 3rd35,0007,000
Ground 4th40,0008,000
Ground 5th45,0009,000
Underground 2nd50,00010,000
Underground 3rd55,00011,000

- You can move to each floors with stairs or Go button.

- You can reset object/tile without resetting town, and you can reset only each floor where you want.

9. Fixes and Improvements


ㅇ Substories for Eden Operation Alliance, Ark Enhance, and Hall of Memories will be added. 

ㅇ Related info will be displayed when a Soul you are currently talking to and a Soul you will talk to in next chat are not the same.   

ㅇ Photo album feature will be added. You can watch illustrations from Evertalk with the photo album.


ㅇ The Tower of Origins statue will be changed from Landmark to general Object so that it can be placed inside of the Lord's Castle.

ㅇ Improvements for tile placement against castle walls will be conducted so that there are no empty spaces.

ㅇ Move Menu will contain Lords' Castles and Vacation Spot.


ㅇ A number of items left in the item screen will be displayed with item icon.

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