2024.06.20 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL) | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We would like to inform you about the details of the update on 20th June (Thu).

Please check below for further details.

※ Please note that the in-game terminologies (e.g. names, tooltips) could be different from the information displayed in the table below.

◈ 2024.06.20 (Thu) Update Details

1. (NEW) World Raid - Lighthouse Keeper

ㅇ New content, [World Raid - Lighthouse Keeper] will be available for 1 week.

- Schedule: June 20, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ June 27 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9

ㅇ World Raid is available after clearing Battlefront 9-15.

ㅇ There is no entrance limit for World Raid during the event period.

② How to Play

ㅇ The boss's HP will decrease based on the total damage dealt by players. The boss's HP is shared among all players on the server.

ㅇ When you update your previous record, the new damage amount will be reflected in the boss's HP.

③ World Boss (Lighthouse Keeper)

Boss levels range from 1 to 5, with the next level boss appearing upon defeating the current one.

- The difficulty does not vary between boss levels; only the boss's HP and rewards increase.

ㅇ For World Boss, the Soul type buff is not applied.

[Lighthouse Keeper: Skill Info]

Normal AttackBombardmentLaunches a laser to the sky and bombards to the land where allies stand which deals damage based on 950% of ATK evenly.
Sub 1VolleySprays laser to the enemies which deals damage based on 1500% of ATK evenly, and each hit decreases the Mag Resistance by 20% to the enemies who don't have a barrier or less than 70% of HP. (Can be stacked and dispelled)
Sub 2AnnihilationThrows a beam which deals damage based on 375% of ATK, and deals burning damage every 2 seconds based on 80% of ATK.
If there are less than 2 Souls nearby, the damage is increased to 950%, and burning damage is increased to 200% and can't be dispelled.
Sub 3IntimidationFreezes an enemy who has the highest ATK and makes a prison which has HP based on 1000% of its ATK.
The prison exists for 10 seconds, and freezes all enemies if it is not destroyed within 10 seconds.
UltimateTerminationGrants itself a barrier based on 3000% of ATK, and shoots enemies, deals 1000% damage evenly. The party becomes incapacitated if the barrier is not broken in 10 seconds.
If the barrier is broken, Lighthouse Keeper becomes defenseless for 8 seconds, and its received damage increases by 30%.
The effect is amplified by "Rage" stacks.

A: You can check the details of the boss (Lighthouse Keeper).

B: You can check the total ranking.

C. You can check the reward info.

D: You can check the maximum damage dealt and overall ranking.

④ How to Fight

ㅇ World Raid is played by deploying 5 Leader Souls + 10 Partner Souls in the battle.

- In this raid, you deploy five Souls to the battlefield, referred to as [Leader Soul], and each [Leader Soul] can be assigned up to two [Partner Souls].

- You can participate the battle without any Partner Soul, however, Leader Souls must be deployed.

ㅇ 5 Leader Souls can use Ultimate Skill for only 1 time per each Soul.

◈ What is the Partner Soul?

ㅇ Partner Souls are divided into [Main Partner] and [Sub Partner].

- When deploying the Partner Souls, the first deployed Soul becomes [Main Partner], and the second deployed Soul becomes [Sub Partner].

A: You can check / deploy the Main Partner Soul.

B: You can check / deploy the Sub Partner Soul.

C: You can check the skill and details of the Leader Soul, Partner Soul.

ㅇ The Soul deployed as a Main Partner can use [Partner Skills].

- Partner Skills are divided into Active and Passive.

- Active: Active when the Leader Soul uses a main skill

- Passive: Passive effect

※ Partner Skill effect can be changed for each season.

※ Please check [World Boss Main Partner's Partner Skill Info] notice for the details of the Partner Skills.

ㅇ Sub Partner Souls empowers Leader Soul's stat according to the role of the deployed Soul.

ㅇ Stat boost effect is increased according to the tier of the Sub Partner Soul.

RoleAdditonal StatStat IncreaseMax Stat Increase (Origin-based)
SingleATK 5%, Crit Rate 2.5%ATK 2.5%, Crit Rate 1.25% for each tierATK 20%, Crit Rate 10%
AoEATK 9%ATK 3.5% for each tierATK 30%
AssassinationCrit Rate 2.5%, Crit DMG 10%Crit Rate 1.25%, Crit DMG 5% for each tierCrit Rate 10%, Crit DMG 40%
BuffCrit Rate 8%Crit Rate 2% for each tierCrit Rate 20%
DebuffCrit DMG 14%Crit DMG 6% for each tierCrit DMG 50%
DoTATK 3%, Crit Rate 2.5%, Crit DMG 7%ATK 1.5%, Crit Rate 1.25%, Crit DMG 3% for each tierATK 12%, Crit Rate 10%, 
Crit DMG 25%
CCATK 3%, HP 3%, Phys/Mag Resistance 4%ATK 1.5%, HP 2%, Phys/Mag Resistance 1% for each tierATK 12%, HP 15%, Phys/Mag Resistance 10%
HealHP 15%HP 5% for each tierHP 45%
ProtectDEF 15%, Phys/Mag Resistance 4%DEF 7.5%, Phys/Mag Resistance 1.5% for each tierDEF 60%, Phys/Mag Resistance 15%

⑤ Skill Presentation Update

ㅇ With the addition of this Partner skill, the presentation of the main skill has been redesigned when the main skill display is turned OFF.

- If no Partner is set, only the illustration of the Soul using the main skill will be shown on the screen.

- For active type Partner skills, the illustration of the Partner soul will be displayed alongside the Leader Soul when the main skill is used.

- For passive type Partner skills, it will be displayed as follows upon entering battle.

[World Raid - Reward]

ㅇ Total Rewards

- Rewards will be distributed to all Saviors who participated in the World Raid based on the level of the bosses defeated collectively through player cooperation.

- Rewards of previous level are distributed also. ex) Defeating level 2 boss: Raid Coin x 20,500 + Advanced Keepsake Enhance Stone x 4)

Boss LevelRaid CoinAdvanced Keepsake Enhance Stone

※ Rewards for defeating bosses can be obtained after the settlement period (24 hours).

ㅇ Rank Rewards

- After the event ends, rank rewards will be distributed based on the damage dealt to the boss.

※ Rank rewards can be obtained after the settlement period (24 hours).

2. Tower of Origin - Mica will be implemented.

- Schedule: June 20, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

- Tower of Origin is a permanently-available content, and the addition of this update is Lyre of Orpheus (Mica).

- Tower of Origin is available after clearing Battlefront 8-35.

→ Please check [2023.06.01 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for the further details of the content.

3. Love Story

ㅇ A captain of the 'Torch Pirates', and an alcoholic Soul! Cherrie's love story will be implemented.

- Schedule: June 20, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

4. Battlefront Challenger Mode

ㅇ Challenger Mode 15th Area - Shadowless Lands will be implemented.

- Schedule: June 20, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

5. Fixes & Improvements


ㅇ Hunting Ground will be implemented out of the Town. You can go to the Hunting Ground by teleport or moving out of the Castle in the Commercial District.

ㅇ Logs and Monsters will no longer spawn in the private lands. Now they will spawn in the Hunting Ground.

ㅇ Day / night daily town quest will be integrated.


ㅇ Guild Introduction feature will be implemented. The introduction will be displayed in the Guild List screen. (Inappropriate introduction can be deleted without any notice.)

ㅇ Guild Name Change feature will be implemented. Name change consumes 300 Everstones, and the name can't be changed again for 14 days after the change.

- Only Guild Master can change the guild name.


ㅇ Icons for some box-type items will be changed.

[Bug Fixes]

ㅇ Fixed an issue in Keepsake equipment screen where the filter button wasn't displayed.

ㅇ Fixed an issue of Catherine (R)'s barrier effect which was applied on all allies when she repetitively uses ultimate and main skill.

6. New Package Items

ㅇ Mica Tower of Origin Boost Pack will be added.

- Schedule: June 20, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance (Permanent)

Pack NamePurchase LimitContainsPrice
Mica Tower of Origin
Boost Pack
1Everstone (Paid) x2,150
+ Soul's Memory: Mica x60
+ Artifact Memory: Lyre of Orpheus x100
+ Artifact Stone Set Chest x10
43,000 KRW
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