Details of 2024 Christmas Event - Silent Bomb Holy Bomb (12/20 Changed) | eversoul
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Details of 2024 Christmas Event - Silent Bomb Holy Bomb (12/20 Changed)

ㅇ Illustration of Larimar's costume has been changed. (12/20 10:55 UTC+9 Changed)

- Please note that the in-game illustration will be changed later.

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is CM Gaon, Saviors' reassuring supporter.

Returned Christmas in Eden with full of Bomb?!

2024 Christmas Event will be available for 3 weeks, with starring Flynn, Larimar, and Renee.

By participating the event, you can obtain not only the special costumes for Flynn, Larimar, and Renee,

and also various resources for growth. Don't forget to participate!

Please check below for further details.

《Details of 2024 Christmas Event - Silent Bomb Holy Bomb》

◈ Event Period

- 2024-12-26 (Thu) 10:00 ~ 2025-1-16 (Thu) 08:59

◈ Event Details

① Mech Convention Attendance Check

- We have prepared an attendance check event for 14 days in 21 days.

※ You can obtain rewards in the special attendance check on every 9:00 (UTC+9).

※ After the event period has passed for 14 days, you can buy an attendance check with Everstones.

[Rewards of Mech Convention Attendance Check]

1Everstone (Free) x 200
2Everstone (Free) x 200
3Everstone (Free) x 200
4Everstone (Free) x 200
5Everstone (Free) x 200
6Everstone (Free) x 200
7Normal Summon Ticket x 10
8Everstone (Free) x 200
9Everstone (Free) x 200
10Everstone (Free) x 200
11Everstone (Free) x 200
12Everstone (Free) x 200
13Everstone (Free) x 200
14Normal Summon Ticket x 10

※ Rewards for Mech Convention Attendance Check will be given immediately upon acquisition.

※ Please note that rewards will be given based on the cumulative daily access during the event period.

Ex) Day 1 rewards for login on 12-26 / no login on 12-27 / Day 2 rewards for login on 12-28

※ Even if you have not earned the reward by the 14th day, the event will end.

② Event Story

- Let's check what will happen in 2024's Christmas.

- The event stage and event raid will be available after clearing all event stories.

- You can obtain special rewards by watching the event stories. (Total reward: Normal Summon Ticket x 11, Event Lobby Background x 1)

③ Event Stage

- The event stage is available at [Event Banner] - [Catch a Thief Decoy Operation] on the top right of the main screen.

- You can enter with [Catch a Thief Decoy Operation] on the bottom right of the event screen.

[Event Stage Details]

ㅇ During the event period, you can challenge one of two event stages.

- Each stage consists of a total of 15 stages, starting with Stage 1 when you first enter.

- After using all the daily challenges, you can also consume Everstones to gain up to 5 additional tries.

(The number of free entries is reset every day at 09:00 UTC+9.)

- Event Stages grant buffs by using Flynn or Renee depending on the type of stage.

(Buffs are changed at every 09:00 UTC+9.)

- Sweep feature will become available after clearing a stage of the Event Stage once and hiring Souls from friends will not be allowed for the Event Stage.

[Rewards of Event Stage]

ㅇ First Clear Reward

- For each stage, you can claim rewards for first-time clear.

- The rewards are given only once.

Stage 1Everstone (Free) x40
Stage 2Everstone (Free) x60
Stage 3Everstone (Free) x80
Stage 4Everstone (Free) x100
Stage 5Everstone (Free) x120
Stage 6Everstone (Free) x140
Stage 7Everstone (Free) x160
Stage 8Everstone (Free) x180
Stage 9Everstone (Free) x200
Stage 10Everstone (Free) x220
Stage 11Mana Crystal x300
Stage 12Mana Crystal x450
Stage 13Mana Crystal x600
Stage 14Mana Crystal x750
Stage 15Mana Crystal x900

ㅇ Stage Clear Reward

- The rewards are given when each stage is cleared.

- Event items are given based on which type of Event Stage you cleared.

Stage 1Event Item x90
Stage 2Event Item x100
Stage 3Event Item x110
Stage 4Event Item x120
Stage 5Event Item x130
Stage 6Event Item x140
Stage 7Event Item x150
Stage 8Event Item x160
Stage 9Event Item x170
Stage 10Event Item x180
Stage 11Event Item x180 + Gold x100,000
Stage 12Event Item x180 + Gold x125,000
Stage 13Event Item x180 + Gold x150,000
Stage 14Event Item x180 + Gold x175,000
Stage 15Event Item x180 + Gold x200,000

[Event Stage Shop - Operation Medal Exchange Shop]

- Schedule: 2024-12-26 (Thu) 10:00 ~ 2025-1-23 (Thu) 08:59

- With the given event items, you can purchase various items in the Operation Medal Exchange Shop.

ㅇ Stopping Operation Award Shop

[Flynn's Christmas Costume]

ㅇ Search Operation Award Shop

[Renee's Christmas Costume]

④ Event Raid - Starry Night Frenzy

- The event stage is available at [Event Banner] - [Starry Night Frenzy] on the top right of the main screen.

- You can enter with [Starry Night Frenzy] on the bottom right of the event screen.

[How to Play the Event Raid]

ㅇ During the event period, you can challenge the event raid and confront the raid boss.

ㅇ You can challenge the event raid up to 3 times per day, and Sweep is available after participating the first battle.

- You can purchase additional challenges up to 5 times per a day.

- If you do not beat the existing highest record or clear the event raid using the Sweep feature, you will be given rewards based on the currently highest record.

- You can also use the [Practice Battle] feature, which can challenge the raid boss without consuming the entrance count.

- The number of entries is reset every day at 09:00 UTC+9.

ㅇ Event Raid Bosses can be challenged at any level between 100 and 400, and use a single formation to fight.

- Friends' hired Souls are not allowed in the event raid.

ㅇ The event items [Convention Prize Ticket] and Gold / Mana Dust / Mana Crystals will be given as victory rewards for each battle.

[Rewards of Event Raid]

ㅇ Max Level Reward

- During the event period rewards will be given according to the cleared max level.

- The rewards are given only once.

Max LevelReward
100Everstone (Free) x300
125Everstone (Free) x400
150Everstone (Free) x500
175Everstone (Free) x800
200Everstone (Free) x1,000

ㅇ Victory Reward

- The rewards will be given based on the cleared level.

(Convention Prize Ticket)
GoldMana DustMana Crystal

[Event Prize Shop - Convention Prize Shop]

- Schedule: 2024-12-26 (Thu) 10:00 ~ 2025-1-23 (Thu) 08:59

- During the event, you will be able to use the event item [Convention Prize Ticket] to claim various rewards randomly.

- Each draw costs 100 Prize Tickets.

- You can adjust the number of exchanges via [Exchange Settings] in the upper right corner of the shop screen. (10 / 30 / 50)

※ You can skip the round and go to the next round when obtaining the winning items.

- The feature is available when 'Exchange ends upon acquiring the prize reward' feature.

- You can skip the round and go to the next round when obtaining the key item of the round.

ㅇ Winning Items: Toy Factory (Loot Mana Dust +20/min) (1 time), Soul's Memory: Flynn x 60 (2 times), Soul's Memory: Renee x 60 (2 times), Soul's Memory: Epic x 60 (1 time), Artifact Stone of Primordium x 8 (1 time), Epic Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest x 1 (repeatable), Artifact Summon Ticket x 40 (repeatable)

- You can skip the round and go to the next round when obtaining the winning items, and if you claim every reward without skipping additional 'Artifact Summon Ticket x5' will be given.

- After the 7th round of the Convention Prize Shop, the shop will renew to the 8th round (even numbered repeats) and 9th round (odd numbered repeats).

※ Please check [Convention Prize Shop Probability Rate Table] for further details of the probabilitiy table.

[Boom Boom Season Pass]

- Schedule: 2024-12-26 (Thu) 10:00 ~ 2025-1-23 (Thu) 08:59

- During the event period, Boom Boom Season Pass will be available.

- You will receive the Boom Boom Pass points for the event item you redeem at the Convention Prize Shop.

- Comprise: Silver Pass (Free) / Gold Pass (KRW 32,000, In-App purchase)

- If you do not have enough Boom Boom Pass Points to claim a reward, you can use Everstone to purchase the points (200 Everstones = 500 points).

ㅇ Rewards of Silver Pass

1Normal Summon Ticket3
2Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
3Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)2
4Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)2
5Artifact Summon Ticket2
6Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
7Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)2
8Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)2
9Normal Summon Ticket3
10Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
11Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
12Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
13Artifact Summon Ticket2
14Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
15Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
16Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
17Normal Summon Ticket3
18Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
19Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
20Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
21Soul's Memory: Larimar60
22Artifact Summon Ticket2
23Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
24Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
25Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
26Normal Summon Ticket3
27Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
28Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
29Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
30Artifact Summon Ticket2
31Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
32Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
33Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
34Normal Summon Ticket3
35Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
36Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
37Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)3
38Artifact Summon Ticket2
39Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
40Snow Marchen (Larimar's Costume)1

[Silver Ticket (Free) Reward: Snow Marchen (Larimar's Costume)]

ㅇ Rewards of Gold Pass

Epic Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest1
Everstone (Free)500
2Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
3Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
4Artifact Stone10
Normal Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 Hours)1
6Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
7Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
8Soul's Memory (Epic)15
9Artifact Stone10
Pick-Up Summon Ticket5
Everstone (Free)500
11Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
12Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
13Soul's Memory (Epic)15
14Artifact Stone10
Normal Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 Hours)1
16Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
17Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
18Soul's Memory (Epic)15
19Artifact Stone10
Pick-Up Summon Ticket5
Everstone (Free)500
21Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
22Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
23Soul's Memory (Epic)15
24Artifact Stone10
Normal Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 Hours)1
26Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
27Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
28Soul's Memory (Epic)15
29Artifact Stone10
Chalarian Tree1
Everstone (Free)500
31Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
32Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
33Soul's Memory (Epic)15
34Artifact Stone10
Pick-Up Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 Hours)1
36Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
37Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
38Soul's Memory (Epic)30
39Advanced Artifact Stone10
Larimar's Snowy Sled Square1
Everstone (Free)500

[Gold Ticket (In-App Purchase) Reward: Chalarian Tree]

- You can obtain [Chalarian Tree] as the mid reward of event gold ticket.

- Placing it in your Town will give you 1,000 Town EXP points (no other special features included).

[Gold Ticket (In-App Purchase) Reward: Larimar's Snowy Sled Square]

- You can obtain [Larimar's Snowy Sled Square] as the final reward of event gold ticket.

- Placing it in your Town will give you 2,500 Town EXP points, and deploying Larimar will increase her HP by 10%.

(You can't deploy her in another residence when she is deployed to Larimar's Snowy Sled Square.)

- When you place Larimar in Larimar's Snowy Sled Square, she is located in the snowy square unless she is working, resting, or visiting a commercial district.

- Placing her in the Town gives her a new part-time job, [Distributing Christmas Gift].

- For this job, you can earn 540 Town Coins and 700,000 Gold.

⑤ (NEW) Event Raid - Infinity Boss Challenge

- Schedule: 2025-01-09 (Thu) 09:00 ~ 2025-01-16 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

- You can join the Infinity Boss Challenge by [Event banner in the right upper corner] ▶ [Infinity Boss Challenge].

- You can enter the Infinity Boss Challenge by [Infinity Boss Challenge] in the right bottom of the event screen.

[Infinity Boss Challenge: Mecha-ia]

ㅇ During the event challenge, you can challenge the raid boss [Mecha-ia] through the Infinity Boss Challenge.

ㅇ You can participate Infinity Boss Challenge infinitely during the event period, and you can compete with others with your best record.

- The point record will be recorded depending on the damage dealt to the raid boss.

- You can obtain additional points by satisfying certain conditions.

- Additional points add % points to the recorded poitns during the battle.

ex) 10,000 points of battle record and 100% additional points: 20,000 points

- If you didn't update your best record, the reward will be given based on your existing best record.

- You can't hire friend's Souls in the Infinity Boss Challenge

※ The screenshot above is not the final version, and it is subject to change.

[Rewards of Infinity Boss Challenge]

ㅇ Point Reward

- During the event period rewards will be given based on the maximum points achieved.

- The rewards are given only one time.

Max PointReward
20,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 2
40,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 2
60,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 2
80,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 2
100,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 1
150,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 1
200,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 1
250,000Targeted Summon Ticket x 1

ㅇ Ranking Reward

- After the event period, you can claim the ranking reward based on the maximum points achieved during the event period.


[Components of Keepsake Growth Selection Chest]

Chest NameSelectable Item NameQty
Keepsake Growth Selection Chest
Keepsake Transcension Stone2
Advanced Keepsake Enhance Stone1
Advanced Keepsake Growth Selection Chest
Keepsake Transcension Stone7
Advanced Keepsake Enhance Stone5
Mold Selection Chest (Origin)1
Supreme Keepsake Growth Selection Chest
Keepsake Transcension Stone15
Advanced Keepsake Enhance Stone10
Mold Selection Chest (Origin)2
Mold Selection Chest (Origin+1)1
Set Keepsake Selection Chest (Eternal+)1

Please give a lot of participation to the 2024 Christmas Event for 3 weeks!

Thank you.

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