[Event] Summer Event - Wicked Vacation!! | eversoul
eversoul Notice
[Event] Summer Event - Wicked Vacation!!

Your story with the everlasting Souls!

This is your reliable supporter CM Gaon.

Are you ready to have a vibrant summer at the beach with our Souls?

Discover the reason why Savior is enjoying his summer vacation with Souls in the Summer Event Story!

This time, you can participate in Event Raid and Event Stage at the [Summer Event - Wicked Vacation].

You can obtain various rewards by event items, so please actively take part in this event.

We sincerely hope that everyone will show a lot of interest in various events held to mark the release of Eversoul's Half-Year.

This summer! Let's having fun with Eversoul~♪

《Summer Event - Wicked Vacation!!》

◈ Event Period

- After maintenance on June 29, 2023 (Thu) ~ July 20 (Thu) 07:59 (UTC+8)

◈ Event Details

① Summer Attendance Check (Part 1)

- During the event period, we have prepared a 14-Day Attendance Event for 21 days when logging into Eversoul.

※ For Summer Attendance Check (Part 1), the rewards are daily given at 08:00 (UTC+8).

※ If the event has been activated for more than 14 days, you can use Everstone to buy the attendance.

[Summer Attendance Check (Part 1) Reward]

Day 1Everstone ×200
Day 2Everstone ×200
Day 3Everstone ×200
Day 4Everstone ×200
Day 5Everstone ×200
Day 6Everstone ×200
Day 7Normal Summon Ticket ×10
Day 8Everstone ×200
Day 9Everstone ×200
Day 10Everstone ×200
Day 11Everstone ×200
Day 12Everstone ×200
Day 13Everstone ×200
Day 14Normal Summon Ticket ×10

※ Summer Event Attendance Rewards will be distributed upon logging in within the event period.

※ Please note that the reward will be sent based on the total number of days you login during the event period.

Ex) 29 June Login - Day 1 reward / 30 June did not login / 1 July Login - Day 2 reward

※ Rewards will be unclaimable after the event ends, please make sure to claim them within the distribution period.

② Reveal Wicked Vacation!! Event Story

- Let's see what happens to Savior when he is enjoying an exciting vaccation with our Souls!

- If you want to participate in the 150% summer event, you need to complete the event story.

- After this event story, the following part of the summer event will be <Endless Summer>, so please stay tuned.

③ Event Stage: +150% Summer Vacation Fun

- You can check out the event stage at [Event Banner at the upper right corner of Main Screen > Wicked Vaccation!! +150% Summer Vacation Fun]!

- Enter the event by tapping [+150% Summer Vacation Fun] at the bottom right of the event screen.

[How To Proceed Event Stage: +150% Summer Vacation Fun]

ㅇ You can choose between these 2 stages "Play with Ayame!" and "Play with Petra!".

- Each stage has a total of 15 levels, stage 1 will open on your initial entry.

- You can challenge up to 5 times per day and have a chance to purchase 5 additional challenge using Everstone. (50/75/100/125/150)

(Free Entry is daily reset at 08:00 (UTC+8).)

ㅇ You will obtain buffs when using Ayame/Petra according to each stage in the event stage.

(Buff is daily reset at 08:00 (UTC+8).)

ㅇ In the Event Stage: +150% Summer Vacation Fun, you cannot use the hired Souls but can sweep all cleared stages.

[Event Stage: +150% Summer Vacation Fun Reward]

ㅇ Initial Clear Reward

- Clear each stage for the first time to receive reward.

- This reward will be sent only 1 time.

Clear Stage 1Everstone ×40
Clear Stage 2Everstone ×60
Clear Stage 3Everstone ×80
Clear Stage 4Everstone ×100
Clear Stage 5Everstone ×120
Clear Stage 6Everstone ×140
Clear Stage 7Everstone ×160
Clear Stage 8Everstone ×180
Clear Stage 9Everstone ×200
Clear Stage 10Everstone ×220
Clear Stage 11Mana Crystal ×300
Clear Stage 12Mana Crystal ×450
Clear Stage 13Mana Crystal ×600
Clear Stage 14Mana Crystal ×750
Clear Stage 15Mana Crystal ×900

ㅇ Stage Clear Reward

- Clear event stage to get rewards

- Receive event item [Hibiscus Blossoms] after completing "Play with Ayame!" and [Sea Glass Piece] after compelting "Play with Petra!".

Clear Stage 1Event Item ×90
Clear Stage 2Event Item ×100
Clear Stage 3Event Item ×110
Clear Stage 4Event Item ×120
Clear Stage 5Event Item ×130
Clear Stage 6Event Item ×140
Clear Stage 7Event Item ×150
Clear Stage 8Event Item ×160
Clear Stage 9Event Item ×170
Clear Stage 10Event Item ×180
Clear Stage 11Event Item ×180
+ Gold ×100,000
Clear Stage 12Event Item ×180
+ Gold ×125,000
Clear Stage 13Event Item ×180
+ Gold ×150,000
Clear Stage 14Event Item ×180
+ Gold ×175,000
Clear Stage 15Event Item ×180
+ Gold ×200,000

[Event Stage Exchange Shop - Sunset Beach Market]

- Schedule: after maintenance on June 29, 2023 (Thu) ~ Before maintenance on July 27 (Thu)

- Using event item "Hibiscus Blossoms" and "Sea Glass Piece" to get various rewards during the event period.

ㅇ Hibiscus Blossoms Shop

Item NameRequired Amount
(Hibiscus Blossoms)
Distributed AmountExchange Limit
Summer Demon (Ayame's Costume)1,00011 time
Swim Spa
(Additional 15 Gold as loot per min)
50011 time
Palm Tree Light10013 times
Rocking Chair10013 times
Soul's Memory: Ayame
3,200601 time
Advanced Artifact Stone Chest
100115 times
Advanced Artifact Stone
70320 times
Artifact Stone
40520 times
Sea Glass Piece

ㅇ Sea Glass Piece Shop

Item NameRequired Amount
(Sea Glass Piece)
Distributed AmountExchange Limit
Grave Keeper's Summer (Petra's Costume)
1,00011 time
Resort Card
(Additional 20 Gold as loot per min)
50011 time
Summer Partition
501010 times
Summer Tent
30011 time
Rattan Fruit Basket10013 times
10013 times
Parasol Table
30011 time
Canopy Bed
30011 time
Soul's Memory: Petra
2,000601 time
Idle Mana Crystal (2 Hours)
50130 times
Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)
30150 times
Idle Gold (2 Hours)
10150 times
Hibiscus Blossoms

*[Summer Demon] and [Grave Keeper's Summer] are special limited costumes for Ayame and Petra.

*Special costumes won't be available after the event period ends.

④ Event Raid - Getting Back Summer Paradise

- You can check out the Event Raid at [Event Banner on the upper right side of Main Screen > Wicked Vacation!!]!

- Enter by tapping [Getting Back Summer Paradise] on the bottom right corner of event screen.

[Event Raid - Getting Back Summer Paradise]

- You can participate Event Raid up to 3 times per day, "sweep" will be available after your first entry.

※ The previous guideline of "Sweep after participating once a day" has been adjusted.

※ If the previous high record is removed or have not been updated, we will give the compensation based on your high record.

- Number of entry will be daily reset at 08:00 (UTC+8).

- [Practice Battle] is also available, allowing you to challenge <Giant Vivienne> without consuming additional entries before the challenge.

- Hired Souls cannot be used in Event Raid.

[Event Raid - Getting Back Summer Paradise]

ㅇMax Damage Reward

- Rewards can be obtained based on the max damage achieved during the event period.

- The Max Damage Reward is offered only once when the max damage is achieved.

250,000Everstone ×300
500,000Everstone ×400
1,000,000Everstone ×500
1,500,000Everstone ×800
2,000,000Everstone ×1,000

ㅇ Battle Reward

- All rewards for achieved conditions are summed up and distributed after the battle.

Battle Participating
Vivienne's Prize Medal ×100---
Reach 500K DMG
Vivienne's Prize Medal ×20    10,000 GoldMana Dust ×15,000Mana Crystal ×15
Reach 1M DMG
Vivienne's Prize Medal ×4010,000 GoldMana Dust ×15,000 Mana Crystal ×15
Reach 1.5M DMGVivienne's Prize Medal ×6010,000 GoldMana Dust ×15,000Mana Crystal ×15
Reach 2.5M DMG
Vivienne's Prize Medal ×100    10,000 GoldMana Dust ×15,000Mana Crystal ×15
Every 1M DMG
Vivienne's Prize Medal ×1---

[Event Prize Shop - Paradise Prize Exchange]

- Schedule: after maintenance on 2023 June 29th (Thu) ~ until maintenance on July 27th (Thu)

- You can obtain various rewards randomly when using the event item 'Vivienne's Prize Medal' during the event period.

- It costs 100 Vivienne's Prize Medal for 1 time Gacha.

- You can adjust the number of exchanges through [Exchange Settings] on the top right. (10 times / 30 times / 50 times)

- If you obtain the key item this episode, you can renew it next episode.

- After Paradise Prize Exchange's 7th episode, all the products will be the same as the 7th episode except for the key item.

  ㄴThe key item for odd episode after the 7th is "Epic Soul Type Selection Chest" x 1

  ㄴThe key item for odd episode after the 7th is "Artifact Summon Ticket" x 40

"※ Please refer to notice about the rewards which can be exchanged with its rate and detailed information about Paradise Prize Exchange 

[according to the voluntary control of Korea Association of Game Industry which allow to reveal detailed rate for items which are dropped by rate (23.06.29 standard)]."

[Paradise Season Pass]

- Schedule: after maintenance on 2023 June 29th (Thu) ~ until 07:59 (UTC+8) on July 20th (Thu)

- The season pass event <Paradise Season Pass> will be opened during the event period.

- You can obtain the Paradise Season Pass points when partcipating in the prize exchange event at <Paradise Prize Exchange>.

- Pass Details: Silver Pass (Free) / Gold Pass (Opened when paying 32,000KRW)

- When the Paradise Season Pass points needed to exchange for rewards is not enough, you can purchase 500 points by using 200 Everstones.

ㅇ Silver Pass Reward Item

1Normal Summon Ticket5
2Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
3Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)2
4Soul's Memory (Rare)30
5Artifact Summon Ticket5
6Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
7Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)2
8Soul's Memory (Rare)30
9Artifact Stone10
10Normal Summon Ticket5
11Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
12Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)2
13Soul's Memory (Rare)30
14Artifact Stone10
15Artifact Summon Ticket5
16Idle Gold (2 Hours)2
17Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)2
18Soul's Memory (Rare)30
19Artifact Stone10
20Normal Summon Ticket5
21Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
22Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
23Soul's Memory (Rare)30
24Artifact Stone10
25Artifact Summon Ticket5
26Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
27Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
28Soul's Memory (Rare)30
29Artifact Stone10
30Soul's Memory (Vivienne)60
31Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
32Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
33Soul's Memory (Rare)30
34Artifact Stone10
35Artifact Summon Ticket5
36Idle Gold (2 Hours)3
37Idle Mana Dust (2 Hours)3
38Soul's Memory (Rare)30
39Artifact Stone20
40Vivienne Swimsuit Costume1

ㅇ Gold Pass Reward Item

Epic Soul Type Selection Chest1
2Idle Gold (6 hours)1
3Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
4Artifact Stone10
Normal Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 hours)1
6Idle Gold (6 hours)1
7Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
8Soul's Memory (Epic)15
9Artifact Stone10
Pick Up Summon Ticket5
11Idle Gold (6 hours)1
12Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
13Soul's Memory (Epic)15
14Artifact Stone10
Normal Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 hours)1
16Idle Gold (6 hours)1
17Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
18Soul's Memory (Epic)15
19Artifact Stone10
Pick Up Summon Ticket5
21Idle Gold (6 hours)1
22Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
23Soul's Memory (Epic)15
24Artifact Stone10
Normal Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 hours)1
26Idle Gold (6 hours)1
27Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
28Soul's Memory (Epic)15
29Artifact Stone10
Tube Rental Shop1
31Idle Gold (6 hours)1
32Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
33Soul's Memory (Epic)15
34Artifact Stone10
Pick Up Summon Ticket5
Resource Bundle (6 hours)1
36Idle Gold (6 hours)1
37Idle Mana Crystal (6 hours)1
38Soul's Memory (Epic)30
39Advanced Artifact Stone10
Vivienne's Cocktail Bar1

※ Tube Rental Shop: when placed in Town, 1,000 of development rate increases. (no other special features)

※ Vivienne's Cocktail Bar

- When placed in Town, 2,500 of development rate will increase.

- This object can only place 'Vivienne', and when Vivienne is placed, Vivienne's ATK will increase by 10%.  

(It cannot be overlapped with residential objects.)

- Place Vivienne's Cocktail Bar in the Town to carry out new part-time jobs "Make Cocktail".

We hope that our Saviors will love and support [Summer Event - Wicked Vacation!!] which will be opened for 3 weeks. 

Thank you!

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