2023.08.25 DEVELOPER'S NOTE | eversoul

Greetings, Saviors.

This is Kim Cheol Hui, the chief producer of Eversoul.

Today I would like to inform you about the update of 31st August partly.

New Content - Eden Union Operation : Gaon

ㅇ New content <Eden Union Operation> will be revealed. The first operation is <Chapter Gaon> and will be held for 2 weeks. (08/31 ~ 09/14)

ㅇ Eden Union Operation is an irregular event that will be revealed with approximately 1m intervals.

ㅇ Content Introduction

- Eden Union Operation is a game mode in which you can modify the difficulty by setting various restrictions, and aiming to clear the hardest difficulty as you can.

- It is divided into <Daily Operation>, in which enemy formations and restrictions changed everyday, and <Unlimited Operation>, which fixed enemies and restrictions during the event period.

- The level of enemy starts from 100, and increases with each restriction chosen.

- There is no limit to how many challenges, and specific objectives will be given in daily operation and unlimited operation.
You can challenge multiple times with clearing the objective and obtaining the reward.

- Restrictions have various effects, such as empowering the enemy, weakening the ally, or restricting formations.

ㅇ Daily Operation

- In the daily operation, formations of enemies and selectable restrictions will be changed everyday.

- There are various objectives that can be cleared in the daily operation, and you can obtain rewards for clearing them. (Daily reset)

- <Operation Commemorative Coin> can be obtained during the daily operation mission, and you can purchase circuit items that are used to <Ark Enhancement>. (Reset in every 1st day of the month / can't be reset instantly)

ㅇ Unlimited Operation

- In the unlimited operation, formations of enemies and selectable restrictions will be fixed during the event period.

- In the unlimited operation, sometimes unlocking restrictions need <Operation Permission>, and you can obtain operation permissions with clearing daily operation's objectives.

(The restrictions will be unlocked with reaching amount of operation permissions, not consuming the permission.)"

- There are various objectives that can be cleared in the unlimited operation, and you can obtain rewards for clearing them. (1 time per each event period)

- <Operation Commemorative Coin> can be obtained during the unlimited operation mission, and you can purchase circuit items that are used to <Ark Enhancement>. (Reset in every 1st day of the month / can't be reset instantly)

- After winning the battle, you can get more <Operation Points> as more restrictions are chosen.

※ <Operation Permission> will be deleted after the event expires.

ㅇ Tier Rewards

- The tier will be decided according to the operation points.

- Rewards according to the tier decided will be given each 7 days. (Total 2 times)

New Content - Ark Enhancement

Ark Enhancement is a new content in which you can empower overall Souls' stat.

ㅇ You can gain permanent buff effects with enhancing Ark for consuming enhancement circuit items.

- You have to enhance primary Ark system to enhance secondary Ark system.

- Each enhancement of the systems have differed circuits.

ㅇ You can enhance the Ark with the Ark enhancement circuit from General Shop, Release Shop, Union Shop (new).

Content Expansion

ㅇ 23rd battlefront <Oreol Mountain Range> will be added.

Revamping Hall of Memories

We have synchronized with the level designs of the Dimensional Labyrinth with the Hall of Memories, with adding higher levels.

ㅇ To revamp the Hall of Memories, it will be unavailable from 28th Aug 09:00 UTC+9 to 31st Aug after the maintenance.

ㅇ Stage will be revamped. (To synchronize with the Dimensional Labyrinth, the stage division will be simplified.)

- AS-IS: Stage 1~10

- TO-BE: Stage 1~5

ㅇ New Stage 6~9 will be added.

ㅇ New dungeon <Artifact Temple> will be added. (You can enter the artifact temple in 4th Sep.)

ㅇ Special debuff will be added for each dungeon. (Will be displayed on <Enemy Info> button)

ㅇ Type bonus damage will be changed to 50% in the Hall of Memories. (It was 25%)

ㅇ According to the stage, monsters can equip artifact/keepsakes or use ultimate skills.

- You can check the informations for each stage with <Enemy Info> button.


ㅇ Nini's love story will be revealed.

ㅇ Sub stories of Eden Union Operation, Hall of Memories will be revealed.

ㅇ Evertalk will be improved to show information about the Souls which is talking.

- It is an action for clear the misunderstanding as the love story is not continued when talking Soul is changed.

ㅇ Photo album feature will be added. You can watch illustrations from Evertalk with the photo album.

Town Edit Mode

At last, finally, town edit mode will be added. Goodbye to the era when Savior had pulled every objects for every one boxes. (Manon likes it.)

ㅇ You can place objects with a top-down view.

ㅇ You can place/remove multiple tiles with touch and slide action.

Lord's Castle

Lord's castle will be opened. It is the first try of <Indoor Contents> which revealed in the Offline Anniversary.

ㅇ You can enter the castle with the entrance in northeast side of commercial district, or you can move with the Go button.

ㅇ When entering the Lord's castle, indoor space will be opened. You can decorate the interior of the castle with placing objects.

ㅇ Objects placed in the castle also grant town buffs and town exp. But residental objects, part-time job objects, and landmarks can't be placed in the castle.

- Tower of Origin Statue will be changed to a normal object. (To place in the indoors of the Lord's castle)

ㅇ 1st floor will be opened for free, and 1~3rd underground floor and 2~5th floor will be opened with Everstones or town coin.

ㅇ You can move to each floors with stairs or Go button.

ㅇ You can reset object/tile without resetting town, and you can reset only each floor where you want.

This is the end of the developer's note today.

We would like to inform you in advance that the adjustment details are subject to change or deletion depending on the development process.

Please give a lot of attentions in new Soul <Bryce> and <Evil Soul Catherine> which will be revealed 7th September.

Thank you,

Kim Cheol Hui

"* Please note that the in-game terminologies could be different from information displayed in the table above.