2023.07.06 Hot fix Issue Notice | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2023.07.06 Hot fix Issue Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephitopheles, reporting in.

We'd like to inform you that some issues occured after the update on 6th July (Thu)

has been fixed on the non-maintenance server patch on 6th July (Thu) 13:10 (UTC+9).

Please check below for more details.

◈ Patch Schedule

- 6th July, 2023 (Thu) 13:10 (UTC+9).

※ If you are currently connected to the game, please close the game and reconnect to apply the patch.

◈ Details

- Fixed an issue with the Archive → Evil Soul Subjugation [Ayame, the Ghost Who Weeps Bitter Tears], displaying the Soul type as Undead.

※ The Soul type applied in-game battle has been also changed from Undead type to Demon type.

We will always do our best to make Eversoul a pleasant environment.

Thank you.


Eversoul Operation Team

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