2024.06.27 Known Issue (Modified at 6/27 18:33) | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2024.06.27 Known Issue (Modified at 6/27 18:33)

Your story with the everlasting Souls!    

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.    


We would like to inform you about the known-issue in-game.    


We will do our best to fix the known issue described below as soon as possible,    

and we will notify Saviors further with this notice when additional issue is found.    


◈ In-game Known Issue

ㅇ An issue in the Town where the edge area of the deployable range has been partially reduced.

- The issue will be resolved with the next update maintenance.

◈ Fixed Issue

ㅇ An issue where the terminology for Dominique's sub-skill "Surge Spear" appears differently.

- In the skill description: 'normal attacks become n% more effective' / Additional effect: 'n% additional damage'

- The two terms above are the same meaning (ie. n% more effective = n% additional damage), and will be unified into one description soon.

ㅇ We have distributed the rewards of the canceled Part-Time Job for Saviors who have suffered the cancellation of the Part-Time Job due to the issue above. (6/27 18:00 UTC+9)

ㅇ Freezing issue in the Dominique and Forest of Monsters when firstly acquiring the Tidal Essence (Fixed at 18:33 UTC+9)

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience with the issue.

We will always do our best to provide Saviors pleasant environment.

Thank you.

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