2023.08.24 MAINTENANCE COMPLETE | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

The maintenance of 24th August (Thu) has been finished at 09:50 (UTC+9).

We apologize for any inconvenience during the maintenance period, and thank you for your patience during the maintenance.

Please check below for more details.

◈ Maintenance Finished Schedule

- 24th August (Thu) 09:50 (UTC+9)

◈ Details

- Added Special Everstone Shop

- Fixed an issue where the 1st frame of Evil Soul Subjugation : Ayame was displayed as 2nd frame

- Fixed an issue with inappropriate name display when outing with Daphne

- Fixed a voice actor's english name in Soul profile

◈ Maintenance Compensation

- Compensation: 300ea of Everstones

- Compensation Distribution Period: 24th August 2023 (Thu), after the maintenance ~ 25th August (Fri) 09:00 (UTC+9)

- How to Receive: Please check the [Mailbox] in the game.

※ Compensations will be unavailable after the distribution period, kindly please claim it within the period.

※ Rewards are sent via mailbox upon login within the compensation distribution period, and are stored in the mailbox for 7 days upon login.

※ If the reward is not confirmed, please return to the title screen and check again.

We will continue to give our best to provide better and more stable game services.


Eversoul Operation Team

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