2023.05.04 Recommended Version Update Notice | eversoul
eversoul Notice
2023.05.04 Recommended Version Update Notice

Greetings Savior, we have applied a non-maintenance patch on May 4, 22:00 UTC+8 to make revisions on the content below.

As this is a recommended update, you can still play the game without having it updated to the latest version, but we recommend that you update to have the resolutions below applied.

◈ Update content 

  • Fix on Evertalk messages being received even if the bond point requirements are not fulfilled.
  • Fix on currency currently owned not being refreshed when receiving Champs Arena rewards for keeping your rank for a certain period of time.
  • Fix on Keepsakes not being enhanceable right after Keepsake Transcension.
  • Fix on the New Savior Attendance check apeparing to restart from day 1.

Rewards are being given out correctly according to the attendance schedule. 

  • Fix on contents of limited time items not being properly displayed.

Rewards are being given out correctly.

  • Fix on the issue where parts of the castle walls in Town disappear allowing you to leave the area and go outside.

The update will be conducted without maintenance, and to ensure proper and optimized gameplay, please update the app through the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Recommended Update Schedule: after 4 May, 2023 (Thu) 22:00 UTC+8



Eversoul Operation Team

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