Greetings Saviors,
I'm Kim Cheol-Hui, Director of Eversoul. As you know, we’ve collected questions about Eversoul through official platforms all around the globe. Let’s disclose some Behind the Scenes gems about Eversoul. There are quite a few homages in our game:
"Roadmap Announcement by 15-Year-Old Director Kim Mephi"
It was originally designed for V-tuber (Virtual Youtuber) marketing purposes, but the plan fell through so Kim Mephi became a virtual host for the current event.
The format of the Roadmap announcement originated from a milestone announcement to share work with employees during the Covid-19.
We utilized face tracking technology first to film Kim Mephi at home before and the problem was she endlessly smiles because of our small eye sizes. She is supposed to deliver some serious news so smiling all the time would not be appropriate.
Thus, we decided not to use face tracking technology and used classic recording technology instead.
There are some Saviors complaining about Kim Mephi with male voice. However, Mephi has been renewed so we believe these complaints will be eased.
"The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"
Catherine's true ending is called Godznow. This is one of the OSTs from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya". It's the one where she's dressed as a bouncy castle and she's playing the guitar. I love that song so much.
I used it as the title for Katherine's true ending.
During an episode of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya there's a much-maligned episode called Endless Eight. The second part of this summer's event will be called Endless Summer.
During the Everschool event there was a big Mephistopheles called G.Mephie. That's my favorite Jinwaldam Wolhee. It's an homage to a character named G. Akiha. There are also laser rays coming out of the eyes, and I used these.
“Jacqueline E.S.S. error”
When Jacqueline enters the groggy state while stunned she was supposed to say only once “error occurred”
There was a bug where she kept saying it until the grogginess was over, multiple times.
It felt like a real error in the system so I decided to leave the bug and make her sound repetitive, like a broken bot and it worked out very well.
“Vivienne giant version - Summer Event”
Kim Chul -hee: I drew it on paint like this…
Employees asked “Are these Erika’s glasses?”
Initially Linzy was wearing a white blouse on the top left side. After being pointed out that it was too similar to another game the design has been changed.
After Linzy’s “death” during chapter 5, we thought the black color was fitting much better on her design
Its design was changed due to the similarity to the Line messenger character.
Originally, Prim was not pretty enough to be the joyful character aligned with our initial idea. It was reworked before launch.
Previously, Prim’s name was Deborah.
Initially, she was too similar to another popular character from another game, we thought about changing her design but at that time there were too many critical updates to be applied in the game as a main priority, fixing critical bugs and improving QoL changes. This left us not enough time to dedicate to a new design.
After receiving such a positive response from the community, we decided to leave it as is for now.
Launch on Xmas
The launch of the game was planned around Christmas 2022 as we also designed Xmas events along with it, which then have been postponed.
For the event we also prepared a special Xmas outfit for Dora, we can’t wait to show it to you during the next Xmas festivities.
Catherine and Dora's special Christmas Costumes will be released this Christmas, and since we have been releasing 3 Soul Costumes per event lately, we will add one more Soul with its Christmas Costume.
Xmas theme song was originally one of Talia’s theme songs, but after the launch was postponed it became a G-star PV song.
Opening scene
Originally, Yuria and Mephi were summoning the savior by pronouncing the sentence “Let our breath touches you”.
Additionally, a kiss was necessary to share enough mana for the summing.
As the game was PEGI 12+, we decided to change the scene into “holding hands” instead to share mana and summon the Savior.
Summer Outfits
Soonie’s Summer Outfit was planned to be released only via illustration first due to its development time, as it happened with Yuria’s outfit during the Everschool event.
However, it looked so good that we decided to not tease it that way to avoid causing any frustration to the players. Therefore, we decided to release it later at once, which now actually means soon…
Souls’ Updates
We plan to update the “Tap Animations” of the currently available Souls.
Most Souls’ voice acting will be reworked as well.