If you've made a purchase in Eversoul and haven't received your items, please follow the steps below, depending on what shop you used for the purchase.
If you made your purchase more than 4 hours ago (24 hours for Everstones), please submit a ticket to our support team with the following information:
- In-game User number and User name (how to find it)
- Payment date
- A screenshot of your Google Play receipt (including the GPA number)
You can find the receipt in the confirmation mail you got from Google Play Store after your purchase. If you can’t find your confirmation email, you can get a receipt online:
- Visit pay.google.com and sign in with your Google account.
- On the left, click on Activity.
- Select an order to see your receipt.
- Your order number is on the receipt page.
Once we receive your ticket, we’ll review your case and request a refund for any undelivered purchases.
Unfortunately, our support team cannot process refunds or order cancelations for purchases made through the App Store, so you’ll need to contact apple directly. You can reach their support and request a refund by signing in to reportaproblem.apple.com.
Please note that it’s only the undelivered purchase that’s eligible for a refund and that Apple does not have access to your in-game purchase history. As such, it’s important that you provide them with the correct order details.
You can find the details of your purchase through your Order History:
To check your Order History on a mobile device, please follow these steps:
- Settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → Account → Purchase History
- From your Purchase History (you may need to scroll down a bit), you can adjust your Date Range and bring up the Order History of your past purchases.
To check your order history on iTunes, please follow these steps:
- Open iTunes.
- From the Account menu, choose View My Account. You might be asked to sign in.
- On the Account Information page, scroll down to the Purchase History section. Next to Most Recent Purchase, click See All.
- It might take a moment for your Purchase History to appear. Click Last 90 Days, then select a different date range.
- Click on more and Order ID to bring up the date, order number, and purchase amount on your screen which we ask you to capture entirely and attach to your support ticket.
- Please be aware that for packages with a purchase limit, you may not be able to purchase another one until the refund has been completed.
- It is possible for the delivery to be delayed after an item is purchased, so we ask you to please wait at least 4 hours before requesting a refund.
- Exception: Purchases of Everstones (apart from the first purchase that comes with double the amount of Everstone) can take up to 24 hours to be delivered, so please wait that long before requesting a refund.