Operator Five, Beleth. Now here to serve master!
Among the 9 Arks created in the Faust's Workshop,
the artificial Operator Soul of the 5th Ark, Zadkiel, is Beleth🫧
Born with mercy and charity to serve humanity -
Beleth has arrived!✨
- PV Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OcdH2tBbb0
👉🏻 Download : http://kko.to/FBv0B1tpvH
👉🏻 Official Cafe : https://cafe.daum.net/Eversoul
👉🏻 Official Site : https://eversoul.kakaogames.com/
#Eversoul #New Soul_Beleth #5th Arks Zadkiel's Soul
#I'll #clean up #for you🎵