2023.06.15 UPDATE COMPLETED NOTICE | eversoul
eversoul Notice

Your story with the everlasting Souls!
This is Operator One - Mephitopheles, reporting in.

Here is the notice about Eversoul Update details on June 15 (Thu).
Please check out the details about the update below.

◈ Update Details on June 15th (Thu)

1. Evil Soul Subjugation: Witch who destroyed the world
ㅇ The new Evil Soul Boss <Witch who destroyed the world> subjugation will be proceeded during the event period.
- Schedule: after maintenance on 2023 June 15th (Thu) ~ until 07:59 (UTC+8) on June 22nd (Thu)

ㅇ Boss Introduction
- The second Evil Soul Subjugation Boss to be revealed is <Witch who destroyed the world: Vivienne>.
- Witch who destroyed the world: Vivienne is a Fairy type.
※ You can check the Boss's skill and attack information in the [Detailed Information].
[Witch who destroyed the world: Vivienne Skill Information]


Main Skill: Destructive Storm

Lv. Detail
BasicThe Witch who destroyed the world brings a violent storm, dealing 350% ATK damage to all of her enemies and knocking them back with enormous force.
Lv. 200Deals additional 175% ATK damage.
Lv. 300Causes the Laceration debuff which deals 75% ATK damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
Lv. 400

Enemies hit by "Destructive Storm" receive the "Imminent Destruction" debuff.

"Imminent Destruction" can stack 3 times. Each stack has the following effects.

1 stack: Permanently decreases Magic Resistance by 30%.

2 stacks: Permanently decreases Speed by 20%.

3 stacks: Becomes incapacitated.


Sub Skill: Emerald Foresight

Lv. Detail
BasicThe Witch who destroyed the world gathers up a force of wind. She casts a debuff of wind pressure which explodes after 15 seconds, dealing 125% ATK damage to all her enemies.
Lv. 120Damage changes to 200% ATK.
Lv. 22030 seconds later, adds another debuff which causes an explosive wind.
Lv. 320

The debuff that explodes after 30 seconds deals damage to all enemies 3m within the target.


Sub Skill: Tarnished Wisdom

Lv. Detail
BasicThe Witch who destroyed the world absorbs Mana nearby. She deals 400% damage to all of her enemies while she absorbs Mana, and also recovers 2000  Mana.
Lv. 140Mana restored changes to 3000
Lv. 240Casts the "Corrupted Mana" debuff to all enemies for 12  seconds. The debuff deals 60% ATK damage every 2 seconds. The debuff is removed when the duration ends, or when Mana is depleted through using main skills.
Lv. 340

Corrupted Mana changes into the "Polluted Ether" debuff if it stays for 12 seconds or longer. The debuff deals 150% ATK damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds and cannot be removed.


Sub Skill: Gust of Denial

Lv. Detail
BasicThe Witch who destroyed the world casts a storm onto the furthest target for 12 seconds, dealing 150% ATK damage to enemies within 2.5m of the target and pushes them away.
Lv. 160The storm's damage changes to 225%, and enemies affected by the storm are stunned for 4 seconds.
Lv. 260Gust of Denial target changes to the enemy with the highest Mana.
Lv. 360

"Gust of Denial" targets receive the Gust Energy Cohesion debuff. If these targets receive the "Gust of Denial" during this state, "Piercing Winds" will be activated,

dealing 500% ATK damage to all enemies around the target. Targets will also receive a debuff which permanently reduces their HP recovery by 50% and will be knocked back.


Sub Skill: Storm of Doom (Unlocks at Level 201)

Lv. Detail

When the witch's HP goes below 20%, her Groggy Gauge restores completely and she charges up every ounce of her remaining powers to bring upon a storm that destroys everything in its path.

While the "Storm of Doom" is casting, all enemies receive damage that ignores invincibility effects after a certain period of time, and the storm becomes stronger and stronger. Doom awaits at the end of its duration.

Lv. 201Damage received decreases by 25% while "Storm of Doom" is being casted.
Lv. 280Casts the "Despair" debuff to all enemies every 2 seconds. The debuff decreases healing received by 5% and can stack
Lv. 380

When "Storm of Doom" begins casting, gets a barrier equal to 3% of max HP.


[Witch who destroyed the world: Vivienne Attack Tip]
① When Stun hits, the Boss will fall into Groggy.
- Certain amount of Stun is required to trigger which will provide benefit to your allies while apply debuff to the boss.
ex) mana recovery for all allies / stun the enemy for 12 seconds
② Boss is immune to certain control effects.
ex) Stun, Sleep, Silence etc.

ㅇ How to proceed & Reward
- How to proceed & Rewards/Ranking Rewards is the same as previous.
ㄴYou can check out details about [Evil Soul Subjugation] in the notice [Update Details Notice on May 25th (Thu)].
- Ranking Achievement is changed as followed.

<Witch who destroyed the world> Rank 1

Frame: Saved the Witch

<Witch who destroyed the world> Rank 2

Frame: Purified the Witch

<Witch who destroyed the world> Rank 3

Frame: Stopped the Witch

<Witch who destroyed the world> Rank 100 or higher

Frame: Leader of the Doomed World

<Witch who destroyed the world> Rank 300 or higher

Frame: Guardian of the Doomed World

<Witch who destroyed the world> Rank 1,000 or higher

Frame: Warrior of the Doomed World

<Witch who destroyed the world> Kills reach Accumulated Lv. 1000

Vivienne’s Costume <Emerald of Iniquity>
Defeat higher than Lv. 301 <Witch who destroyed the world>Vivienne’s Costume <Emerald of Exile>

[Vivienne Costume: Emerald of Iniquity]

[Vivienne Costume: Emerald of Exile]

2. Improvements & Bug Fixes
[Evil Soul Subjugation]
ㅇ The current completion time is removed from the ranking page, which instead lists the battle and party/team used.
ㅇ Made improvements so that Souls are sorted in order of ATK when forming a party/team.
ㅇ We will add the function to call up a team from practice mode when forming a team in challenge mode.
ㅇ Fixed some issues that occur when buff effects were not applied in practice mode.
ㅇ You can select Evil Soul Jacqueline theme song "ThE WoR1D EnD" at Battle BMG.

ㅇ The attendance check event has been changed from 7 days to 28 days. The reward structure has also changed.
- After obtaining the reward for Day 7 of the current attendance event, this event will be converted to the revamped attendance check event.
- If a new or returning users join an currently ongoing attendance event, the revamped attendance event will start after the end of the current attendance event.
[Attendance Reward]

1Normal Summon Ticket3
2Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
3Idle Mana Dust (6 Hours)1
5Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
6Artifact Summon Ticket5
7Normal Summon Ticket10
8Soul's Memory [Rare]120
9Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
10Idle Mana Dust (6 Hours)1
11Artifact Stone Set Chest3
12Resource Bundle (12 Hours)1
13Type Summon Ticket5
14Soul's Memory [Epic]60
15Soul's Memory [Rare]120
16Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
17Idle Mana Dust (6 Hours)1
19Idle Mana Crystal (6 Hours)1
20Normal Summon Ticket5
22Soul's Memory [Rare]120
23Idle Gold (6 Hours)1
24Idle Mana Dust (6 Hours)1
25Artifact Stone Set Chest3
26Resource Bundle (12 Hours)1
27Erika's Alchemy Ticket3
28Epic Soul Type Selection Chest1

ㅇ Send additional rewards to players who have uniterrupted attendance without absence.
[Uninterrupted Attendance Reward]

3Resource Bundle (6 Hours)1
6Resource Bundle (12 Hours)1
9Resource Bundle (24 Hours)1

ㅇ New attendance rewards for returning users are added, adaption mission event reward for the returning users has been changed.
- When you log into game after more than 14 days from the last login day, the system for the returning users will be activated.
- If the previous attendance event for returning users is still ongoing, it will not be switched to the new attendance for the returning users.
[New Attendance Reward Event for Returning Users]

Attendance DayRewardAmount
1st Attendance DayNormal Summon Ticket10
2nd Attendance DayIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
3rd Attendance DayArtifact Summon Ticket5
4th Attendance DayIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
5th Attendance DayArtifact Stone Set Chest3
6th Attendance DayIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
7th Attendance DayType Summon Ticket10

[Returner Mission Event]

Day 1Complete day 1 of Eden Returner's Boot CampNormal Summon Ticket5
Win at the Battlefront 5 timesArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Try Gate Breakthrough 1 timeIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Level Up Soul 3 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Receive Loot 1 timeIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Quick Hunt 1 timeSoul's Memory (Rare)60
Purchase 1 General Shop itemsRare Soul Type Selection Chest2
Obtain daily quest reward 3 timesSoul's Memory (Epic)30
Day 2Complete day 2 of Eden Returner's Boot CampNormal Summon Ticket5
Complete the Dimensional Labyrinth 1 timeArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Challenge Arena 5 timesIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Start Part-Time Job 5 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Receive Loot 2 timesIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Quick Hunt 2 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)120
Level Up Soul 5 timesRare Soul Type Selection Chest2
Obtain daily quest reward 5 timesSoul's Memory (Epic)30
Day 3Complete day 3 of Eden Returner's Boot CampNormal Summon Ticket10
Complete Hall of Memories 1 timeArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Try Dual Gate 1 timeIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Challenge Arena 10 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Release 10 timesIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Start Part-Time Job 10 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)120
Purchase 3 General Shop itemsRare Soul Type Selection Chest2
Obtain daily quest reward 10 timesSoul's Memory (Epic)60
Day 4Complete day 4 of Eden Returner's Boot CampNormal Summon Ticket10
Win at the Battlefront 10 timesArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Try Gate Breakthrough 3 timesIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Summon Soul 10 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Release 20 timesIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Start Part-Time Job 15 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)120
Summon Artifact 5 timesRare Soul Type Selection Chest2
Obtain weekly quest reward 3 timesKeepsake Chest (Eternal+)1
Day 5Complete day 5 of Eden Returner's Boot CampArtifact Summon Ticket10
Complete the Dimensional Labyrinth 2 timesArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Try Dual Gate 3 timesIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Ascend a Soul 2 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Challenge Arena 15 timesIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Release 30 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)120
Start Part-Time Job 20 timesRare Soul Type Selection Chest2
Summon Artifact 10 timesKeepsake Chest (Eternal+)1
Day 6Complete day 6 of Eden Returner's Boot CampArtifact Summon Ticket10
Win at the Battlefront 15 timesArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Try Gate Breakthrough 5 timesIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Ascend a Soul 5 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Challenge Arena 20 timesIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Release 40 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)120
Start Part-Time Job 25 timesRare Soul Type Selection Chest2
Upgrade Soul to EPIC+ 1 timeKeepsake Chest (Eternal+)1
Day 7Complete day 7 of Eden Returner's Boot CampPick-Up Summon Ticket10
Complete the Dimensional Labyrinth 3 timesArtifact Stone Set Chest1
Challenge Arena 25 timesIdle Gold (24 Hours)1
Try Dual Gate 5 timesIdle Mana Dust (24 Hours)1
Ascend a Soul 10 timesIdle Mana Crystal (24 Hours)1
Ascend Artifact 1 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)60
Obtain weekly quest reward 5 timesSoul's Memory (Rare)120
Upgrade Soul to EPIC+ 3 timesKeepsake Chest (Eternal+)1
Complete all mission from Day 1 ~ Day 7Final RewardEpic Soul Type Selection Chest1

ㅇ The package products for returning Saviors have been added.
- The Welcome Back Package will show up if you log into game after more than 14 days from the last login day.

TypeAvailable PurchasesDistribution Items
Welcome Back Package 11 timeEverstone x300 +
Soul's Memory (Epic) x60
+ Idle Mana Crystal (12 Hours) x5
+ Idle Mana Dust (12 Hours) x5
+ Idle Gold (12 Hours) x5
Welcome Back Package 21 timeEverstone x2,150
+ Pick Up Summon Ticket x20
+ Normal Summon Ticket x20
+ Artifact Summon Ticket x20


[Dimensional Labyrinth]
ㅇ Improved Area 1 to allow you to re-select the stage while resetting the area.
ㅇ Improved to allow you to see if the Monster used the Keepsake/Artifact/Ultimate skill while selecting the labyrinth level.

[Bug Fixes]
ㅇ Fixed an issue where Energy is deducted when relocating a building while part-time job is in progress.
ㅇ Fixed an issue when using the AoE skill, if the main target dies, the additional effects will not be applied to nearby targets.

ㅇ The battle statistics screen has been improved to show numbers over 100 million to two decimal places.
ㅇ We have also introduced a function that allows you to check the details of the Artifact Skill that Souls equipped ij the Skill Info tab of pause screen.

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