Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.
We would like to inform you about the details of the update on 22nd February (Thu).
Please check below for further details.
※ Please note that the in-game terminologies (e.g. names, tooltips) could be different from the information displayed in the table below.
◈ 2024.02.22 (Thu) Update Details
1. New Soul
ㅇ An Operator of 5th Ark - Zadkiel! New Soul 'Beleth' will make an appearance.
- Type: Humanlike / Class: Supporter / Attribute: INT / Role: Buff / Artifact: Ark Zadkiel
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

[Beleth: Skill Info]
Ultimate | Happy Cleaning Time! | Heals HP and Mana, and cleanses certain amounts of debuffs of all allies. |
Main | Cleaning Finished! | Heals HP of all allies and cleanses certain amounts of debuffs. |
Sub | I'll Make You Clean! | Teleports to an ally who has the lowest HP ratio, heals the target's HP and grants a shield effect to the target. After using the skill, Beleth's Physical / Magic Resistance is increased for a certain amount and time. |
Sub | Shining Bright! | Applies a buff to an ally who has the highest ATK which increases Crit Rate / Crit DMG. |
Passive | The Key is Neatness! | Allies affected by healing / buff effects from Beleth receive "Neatness" buff which increases their stats. If they already have "Neatness" buff, the buff is changed to "Perfect Neatness", and empowers its stat boosting effect. |
2. New Soul (Pick-Up)
ㅇ During the event period, having higher chance to obtain a new humanlike Soul 'Beleth', and also hiring in Practice Room will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Mar 14 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
3. Waving Forest of Monsters
ㅇ During the event period, [Waving Forest of Monsters] event will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Feb 29 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
→ Please check [2023.11.06 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for the further details of the event.

ㅇ Ranking range and frame rewards of Waving Forest Monsters will be changed.

4. Second Half of Main Story Ch.7
ㅇ Second Half of Main Story Ch.7 will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance

5. Evil Soul Subjugation - Mad Beast
ㅇ During the event period, Evil Soul Subjugation - Mad Beast will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Feb 29 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
→ Please check [2023.11.16 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for the further details of the event.

ㅇ 'Anomaly' feature will be added.
- 'Anomaly' is a feature that will have different concepts for each season, and on this season, the concept will be [Trait Abonomality], which changes the effect according to the type of race.
① Common Feature
- The table below will be applied to all of the ESS bosses, including the ongoing boss, Aira the Mad Beast.
Anomaly Name | Effect | Applied Level |
Effective Compatibility Enhancement | Type damage bonus of allies will be increased by 25%. | Higher than Lv. 100 |
Uneffective Compatibility Degrading | Incompatible type damage will be decreased by 25%. | Higher than Lv. 351 |
② Applied on Evil Soul Aira Only
- The table below will be applied to Evil Soul Aira only.
Anomaly Name | Effect | Applied Level |
Humaninty | Type of the Mad Beast is changed to Humanlike, and the type damage bonus is increased by 30%. | Higher than Lv. 401 |
Rule of The Jungle | Ally who has [Prey Detected] debuff is considered as a beast type Soul. | Higher than Lv. 451 |
ㅇ Sticker rewards will be added to the Evil Soul Subjugation ranking rewards.

6. Content
① Challenger Mode 13th Area will be added.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance
- After the maintenance of Feb 22 (Thu), difficulty and level cap will be changed on some areas of Challenger Mode.
ㅇ Level Cap Changes - After the 8th Area
Area No. | Level Cap (AS-IS) | Level Cap (TO-BE) |
8 | 215 | 208 |
9 | 231 | 220 |
10 | 247 | 232 |
11 | 263 | 244 |
12 | 279 | 256 |
ㅇ Difficulty Changes of 12th Area
- Enemies' HP multiplier of earlier part 5x → 4x
- Enemies' HP multiplier of later part 7x → 5x
② Humanlike Depth Gate stage will be added up to 25th stage.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance
- Humanlike Depth Gate needs 2 party formations.
[Clearing Rewards of Humanlike Depth Gate]
Stage | Reward |
1 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 5 + Everstone(Free) x 250 |
2 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Gold x 250,000 |
3 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Dust x 500,000 |
4 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Crystal x 1,000 |
5 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Soul's Memory: Epic x 10 |
6 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 5 + Everstone(Free) x 250 |
7 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Gold x 255,000 |
8 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Dust x 510,000 |
9 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Crystal x 1,000 |
10 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 5 + Soul's Memory: Epic x 10 |
11 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 5 + Everstone(Free) x 250 |
12 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Gold x 260,000 |
13 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Dust x 520,000 |
14 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Crystal x 1,000 |
15 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Soul's Memory: Epic x 10 |
16 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 5 + Everstone(Free) x 250 |
17 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Gold x 265,000 |
18 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Dust x 530,000 |
19 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Crystal x 1,000 |
20 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Soul's Memory: Epic x 10 |
21 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 5 + Everstone(Free) x 250 |
22 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Gold x 270,000 |
23 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Dust x 540,000 |
24 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Mana Crystal x 1,000 |
25 | Artifact Stone of Glory x 1 + Soul's Memory: Epic x 10 |
- Main Quests for the Humanlike Depth Gate will be added.
Quest Name | Reward |
Complete Humanlike Depth Gate Stage 5 | Everstone(Free) x 500 |
Complete Humanlike Depth Gate Stage 10 | Everstone(Free) x 510 |
Complete Humanlike Depth Gate Stage 15 | Everstone(Free) x 520 |
Complete Humanlike Depth Gate Stage 20 | Everstone(Free) x 530 |
Complete Humanlike Depth Gate Stage 25 | Everstone(Free) x 540 |
③ Tower of Origin for Chloe and Prim will be added.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance
- Tower of Origin is a permanently-available content, and the addition of this update is Aegis (Chloe), and Caduceus (Prim).
- Tower of Origin is available after clearing Battlefront 8-35.
→ Please check [2023.06.01 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for the further details of the content.
7. Fixes & Improvements
ㅇ Fixed an issue of Practice Room where the effects from Zodiac, Ark Enhancement, and Overclocking are not applied appropriately on the Demo Souls.
ㅇ Fixed an inappropriate fatigue display of Souls on the Part-time Job screen.
ㅇ Fixed an issue of Tasha occasionally didn't deal damage to enemies.
ㅇ Fixed an issue of Dark Knight in the Practice Room doesn't perform any attack after summoning.
ㅇ 'Winning Team' feature records the foramtions of multiple parties once when challenging the battle with multiple parties.
- All of the previous Winning Team record will be discarded.
- The new 'Winning Team' feature will be available 3 hours after clearing each stage after the maintenance.
ㅇ When using Sweep feature in Dimensional Labyrinth / Hall of Memories, there will be a pop-up asking players to save the result or not.

ㅇ Display method of Guild list will be changed.
- Guilds that didn't set 'Join Immediately' will not be listed on the list. (Searching them will be available.)
- Every Guild will be displayed randomly without regarding the Guild level, and creation date.
- The same Guild will not be displayed when refreshed.
[Cash Shop]
ㅇ Benefits of Manon Pack will be revised.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance
→ Please check [Pre-notice for Changing Monthly Sub 'Manon Pack'] for the further details of the reivision.
ㅇ Keepsake screen in Souls screen will be changed.
- There will be a notifying icon when an appropriate Artifact is available.
- Recommend feature will be added. You can check the popular Keepsake setting for the Soul on the feature. (Recorded every week)

ㅇ Auto-equip button will be improved.
- When using the auto-equip button, set Keepsakes will not be changed.
ㅇ Idle resource items will be improved to display how much resources can be gained from using them.

ㅇ Using Artifact Stone Chest during enhancing Artifacts, the amount of chest will be set to the amount of the stones required.
ㅇ Help tooltips for the required resources of Artifact Ehance / Ascend feature.

ㅇ 10 additional slots for Level-Sync feature will be added.
8. New Package Items
ㅇ Beleth Pick-Up Pack will be added.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Mar 14 (Thu) 09:00 UTC+9
Pack Name | Purchase Limit | Contains | Price |
Beleth Pick-Up Pack 1 | 2 | Everstone (Paid) x 1,250 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 15 | 25,000 KRW |
Beleth Pick-Up Pack 2 | 2 | Everstone (Paid) x 3,250 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 20 + Humanlike Soul Summon Ticket (Rare) x 15 | 65,000 KRW |
Beleth Pick-Up Pack 3 | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 5,950 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 30 + Humanlike Soul Summon Ticket (Rare) x 20 + Soul's Memory: Beleth x 60 | 119,000 KRW |
ㅇ Beleth Ascension Pack will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Mar 28 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
※ Ascension Pass will give you various opportunities to purchase various packages and rewards according to the ascension tier.
- Condition: Available on reaching Epic / Legendary+ / Eternal+ / Origin / Origin+1 / Origin+3 / Origin+5
Pack Name | Purchase Limit | Contains | Price |
Beleth Epic Ascension Pack | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 300 + Soul's Memory: Epic x 60 | 6,000 KRW |
Beleth Epic+ Ascension Pack | 3 | Everstone (Paid) x 950 + Humanlike Soul Summon Ticket (Rare) x 18 | 19,000 KRW |
Beleth Legendary+ Ascension Pack | 3 | Everstone (Paid) x 1,850 + Artifact Memory: Ark Zadkiel x 100 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 20 | 37,000 KRW |
Beleth Etenral+ Ascension Pack | 3 | Everstone (Paid) x 2,150 + Artifact Memory: Ark Zadkiel x 150 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 45 + Resource Selection Chest (12 Hours) x 10 | 43,000 KRW |
Beleth Origin Ascension Pack | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 5,950 + Soul's Memory: Beleth x 60 + Artifact Memory: Ark Zadkiel x 300 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 40 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 40 | 119,000 KRW |
Beleth Origin+1 Ascension Pack | 3 | Everstone (Paid) x 2,150 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 20 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 20 | 43,000 KRW |
Beleth Origin+3 Ascension Pack | 2 | Everstone (Paid) x 5,950 + Soul's Memory: Beleth x 60 + Pick-Up Summon Ticket x 30 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 30 + Resource Bundle(12 Hours) x 10 | 119,000 KRW |
Beleth Origin+5 Ascension Pack | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 5,950 + Artifact Memory: Ark Zadkiel x 300 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 70 + Set Keepsake Selection Chest (Eternal+) 1 + Mold Selection Chest (Origin+1) 1 | 119,000 KRW |
※ You can claim free rewards on the Ascension Pass also.
Condition | Reward |
Achieving Beleth Epic | Resource Bundle (24 Hours) x 1 |
Achieving Beleth Epic+ | Soul's Memory: Rare x 180 |
Achieving Beleth Legendary+ | Artifact Summon Ticket x 5 |
Achieving Beleth Eternal+ | Artifact Summon Ticket x 5 |
Achieving Beleth Origin | Pick-Up Summon TIcket x 10 |
Achieving Beleth Origin+1 | Enhance Circuit: Supporter x 30 |
Achieving Beleth Origin+3 | Artifact Memory: Ark Zadkiel x 150 |
Achieving Beleth Origin+5 | Enhance Circuit: Supporter x 70 |
ㅇ Depth Gate (Humanlike) Boost Pack will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance (permanent)
※ Depth Gate (Humanlike) Boost Pack is purchasable when clearing Depth Gate (Humanlike) stage 25.
※ You can purchase only one pack of three below.
Pack Name | Purchase Limit | Contains | Price |
Depth Gate (Humanlike) Boost Pack 1 | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 600 + Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 4 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 16 | 12,000 KRW |
Depth Gate (Humanlike) Boost Pack 2 | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 2,150 + Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 20 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 40 | 43,000 KRW |
Depth Gate (Humanlike) Boost Pack 3 | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 5,950 + Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 50 + Artifact Summon Ticket x 125 | 119,000 KRW |
ㅇ Tower of Origin (Chloe, Prim) Boost Pack will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance (permanent)
※ Tower of Origin Boost pack will be available when clearing 20th stage of Tower of Origin.
Pack Name | Purchase Limit | Contains | Price |
Chloe Tower of Origin Boost Pack | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 2,150 + Soul's Memory: Chloe x 60 + Artifact's Memory: Aegis x 100 + Set Artifact Stone Chest x 10 | 43,000 KRW |
Prim Tower of Origin Boost Pack | 1 | Everstone (Paid) x 2,150 + Soul's Memory: Prim x 60 + Artifact's Memory: Caduceus x 100 + Set Artifact Stone Chest x 10 | 43,000 KRW |
ㅇ Regular Pick and Mix Pack will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance (permanent)
※ Regular Pick and Mix Pack will be available in [Cash Shop → Regular Pack].
※ Regular Pick and Mix Pack is a pack that contains 1 fixed item + pick 1 item per each slot.
① Daily Special Pick and Mix Pack
Pack Name | Daily Special Pick and Mix Pack |
Purchase Limit | 1 per day |
Slot 1 (Fixed) | Evestone (Paid) x 600 |
Slot 2 (Pick 1) | Normal Summon Ticket x 5 Type Summon Ticket x 5 Soul's Memory: Rare x 300 Soul's Memory: Epic x 20 |
Slot 3 (Pick 1) | Normal Summon Ticket x 5 Type Summon Ticket x 5 Resource Selection Chest (2 Hours) x 80 Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours) x 40 Resource Bundle (2 Hours) x 20 |
Price | KRW 12,000 |
② Weekly Keepsake Pick and Mix Pack
Pack Name | Weekly Keepsake Pick and Mix Pack |
Purchase Limit | 3 per week |
Slot 1 (Fixed) | Evestone (Paid) x 1,250 |
Slot 2 (Pick 1) | Advanced Keepsake Enhance Stone x 60 Resource Selection Chest (24 Hours) x 10 Keepsake Transcension Stone x 70 |
Slot 3 (Pick 1) | Advanced Keepsake Enhance Stone x 80 Resource Selection Chest (24 Hours) x 15 Keepsake Transcension Stone x 100 |
Price | KRW 25,000 |
③ Weekly Soul Pick and Mix Pack
Pack Name | Weekly Soul Pick and Mix Pack |
Purchase Limit | 5 per week |
Slot 1 (Fixed) | Evestone (Paid) x 1,850 |
Slot 2 (Pick 1) | Normal Summon Ticket x 15 Type Summon Ticket x 15 Rare Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest x 10 Soul's Memory: Epic x 60 |
Slot 3 (Pick 1) | Normal Summon Ticket x 20 Type Summon Ticket x 20 Rare Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest x 15 Epic Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest x 1 |
Price | KRW 37,000 |
④ Monthly Level-Up Pick and Mix Pack
Pack Name | Monthly Level Up Pick and Mix Pack |
Purchase Limit | 5 per month |
Slot 1 (Fixed) | Evestone (Paid) x 2,150 |
Slot 2 (Pick 1) | Main Enhance Circuit x 50 Class Enhance Circuit x Selection Chest 80 Resource Selection Chest (12 Hours) x 30 Idle Mana Crystal (12 Hours) x 15 Artifact Stone Set Chest x 15 |
Slot 3 (Pick 1) | Main Enhance Circuit x 100 Class Enhance Circuit x Selection Chest 140 Resource Bundle (12 Hours) x 15 Artifact Stone Set Chest x 30 |
Slot 4 (Pick 1) | Artifact Memory: (Certain Artifact) (New Artifact will be available after 2 months later after the 1st banner) ※ Available range on Feb 22 : ~Artifact Memory: Balisada (~Edith) |
Price | KRW 43,000 |
- You can choose and claim a certain Soul's Artifact Memory you want to obtain in the 4th Slot of the 'Monthly Special Pick and Mix Pack'.
- The range of selectable Artifcacts will be changed every 1st day of the month.
- New Soul's Artifact Memory will be available 2 months later after the end of their Pick-Up summon event.
ex) A Soul 'Tasha', whose Pick-Up summon was finished on Feb 22, 2024 08:59:59 UTC+9 and it's Artifact's Memory
will be available on the Monthly Special Pick and Mix Pack after Apr 1, 2024.
⑤ Monthly Special Pick and Mix Pack
Pack Name | Monthly Special Pick and Mix Pack |
Purchase Limit | 2 per month |
Slot 1 (Fixed) | Evestone (Paid) x 5,950 |
Slot 2 (Pick 1) | Set Keepsake Selection Chest (Eternal+) 1 Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours) x 120 Idle Mana Dust(2 Hours) x 240 Idle Gold (2 Hours) x 240 |
Slot 3 (Pick 1) | Mold Selection Chest (Origin+1) 1 Mold Selection Chest (Origin) 2 Keepsake Transcension Stone x 300 Rare Soul Summon Ticket Selection Chest x 24 Artifact Stone Set Chest x 40 |
Slot 4 (Pick 1) | Erika's Alchemy Ticket x 25 Normal Summon Ticket x 40 Type Summon Ticket x 40 Artifact Summon Ticket x 80 |
Slot 5 (Pick 1) | Soul's Memory: (Certain Soul) (New Soul will be available 2 months later after the 1st banner) (Angel, Demon Type is unavailable) ※ Available range on Feb 22 : ~Soul's Memory: Edith |
Price | KRW 119,000 |
- You can choose and claim a Soul you want to obtain in the 5th Slot of the 'Monthly Special Pick and Mix Pack'.
- Angel and demon type Souls are unavailable in the pack above,.
- The range of selectable Souls will be changed every 1st day of the month.
- New Soul's Soul's Memory will be available 2 months later after the end of their Pick-Up summon event.
ex) A Soul 'Tasha', whose Pick-Up summon was finished on Feb 22, 2024 08:59:59 UTC+9 and it's Soul's Memory
will be available on the Monthly Special Pick and Mix Pack after Apr 1, 2024.
ㅇ Waving Forest of Monsters Pack will be available.
- Schedule: Feb 22, 2024 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Feb 29 (Thu) 07:59 UTC+9
Pack Name | Purchase Limit | Contains | Price |
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 1 | 3 | Everstone(Paid) x 300 + Mini Game Ticket x 1 | 6,000 KRW |
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 2 | 3 | Everstone(Paid) x 600 + Mini Game Ticket x 3 | 12,000 KRW |
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 3 | 3 | Everstone(Paid) x 1,250 + Mini Game Ticket x 5 + Normal Summon Ticket x 5 | 25,000 KRW |
Waving Forest of Monsters Pack 4 | 2 | Everstone(Paid) x 2,150 + Mini Game Ticket x 10 + Normal Summon Ticket x 10 | 43,000 KRW |