2023.10.12 Known Issue | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2023.10.12 Known Issue

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is Operator One - Mephistopheles, reporting in.

We'd like to inform you the following known issues currently found in-game.

We will examine the details of the identified issues and resolve them as soon as possible,

We will notify you of any additional issues that are identified through this notice.

◈ Known Issue Details

ㅇ During playing the Dimensional Labyrinth with iOS the game freezes occasionally

    ㄴ We have checked the issue and fixed it, and the fix will be released with iOS Build Update.

       We will notice further about the schedule.

ㅇ An issue that level 1 Soul is deployed when using victory formation feature

- The victory formation feature is made to automatically deploy the rarest Soul which user has.

e. g. If you have the same Soul, which is Epic+ 180 level and Epic+ 1 level, the level 1 Soul can be deployed since they have same rarity.

ㄴThe system will be improved with further update.

ㅇ An issue of BGM is not played when continuously challenging Battlefront, Guild Raid

ㅇ The way is not properly displayed while playing the [Temple of Artifacts] in Hall of Memories 

※ It is discovered as an issue of rolling repeatedly while in low frame rates.

If you confronted the issue, please [Reset Progress] and enter the dungeon again.

We apologize for your inconvenience while playing the game.

We will do our best to provide a stable and pleasant game experience for our Saviors.

Thank you.


Eversoul Operation Team

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