Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.
We would like to inform you about the details of the update on 7th December (Thu).
Please check below for further details.
※ Please note that the in-game terminologies (e.g. names, tooltips) could be different from the information displayed in the table below.
◈ 2023.12.07 (Thu) Update Details
1. Super! Labyrinth Bros.
ㅇ [Super! Labyrinth Bros.] will be available, in which you can fight against every boss from the Season Event, Guild Raid, and Evil Soul Subjugation.
- Schedule: Dec 7, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Dec 14 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
[Detailed Information of Super! Labyrinth Bros.]
ㅇ How to Join
- You can join the [Super! Labyrinth Bros.] in the event banner on the right upper of the main screen > Super! Labyrinth Bros.
- You can challenge Super! Labyrinth Bros. 3 times per day.
- You can purchase additional entrance with 300 Everstones for in maximum 5 times per day.
- Entrance count and entrance purchase limit will be reset on every 09:00 UTC+9.
ㅇ Levels
- There will be total 5 levels (difficulties), and you can give up and change the level until clearing.
- Entrance count will be consumed when clearing the level and receiving the reward by defeating all bosses.
- You have to clear the previous level to unlock the higher level.
- You can use Sweep feature in the already-cleared level.
ㅇ Used Souls
- You can select 5 Souls when entering the level, and you can't change the Souls until defeating all bosses in the level.
- In every battle, the battle situation is reset. i.e. you can use the incapacitated Soul in the next battle.
- You have to deploy Edith in the battle. If you don't have Edith, you can use the Hiring Soul feature.
ㅇ How to Play
- When you enter the level, there will be monsters and randomized gimmick chests around the field, like the Dimensional Labyrinth.
- You can obtain random treasure by defeating monsters.
- With the various random gimmicks, you can trade, obtain, and enhance the treasures.
- List of gimmick chests: Blessing of Yuria, Card Magic of Prim, Trader Manon, Enhance Treasure
ㅇ Training Point
- After clearing each level, you can obtain the Training Points.
- Using the Training Points, you can obtain buff effects which will be applied only in [Super! Labyrinth Bros.] (ATK / DEF / HP)
- Maximum level of each Training (ATK / DEF / HP) is 20.
- You can change the buff from Training Points by free-resetting.
- During the challenge you can't change the buff or obtain a new buff. i.e. you have to use the points after completing the challenge.
- You can obtain the same amount of Training Points in the battles from Everstone-paid entrance.
ㅇ Rewards
- You can obtain 'Resource Bundle (2 Hours)' from the clearing reward of each level. (Repeatable)
- Resource Bundle (2 Hours): A chest that can obtain the same amount of Battlefront loots in 2 hours - Gold, Mana Dust, and Mana Crystal.
- You can obtain 'Normal Summon Tickets' from the first-clearing reward of each level. (Limited to 1 time)
- You can obtain [Super! Labyrinth Bros.] sticker by clearing the 5th level. (Limited to 1 time)
2. Guild Raid
ㅇ Guild Raid: Dark Knight will be available.
- Schedule: Dec 7, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Dec 14 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
- Please check [2023.09.14 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)] for further information of the Dark Knight.
ㅇ Additional Guild Raid Mission will be available.
- Schedule: Dec 7, 2023 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ Dec 14 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
- Reward Claiming Period: Dec 14, 2023 (Thu) 09:00 ~ Dec 21 (Thu) 08:59 UTC+9
- The rewards will be the same as the previous event, and you can check further notices on [2023.06.22 UPDATE NOTICE (DETAIL)].
3. Fixes & Improvements
ㅇ Maximum Town level will be increased from 17 to 20.
- Rewards for reaching 18 level : Town Coin x500, Large Cafe x1, +1 Resting Slot
- Rewards for reaching 19 level : Town Coin x500, Large Library x1, Savior Statue x1 (Gives 1000 Town exp, +15 idle Gold/min, +20 Mana Dust/min)
- Rewards for reaching 20 level : Town Coin x500, Large Cathedral x1, +1 Resting Slot
ㅇ The objects without Town exp are moved to [Normal] > [Decorations] category.
ㅇ 6th, 7th floor of the Lord's Castle will be added.
ㅇ Profile Revamp
- [Savior Information] tab will be added in the profile screen.
※ In default, Profile is opened and Savior Information is private.
※ Records from Evil Soul Subjugation will be applied only after the Evil Soul Subjugation - Mad Beast on Nov 16.
※ Records from Operation Eden Alliance will be applied only after the Operation Eden Alliance - Troyca on Nov 23.
- You can hide one from [Profile] (The previous custom profile), and [Savior Information] tab.
(Other players can't select and see the hidden tab.)
- If both of [Profile] and [Savior Information] tab are opened, [Profile] tab will be displayed first.
- When creating the character, [Profile] tab is hidden in default.
ㅇ Guide button will be added in profile and profile customization screen.
ㅇ Touch reactions of Mephistopheles in The Ark screen will be improved.
ㅇ Keepsake filter will be added to Keepsake equip screen.