2023.07.06 MAINTENANCE UPDATE | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephitopheles, reporting in.

Eversoul will have a Maintenance Update on 6th July (Thu).

Please note the following maintenance content and schedule below.

Details of the update can be found on the [Update] bulletin board.

◈ Maintenance Schedule

- 6th July (Thu) 08:50 ~ 11:00 (UTC+9)

※ Sadly, we are constrained to have a maintenance update before 09:00 (UTC+9), which is the daily content reset time.

To prevent your inconvenience, please complete every daily content and event,

including Pick Up Summon of Jade, and voting for Eden's Got Talent, before 08:50 (UTC+9).

We sincerely beg your pardon about bringing the maintenance schedule forward. Thank you.

◈ Details

- New Evil Soul Subjugation <Ayame, the ghost who weeps bitter tears>

- First half of the Main Story Chapter 5: King of Humans will be added.

- Eden's Got Talent voting ends

- Improvement & Error Fixing

▶ For more details, please check [2023.07.06 Patch Update] Notice: https://kakaogames.oqupie.com/portals/2152/customer-news/2630

※ You cannot access or use Eversoul during the maintenance period.

※ Maintenance may end early or be extended depending on the progress.

※ If the maintenance schedule changes, we will inform you through additional notice.

We will always do our best to make Eversoul a pleasant environment.


Eversoul Operation Team

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