The Half Anniversary Celebrations continue introducing the Bonus Bingo event where plenty of amazing rewards await you!
Fancy a real challenge? The new Area 22: Cortex will provide a good one so sharpen your blades and fists to face powerful enemies!
Finally, the Eden’s Got Talent Winner will be revealed so get ready for a new Idol costume and song for the most popular Soul…
Don’t forget to check the last Artifact revisions and event bonuses too!
UPDATED: July 13, 02:00 UTC
During the event, there will be a bonus bingo event where you can earn rewards by completing daily/weekly quests and completing bingo.
You can enter the event via the event banner in the top right corner of the home screen.
Event Period: July 13 after maintenance—August 2, 23:59 UTC
Reaching Daily Quest Achievement 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100: 1 → 2 ticket per Achievement (in total 5 in a day)
Reaching Weekly Quest Achievement 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100: 5 tickets per Achievement (in total 25 in a day)
There are updates on sources to obtain Bingo Tickets.
The source for Bingo Tickets by reaching Weekly Quest Achievement progress will be removed.
The amount of Bingo Tickets by reaching Daily Quest Achievement progress will be doubled.
The total amount of Bingo Tickets you can obtain per week would change from 60 to 70 Bingo Tickets.
This change will take place to consider equity for Saviors who have already cleared some of the Weekly Quests.
The rewards are the same, but each bingo reward is located randomly for each Savior.
The rewards are the same, but each bingo reward is located randomly for each Savior.
The winners of Eden's Got Talent will be announced. You can check the winner's acceptance speech by clicking the [Check the Final Results] button on the event page.
Announcement Period: July 13 after maintenance—July 19, 23:59 UTC
The Guild Raid boss Gaia will make an appearance.
Guild Raid Period: July 13 after maintenance —July 19, 23:59 UTC
More Guild Raid Missions will be back.
Event Period: July 13 after maintenance—July 19, 23:59 UTC
Reward Claim Period: July 20 00:00—July 26 23:59 UTC
The rewards are the same as the previous Guild Raid Missions so please refer to the previous Patch Note via here.
New Battlefront Area 22: Cortex will be added.
Permanent addition from July 13 after maintenance
Dimensional Labyrinth Double Rewards
Event Period: July 12, 00:00 UTC—July 25, 23:59 UTC
During the event period, you will obtain double the rewards in Dimensional Labyrinth.
The "Dimensional Labyrinth Double Reward Event" does not apply to additional entries to the Dimensional Labyrinth using a Labyrinth Ticket.
Some Artifacts will be balanced-patched in terms of their performance in the game.
The balance patches are subject to change or deletion without notice.
Scheduled On: July 13 after maintenance
While Mephistopheles' skill combo is still powerful, it's not as easy to unleash its power as it is due to its tricky conditions compared to other Souls, so we are improving that as well as upgrading its support capability for Evil Soul Subjugation and Raids.
Cherrie is a ranger-type Soul who accumulates damage with her powerful basic attacks, but it is hard to feel the effects of her artifacts in the battle when at low levels and its effect is mainly focused on mana recovery, so we've changed the effects of her artifacts to be more in line with her types.
A debuff removal skill is added for the Beast-Healer Soul.
Velanna tends to be defeated before showing its power enough to enemies so an additional protective skill is added.
Practice mode will be available in Guild Raid content.
Practice mode will also be available during the Guild Raid Reward Claiming Period.
New packages to celebrate the new Area 22 Cortex are added.
Sale period: Permanent addition from after July 13 regular maintenance.
The Cortex Boost Pack is available for purchase upon clearing Battlefront Stage 22—25, and the Cortex Conqueror Pack is available for purchase upon clearing Battlefront Stage 22—55.
Please check the price and details of the new packages from the in-game Cash Shop.
Any revisions and updates to the patch notes will be marked as well.
Thank you Saviors, and we hope you are as excited about the upcoming update as we are!