2023.10.19 DEVELOPER'S NOTE | eversoul

Greetings, Savior.

This is Kim Cheol Hui, the chief director of Eversoul.

Today, we would like to give you a sneak peek at the Soul balance patch we are preparing for our October 26 update target.

We have prioritized low-rated, underutilized Souls for balance, and may make further adjustments if metrics indicate they are not performing enough.

We are aware that there are other Souls that have not been included in this round of balancing, but we have discussed the need for more thoughtful consideration, and in some cases, we even consider reforging their skills. 

In the past, we used Artifacts to balance enemies as little as possible, but some Sous have fundamental issues with their skill set that are difficult to fix with Artifact alone, and a lot of top content now has enemies equipped with Artifacts, so the point of using Artifacts to balance has faded.

As a result, we are making changes to the basic skill itself, not just the artifact, and this may result in a slight change in the difficulty of some stages with Souls that we are balancing. 

We ask for your patience and understanding as we try to minimize the number of Soul that are marginalized.

(The content below is subject to change or deletion without notice upon actual implementation in the game.)


Jade has always had value as a joker card, occasionally using her Ultimate ability in Demon Slay 
to turn a Demon into a Gargoyle at the end of the Gargoyle Gauge, while also utilizing her offense buffs for explosive power.

However, Jade's value as a joker card is limited by her stats and slow attack trigger speed, 
rather than her value as a magic dealer, so we're making the following adjustments to compensate.

Made Jade's attack animations faster

<Main Skill: Golden Loop & Jewel Bullet>

Changed the buff dispel effect to have a 100% chance to clear instead of a 30% chance

<Passive Skill: Future Fortune>

Lv1Her strong luck affects not only herself but also her surroundings. When Jade is on the battlefield, all allies gain a special buff that increases the activation rate of skill's additional effects by 20%.Her strong luck affects not only herself but also her surroundings. When Jade is on the battlefield, all allies gain a special buff that increases the activation rate of skill's additional effects by 20%, and increases her Crit Rate by 10%.
Lv2Additional effect activation rate increase changes to 25%.Additional effect activation rate increase changes to 25%, and increases her Crit Rate by 15%.
Lv3Additional effect activation rate increase changes to 30%.Additional effect activation rate increase changes to 30%, and increases her Crit Rate by 20%.

<Artifact Skill: Golden Breeze>

Epic (Basic)Adds an effect to "Future Fortune" that increases ATK by 4%, and additional skill activation rate increases to 15%. Mana recovery for "Jewel Bullet" increases by 1000.Adds an effect to "Future Fortune" that increases ATK by 5%, and additional skill activation rate increases to 15%. Mana recovery for "Jewel Bullet" increases by 1000.
Epic+ATK increase changes to 6%.ATK increase changes to 7.5%.
LegendaryATK increase changes to 8%.ATK increase changes to 8%.
Legendary+ATK increase changes to 10%.  Using the "Golden Loop" skill grants a 30% chance to deal 180% additional damage.ATK increase changes to 12.5%.  Using the "Golden Loop" skill grants a 30% chance to deal 180% additional damage.
EternalATK increase changes to 12%.ATK increase changes to 15%.
Eternal+ATK increase changes to 14%.ATK increase changes to 17.5%.
OriginATK increase changes to 16%.
Chance of additional skill damage for "Golden Loop" and "Jewel Bullet" increases by 10%.
ATK increase changes to 20%.
Chance of additional skill damage for "Golden Loop" and "Jewel Bullet" increases by 10%.


Linzy has shown that her passive, Daze, is powerful when stacked to 20 stacks, but the process is very arduous, and even when stacking to 20 stacks of Daze, 
she is often incapacitated before she can unleash her power. With this in mind, we are making the following adjustments to make stacking Daze safer and improve her ability to stack damage over time.

<Passive Skill: Daze>

Lv1Blinds the target who was hit by Linzy's attack with its thirst for revenge, provoking it to attack Linzy for 4 seconds while reducing its Accuracy by 20. Obtains 2 stacks of "Daze" special buff that increases Crit DMG by 4% every time Linzy evades the enemy's attack (up to 20 stacks).Blinds the target who was hit by Linzy's attack with its thirst for revenge, provoking it to attack Linzy for 4 seconds while increasing Linzy's Evasion by 20. Obtains 2 stacks of "Daze" special buff that increases Crit DMG by 4% every time Linzy evades the enemy's attack (up to 20 stacks).
Lv2Crit DMG of the "Daze" special buff changes to 4.5% and when Linzy deals a normal attack, gains 1 stack of the "Daze" special buff.Crit DMG of the "Daze" special buff changes to 4.5% and when Linzy deals a normal attack, gains 1 stack of the "Daze" special buff.
Lv3Crit DMG of the "Daze" special buff changes to 5%.Crit DMG of the "Daze" special buff changes to 5%, and increases Speed by 1 per each stack of "Daze".

<Artifact Skill: Blooming Blade>

Epic (Basic)Adds an effect to "Daze" that increases ATK by 0.4%.Adds an effect to "Daze" that increases ATK by 0.5%.
Epic+ATK increase changes to 0.6%.ATK increase changes to 0.75%.
LegendaryATK increase changes to 0.8%.ATK increase changes to 1%.
Legendary+ATK increase changes to 1%. Adds an effect that increases Crit Rate by 1%.ATK increase changes to 1.25%. Adds an effect that increases Crit Rate by 1.25%.
EternalATK increase changes to 1.2%.ATK increase changes to 1.5%.
Eternal+ATK increase changes to 1.4%.ATK increase changes to 1.75%.
OriginATK increase changes to 1.6%.
Crit Rate increase changes to 1.6%.
ATK increase changes to 2%.
Crit Rate increase changes to


Flynn recently found a new meta in Guild Raids, but depending on the skill pattern and battle situation, she would either fill up her mana about a tick late, 
or she would use her main skill and waste <Take This! > goes out or you can't use <Mmm, Gun Power!> in time and the attack on the crowd controller is cut off, and there are many negative situations such as the efficiency of <Mmm, Gun Powder!>'s 4 actions vary depending on when you use the main skill and you need to deploy a Soul with a separate Ultimate Skill, so we are making the following changes to keep <Mmm, Gun Powder!> and change the Ultimate Skill bonus effect.

<Main Skill: Mmm, Gun Powder!>

Lv1Flynn, engulfed in madness, explodes Mr. Rocket, causing her normal attacks to explode and deal additional damage by the same amount as the normal attacks to targets within 2.5m for 12 seconds. Speed increases by 40% for 12 seconds.Flynn, engulfed in madness, explodes Mr. Rocket, causing her normal attacks to explode and deal additional damage by the same amount as the normal attacks to targets within 2.5m for 14 seconds. Speed increases by 40% for 14 seconds.

<Sub Skill: Take This!>

Lv1Throws a grenade made with crude skills. Deals damage equal to 170% ATK to the farthest enemy, and launches the enemy 2m to the front. Throws a grenade made with crude skills. Deals damage equal to 170% ATK to the farthest enemy, and launches the enemy 2m to the front. If she has "Mmm. Gun Powder!" buff, deals burn damage equal to 30% ATK every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Lv2Damage changes to 185%.Damage changes to 185%, and burn damage changes to 35%.
Lv3Damage changes to 200%. Adds an effect which stuns target for 2 sec.Damage changes to 200%, and burn damage changes to 40%. Adds an effect which stuns target for 2 sec.

<Passive Skill: Better Alone!>

Lv3Slow but deadly. Mana recovery for Flynn's slow normal attacks and the "Take This!" skill increases by 70%, and her ATK increases by 26% if there are no allies or enemies 3m around her.Slow but deadly. Mana recovery for Flynn's slow normal attacks and Sub Skills increases by 70%, and her ATK increases by 26% if there are no allies or enemies 3m around her.

<Ultimate Skill: Git the Machine and It Will Work>

Lv3Damage changes to 450%. Adds an effect which restores Mana by 3000.Damage changes to 450%. If there is only one target, Deals additional damage equal to 250% ATK.

<Attack Pattern>

AS IS: Normal Attack → Take This! → Normal Attack → Normal Attack → Come On! → Normal Attack → Normal Attack → Come On!

TO BE: Normal Attack → Take This! → Normal Attack → Come On!


Xiaolian is designed to use her <Ruyi Jingu Bang Strike!> and <Clone Strike!! > to unleash her power in 5v5 PVE, with the intention of using her high durability to hold out and then attack the back row, but in the current meta, it's not easy to get to that point, and the dumpling-eating action doesn't provide a damage advantage, and her Ultimate and Main Skill order is often reversed in auto-fights, and her Ultimate Skill is often deprioritized or restricted by content, so we're changing her mechanics to make her more flexible and powerful. However, since the buff conditions for Sub Skills have changed, the <Heavenly Dumplings> buff will be dispelable to accommodate this.

<Main Skill: Ruyi Jingu Bang Strike!>

Lv1Strikes down the nearest enemy with Ruyi Jingu Bang, dealing 300% ATK damage. Receives the "Remove Prohibition" buff that increases her ATK by 30% for 20 seconds.Strikes down the nearest enemy with Ruyi Jingu Bang, dealing 300% ATK damage. Receives the "Remove Prohibition" buff that increases her ATK by 30% for 20 seconds, and the next 2 actions use empowered "Consecutive Stabs!", "Leg Sweep!" and resets attack pattern.

<Sub Skill: Consecutive Stabs!>

Lv1Applies a quick consecutive attack to the nearest enemy with Ruyi Jingu Bang, dealing 160% ATK damage. If she has the "Remove Prohibition" buff, deals additional 100% ATK damage. Changes to a skill that deals 360% ATK damage to the target and decreases their DEF by 25% for 8 sec when the skill has been enhanced by the "Emperor of Heaven" effect.Applies a quick consecutive attack to the nearest enemy with Ruyi Jingu Bang, dealing 160% ATK damage. If she has the "Heavenly Dumplings" buff, deals additional 100% ATK damage. Changes to a skill that deals 360% ATK damage to the target and decreases their DEF by 25% for 8 sec when the skill has been enhanced by the "Ruyi Jingu Bang Strike!" and "Clone Strike!!" effect.

<Sub Skill: Leg Sweep!>

Lv1Wields her Ruyi Jingu Bang, aiming at the nearest enemy's legs. Deals 140% ATK damage and pushes the enemy down. If she has the "Remove Prohibition" buff, deals additional 140% ATK damage. Changes to a skill that deals 340% ATK damage to the targets within 3m and stuns them for 3 sec when the skill has been enhanced by the "Emperor of Heaven" effect.Wields her Ruyi Jingu Bang, aiming at the nearest enemy's legs. Deals 140% ATK damage and pushes the enemy down. If she has the "Heavenly Dumplings" buff, deals additional 140% ATK damage. Changes to a skill that deals 340% ATK damage to the targets within 3m and stuns them for 3 sec when the skill has been enhanced by the "Ruyi Jingu Bang Strike!" and "Clone Attack!!" effect.

<Ultimate Skill: Clone Strike!!>

Lv1Charges at the enemy with the highest ATK together with her clones, dealing 380% ATK damage. If she has the "Heavenly Dumplings" buff, the buff turns into the "Stone Monkey's Will" special buff effect which decreases total damage received by 35% for 16 seconds and becomes immune to crowd control and knockback effects. If she has the "Remove Prohibition" buff, buff changes into the "Emperor of Heaven" special buff which increases her ATK by 60% for 16 seconds. Then the following two actions will use the enhanced "Consecutive Stabs!" and "Leg Sweep!" skills, after which the action order will reset.Charges at the enemy with the highest ATK together with her clones, dealing 380% ATK damage, and the next 2 actions use empowered "Consecutive Stabs!", "Leg Sweep!" and resets attack pattern. If she has the "Heavenly Dumplings" buff, the buff turns into the "Stone Monkey's Will" special buff effect which decreases total damage received by 35% for 16 seconds and becomes immune to crowd control and knockback effects. If she has the "Remove Prohibition" buff, buff changes into the "Emperor of Heaven" special buff which increases her ATK by 60% for 16 seconds.


The short duration of the acceleration buff in content where the game is already settled down before Rene finishes warming up, or where stuns are required, made Renee a difficult Soul to deal with, as she was consistently losing stun and bonus damage from her Main and Ultimate Skill abilities due to the short duration of the acceleration buff. We're addressing this and adjusting Renee's offensive capabilities to slightly increase her damage.

<Sub Skill: Magnum Punch>

Lv1Adjusts the physical ability to apply a quick consecutive attack. Deals damage equal to 170% of ATK to the nearest enemy and increases her Speed by 20% for 14 seconds.Adjusts the physical ability to apply a quick consecutive attack. Deals damage equal to 170% of ATK to the nearest enemy and increases her Speed by 20% for 20 seconds.

<Artifact Skill: Burning Up>

Epic (Basic)Every time you use normal attacks or skills, you get a special buff that increases Crit Rate by 1.5%. When you get 10 stacks, all attacks deal additional damage equal to 80% ATK (up to 10 stacks).Every time you use normal attacks or skills, you get a special buff that increases Crit Rate by 2.5%. When you get 6 stacks, all attacks deal additional damage equal to 80% ATK (up to 6 stacks).
Epic+Crit Rate increase changes to 2.25%.Crit Rate increase changes to 3.75%.
LegendaryCrit Rate increase changes to 3%.Crit Rate increase changes to 5%.
Legendary+Crit Rate increase changes to 3.75%.Crit Rate increase changes to 6.25%.
EternalCrit Rate increase changes to 4.5%.Crit Rate increase changes to 7.5%.
Eternal+Crit Rate increase changes to 5.25%.Crit Rate increase changes to 8.75%.
OriginCrit Rate increase changes to 6%.Crit Rate increase changes to 10%.

Nicole's Artifact's Skill effect <Fatal Feather> is meant to increase the damage of all her allies, but the focus of the effect is on the Artifact, and she does not get much of a benefit from it, making her less of a priority than other synergy Souls. 
We are giving <Fatal Feather> an additional effect and adjusting it to increase her own power.

<Main Skill: Storm>

Lv1Shoots Maedori to deal damage equal to 200% ATK to the nearest enemy and enemies within 2.5m. Deals additional damage equal to 100% ATK if the target is under the "Feather Brand" effect.Shoots Maedori to deal damage equal to 240% ATK to the nearest enemy and enemies within 2.5m. Deals additional damage equal to 100% ATK if the target is under the "Feather Brand" effect.
Lv2Damage changes to 220%, additional damage changes to 110%.Damage changes to 260%, additional damage changes to 110%.
Lv3Damage changes to 240%, additional damage changes to 120%. Additionally deals damage that ignores 20% of the target's DEF.Damage changes to 280%, additional damage changes to 120%. Additionally deals damage that ignores 20% of the target's DEF.

<Sub Skill: Sharp Feather>

Lv1Throws a Maedori's feather forward, dealing damage equal to 130% ATK in an 8m long, 30 degree conical area and grants the "Feather Brand" effect which decreases Evasion by 30 for 14 seconds.Throws a Maedori's feather forward, dealing damage equal to 130% ATK in an 8m long, 30 degree conical area and grants the "Feather Brand" effect which decreases Evasion by 30 and increases received Crit Rate by 20% for 14 seconds.

<Passive Skill: Unerring Arrow>

Lv1Nicole's arrows do not give you the option to avoid them. Nicole's Accuracy increases by 50 and all attacks deal damage that ignores 30% of the target's DEF.Nicole's arrows do not give you the option to avoid them. Nicole's Accuracy increases by 50 and all attacks deal damage that ignores 30% of the target's DEF.
Lv2Accuracy increase changes to 60.Accuracy increase changes to 60.
Lv3Accuracy increase changes to 70. Nicole's normal attacks deal damage that ignores an additional 20% of the target's DEF.Accuracy increase changes to 70. Nicole's normal attacks deal damage that ignores an additional 20% of the target's DEF, and deals damage equal to 50% ATK to the enemies have "Feather Brand" effect.


While Manon has proven to be powerful against low-durability enemy Souls in the battlefront, her two non-attack behaviors, the fact that her <Lucky Investment> Skill never triggers, causing her to be re-challenged, and the fact that her <Oops! Ink got on the bill!> skill's range is limited to the front side, which has made her less useful when paired with ranged attack Souls. We are increasing Manon's attack range so that most ranged attack Souls can benefit from the <Magic Ink> buff, improving the effectiveness of <Magic Ink>, and scaling back her behavioral patterns so that she can have high coin stacks when she is truly at her best. 
We are also adjusting the low-return Artifact Origin effect to benefit all allies.

Manon's Basic Attack range increased (7m → 10m)

<Sub Skill: Oops! Ink got on the bill!>

Lv1Oops! Spilled some ink! Increases the ATK, DEF, and healing received by 14% for 15 seconds for Manon and her allies in an 80 degree angle and 6.5m long conical area in the direction she is facing.Oops! Spilled some ink! Increases the ATK, DEF, and healing received by 15% for 15 seconds for Manon and her allies in an 80 degree angle and 8.5m long conical area in the direction she is facing.
Lv2ATK, DEF, and healing received increase changes to 17%.ATK, DEF, and healing received increase changes to 20%.
Lv3ATK, DEF, and healing received increase changes to 20%.ATK, DEF, and healing received increase changes to 25%.

<Sub Skill: Lucky Investment>

Lv1Checks her luck by throwing 3 Lucky Coins. Each coin has a 70%, 50%, or 30% chance of giving her a Lucky Coin buff that permanently increases her Crit Rate by 10% (up to 5 stacks).Checks her luck by throwing 3 Lucky Coins. Each coin has a 90%, 65%, or 40% chance of giving her a Lucky Coin buff that permanently increases her Crit Rate by 10% (up to 5 stacks).
Lv2Each chance changes to 75%, 55%, 35%.Each chance changes to 95%, 70%, 45%.
Lv3Each chance changes to 80%, 60%, 40%.Each chance changes to 100%, 75%, 50%.

<Artifact Skill: Lucky Surprise>

OriginCrit DMG increase changes to 40%. Adds an effect which restores her HP by 20%.Crit DMG increase changes to 40%. Adds an effect which restores allies have "Oops! Ink got on the bill!" effect HP by 15%.

<Attack Pattern>

AS IS: Normal Attack → Lucky Investment → Oops! Ink got on the bill! → Normal Attack → Aware of interest rates? → Normal Attack

TO BE: Lucky Investment → Oops! Ink got on the bill! → Normal Attack → Aware of interest rates? → Normal Attack 


In the early days of the game, Jacqueline was a Soul that excelled at getting into the rear and attacking the enemy's weak spots to render their main power incapacitated. 
However, as more Souls have been released and there are more ways to counter this, we have found that the benefits of having her on the team have diminished, such as her inability to finish off high-durability enemy Souls, her weakness in Guild Raids and Evil Soul Subjugation, 
and the timing of her Ultimate Skill ability being slower than other compositions due to her Sub Skills not filling up her mana.

<Sub Skill: Strategy: Crescent Moon & Strategy: Dark Moon>

Skills will now recover the same amount of mana as she would gain from normal attacks.

<Artifact Skill: Splitting Spear>

Epic (Basic)When the battle begins, ATK increases by 12% for 30 seconds.Permanently increases ATK by 6%, and when the battle begins, ATK increases by 6% for 30 seconds.
Epic+ATK increase changes to 18%.Permanent ATK and additional ATK increase changes to each 9%.
LegendaryATK increase changes to 24%.Permanent ATK and additional ATK increase changes to each 12%.
Legendary+ATK increase changes to 30%. Adds an effect which increases Evasion by 10.Permanent ATK and additional ATK increase changes to each 15%. Adds an effect which increases Evasion by 10.
EternalATK increase changes to 36%.Permanent ATK and additional ATK increase changes to each 18%.
Eternal+ATK increase changes to 42%.Permanent ATK and additional ATK increase changes to each 21%.
OriginATK increase changes to 48%. Evasion increase changes to 20.Permanent ATK and additional ATK increase changes to each 24%. Adds an effect which increases Evasion by 20.


While Rebecca can be powerful in combos with other damage over time Souls like Honglan and can provide powerful buffs when deployed, her damage output and attack speed make her a lesser contributor than other Ranger Souls, and her inability to recover her own HP in combos with Souls like Garnet makes her the first Soul to go down, making her an increasingly underutilized Souls against enemy Souls that require mana reduction. 
To alleviate this, we are making her more in line with other Ranger Souls by allowing her to benefit from <Synthetic Adrenaline> and providing her with a momentary burst of power.

<Main Skill: Yellow Anti-Recovery Injection>

Lv1Shoots pressurized sap, deals damage equal to 180% ATK to enemies in a 1.8m wide and 8m long area to the nearest enemy, and poisons them, dealing 60% damage every seconds for 12 seconds. Target's healing received decreases 50% while poisoned.Shoots pressurized sap, deals damage equal to 180% ATK to enemies in a 1.8m wide and 8m long area to the nearest enemy, and poisons them, dealing 60% damage every seconds for 12 seconds. Target's healing received decreases 50% while poisoned. If the enemy is already poisoned, deals 110% additional damage.
Lv2Damage changes to 200%, poison damage changes to 65%.Damage changes to 200%, additional damage changes to 120%, poison damage changes to 65%.
Lv3Damage changes to 220%, poison damage changes to 70%Damage changes to 220%, additional damage changes to 130%, poison damage changes to 70%.

<Sub Skill: Toxic Sap>

Lv1Spits out toxic sap. Deals damage equal to 70% ATK to all enemies in a 1.8m wide 8m long area from the nearest enemy and poisons them, dealing 50% damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.Spits out toxic sap. Deals damage equal to 130% ATK to all enemies in a 1.8m wide 8m long area from the nearest enemy and poisons them, dealing 50% damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
Lv2Damage changes to 80%, poison damage changes to 55%.Damage changes to 145%, poison damage changes to 55%.
Lv3Damage changes to 90%, poison damage changes to 60%, and the duration of the poison changes to 14 seconds.Damage changes to 160%, poison damage changes to 60%, and the duration of the poison changes to 14 seconds.

<Sub Skill: Synthetic Adrenaline>

Lv1Activates allies' nerves. Increases the Speed of the farthest ally by 20% and the ATK by 20% for 10 seconds.Activates allies' nerves. Increases the Speed of the farthest ally and her by 20% and the ATK by 20% for 10 seconds.

<Ultimate Skill: Deadly Purple Injection>

Lv1Medicines can't always be good for you. Deals damage equal to 220% ATK to enemies in 1.8m wide and 8m long area to the nearest enemy, and poisons them, dealing 75% damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. Target's healing received decreases 75% while poisoned.Medicines can't always be good for you. Deals damage equal to 220% ATK to enemies in 1.8m wide and 8m long area to the nearest enemy, and poisons them, dealing 75% damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. Target's healing received decreases 75% while poisoned. If the enemy is already poisoned, deals 200% additional damage.
Lv2Damage changes to 240%, poison damage changes to 80%.Damage changes to 240%, additional damage changes to 220%, poison damage changes to 80%.
Lv3Damage changes to 260%, poison damage changes to 85%, and the duration of the poison changes to 14 seconds.Damage changes to 260%, additional damage changes to 240%, poison damage changes to 85%, and the duration of the poison changes to 14 seconds.

This is the end of the balancing announcement.

We are preparing for the next Soul balance patch to go live on October 26.

We will release an additional Soul balance patch in November, so please be patient if your favorite Souls are missed out on this balance patch.

 Plus, please stay tuned with our upcoming Halloween event which will be open on October 26.

Thank you.

Kim Cheol Hui