Keepsake, Erika's Alchemy, Other Chest Type Items (24. 03. 28) | eversoul
eversoul [NEW] RATE TABLE
Keepsake, Erika's Alchemy, Other Chest Type Items (24. 03. 28)

On this page, you can check the rate tables of Keepsake, Erika's Alchemy, and other chest type items.

■ Keepsake, Erika's Alchemy, Other Chest Type Items

Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Normal)Faded Watch125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Normal)Faded Orgel125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Normal)Faded Mirror125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Normal)Faded Key125.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Rare)Watch of Memories125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Rare)Orgel of Memories125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Rare)Mirror of Memories125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Rare)Key of Memories125.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Rare+)Watch of Secrets125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Rare+)Orgel of Secrets125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Rare+)Mirror of Secrets125.00000%
Keepsake Chest (Rare+)Key of Secrets125.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Table Clock (Normal)18.33333%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Music Box (Normal)18.33367%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Table Mirror (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Safe Key (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Pocket Watch (Normal)18.33400%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Orgel (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Folding Mirror (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Master Key (Normal)18.33400%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Hourglass (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Snow Globe (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Hand Mirror (Normal)18.33400%
Keepsake Chest (Epic)Mana-Imbued Magic Key (Normal)18.33300%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Table Clock (Normal)18.33333%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Music Box (Normal)18.33367%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Table Mirror (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Safe Key (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Pocket Watch (Normal)18.33400%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Orgel (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Folding Mirror (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Master Key (Normal)18.33400%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Hourglass (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Snow Globe (Normal)18.33300%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Hand Mirror (Normal)18.33400%
Keepsake Chest (Epic+)Magic-Overflowing Magic Key (Normal)18.33300%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Normal)15.41667%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Normal)15.41633%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Speed)10.41700%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Normal)15.41667%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Normal)15.41633%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Speed)10.41700%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41667%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41633%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)10.41700%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41667%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41633%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)10.41700%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41667%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41633%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Normal)15.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (ATK)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (DEF)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (HP)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Evasion)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41600%
Keepsake Chest (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Speed)10.41700%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Clock (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Music Box (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Table Mirror (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Safe Key (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Pocket Watch (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Orgel (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Folding Mirror (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Master Key (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hourglass (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Snow Globe (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Hand Mirror (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Normal)165.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (ATK)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (DEF)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (HP)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Evasion)15.00000%
Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Legendary)Exquisitely Engraved Magic Key (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Clock (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Music Box (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Table Mirror (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Safe Key (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Pocket Watch (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Orgel (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Folding Mirror (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Master Key (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hourglass (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Snow Globe (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Hand Mirror (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Normal)165.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (ATK)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (DEF)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (HP)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Evasion)15.00000%
Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Legendary+)Lavishly Crafted Magic Key (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Normal)165.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)15.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)15.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)15.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)15.00000%
Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Normal)165.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)15.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)15.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)15.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)15.00000%
Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Clock of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Music Box of Eternal Promise (Origin)Music Box of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Table Mirror of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Safe Key of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Origin)Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Orgel of Eternal Promise (Origin)Orgel of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Master Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Master Key of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hourglass of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Origin)Snow Globe of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Origin)Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Normal)165.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (ATK)15.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (DEF)15.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (HP)15.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Crit Rate)15.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Crit DMG)15.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Evasion)15.00000%
Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Origin)Magic Key of Eternal Promise (Speed)15.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestEverstone (Free)50011.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestType Summon Ticket111.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestNormal Summon Ticket111.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestArtifact Summon Ticket211.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestIdle Gold (12 Hours)111.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestIdle Mana Dust (12 Hours)111.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestIdle Mana Crystal (12 Hours)111.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestEternity Flower112.00000%
Love Filled♡ Anniversary ChestSoul's Memory (Rare)6011.00000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Clock of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Music Box of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Table Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Safe Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Pocket Watch of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Orgel of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Folding Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Master Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hourglass of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Snow Globe of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Hand Mirror of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal)Magic Key of Dazzling Petals (Speed)11.19000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Clock of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Music Box of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Table Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Safe Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Pocket Watch of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Orgel of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Folding Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Master Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (ATK)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (DEF)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (HP)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit Rate)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Crit DMG)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Evasion)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hourglass of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19100%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Snow Globe of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Hand Mirror of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Set Keepsake Chest (Eternal+)Magic Key of Sweet Kisses (Speed)11.19000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Table Clock of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Music Box of Eternal Promise18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Table Mirror of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Safe Key of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Pocket Watch of Eternal Promise18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Orgel of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Folding Mirror of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Master Key of Eternal Promise18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Hourglass of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Snow Globe of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Hand Mirror of Eternal Promise18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin)Mold: Magic Key of Eternal Promise18.33300%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Premium Gift CapsuleSliced Cake12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleScone12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleCookie Set12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsulePotato Chips12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleGreen Salad12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleLunch Box12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleFish & Chips12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleGrilled Skewer12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleCoffee12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleHoney Milk12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleHerbal Tea12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleFruit Juice12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleHairclip12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleKey Ring12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsulePerfume12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleComb and Mirror12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleHandmade Teddy Bear12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleDreamcatcher12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleTable Frame12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleCommemorative Coin12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleFountain Pen12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleFan12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleDagger12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleMagic Scroll12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleCoupon12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleTrowel12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsulePotion12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleHandkerchief12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleTrump Card12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleUkulele12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleCube12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleCushion12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleSmall Pot12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleStory Book12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleTeacup Set12.80000%
Premium Gift CapsuleEternity Flower11.50000%
Premium Gift CapsuleLucky Flower10.50000%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Warrior116.66700%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Ranger116.66700%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Striker116.66700%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Caster116.66600%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Supporter116.66700%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Defender116.66600%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Chuseok Fortune PouchIdle Gold (2 Hours)233.33400%
Chuseok Fortune PouchIdle Mana Dust (2 Hours)233.33300%
Chuseok Fortune PouchIdle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)133.33300%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
New Year's Fortune PouchIdle Gold (2 Hours)233.33400%
New Year's Fortune PouchIdle Mana Dust (2 Hours)233.33300%
New Year's Fortune PouchIdle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)133.33300%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Table Clock of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Music Box of Wishes18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Table Mirror of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Safe Key of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Pocket Watch of Wishes18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Orgel of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Folding Mirror of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Master Key of Wishes18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Hourglass of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Snow Globe of Wishes18.33300%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Hand Mirror of Wishes18.33400%
Mold Chest (Origin+1)Mold: Magic Key of Wishes18.33300%
Probability Total100.00000%
Chest Name (Rarity)Item NameAmountProbability
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Defender116.66667%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Warrior116.66667%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Caster116.66667%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Supporter116.66667%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Striker116.66667%
Class Enhance Circuit Random ChestEnhance Circuit: Ranger116.66667%
Probability Total100.00000%