PICK-UP SUMMON! Larimar (12.26 ~ 1.2) | eversoul
eversoul PICK-UP SUMMON!
PICK-UP SUMMON! Larimar (12.26 ~ 1.2)

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is CM Gaon, Saviors' reassuring supporter.

"I sentence you to death."

A charismatic General Chairman of Megapolis Aurelia, Larimar!

On this Christmas event, she will show off her different appearance.

Celebrating the 2024 Christmas Event!

Have a higher chance of obtaining Larimar in the Pick-Up Summon during the Pick-Up Summon period - 12/26 ~ 2025/01/02!

Furthermore, don't forget to obtain Snow Marchen (Larimar's costume) from the reward of Silver Pass by participating in the event!

Please check below for further details.