Onyx, CEO of Bestie Production, makes her grand entrance! Bleep-bloop!
A CEO of Bestie Production, 'Onyx' 🐙
She has special speech habits which make hard to communicate with new people,
Also, she is a chatterbox who doesn't listen to others and says what she has to say. 👽
It's time to meet Cosmic Child 'Onyx'! 👾
#Eversoul #NewSoul_Onyx #SoulofGoldenRecord
#Bleep! #Octo, #Letsgo!
- Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjcLEOpu_q0
👉🏻 Download: http://kko.to/FBv0B1tpvH
👉🏻 Official Cafe : https://cafe.daum.net/Eversoul
👉🏻Official Site : https://eversoul.kakaogames.com/